"Huh? All the information stored in the humanoid machine has been deleted? Who did it?"

Higokumaru, who was always paying attention to the situation of the doll machine, was shocked because she didn't realize when the doll machine was tampered with.

"Don't panic, I made it. In order to prevent Destiny and Anti-Entropy from getting the information of Kiyana, I quietly moved a little bit, anyway, the information inside has been copied."

Lin Yu's voice came from the communicator of the three of Xilin, which gradually made them feel at ease.

"Brother, you scared me, I thought "Snake" or Tianming could break through my blockade. "

Fei Yuwan began to complain to Lin Yu, after all, she conducted a comprehensive search of the humanoid machine immediately after discovering that the highest authority authentication had failed, but found nothing.

Fortunately, this was done by Lin Yu. If it was done by Tianming or World Snake, then Fei Yuwan would probably use his "erosion power" to hack their bases.

"But there's no way for Teresa and the others to get information about Qiyana?"

Sirin wondered.

"I don't think Rita will share the information with Teresa after taking over the highest authority, so it's better not to get the destiny."

Lin Yu explained to the three through the communicator, and then specifically told Fei Yuwan:

"Xiaofei, pay more attention to the follow-up situation of the humanoid machine, you should have found those hidden things, right?"

"of course."

Just now, Fei Yuwan inspected the doll machine several times from the inside to the outside, and she knew exactly what was inside.


"Where am I...? Who are you...?"

After the humanoid machine restarted, it seemed to have forgotten everything before, including Teresa and Bronya who had just come into contact with her.

"Huh? Is she all right?"

Seeing that the humanoid machine woke up, Teresa confirmed her situation to Bronya.

"She's fine, she just deleted the information so she doesn't remember us."

Bronya explained the conclusions drawn after analyzing the situation to Teresa.

"What happened just now? Why did Rita's authentication fail? Isn't the eyeball of Gray Snake the biometric authentication that took over the highest authority?"

Teresa was a little confused about the situation at this time, and the whole person was in a state of confusion.

"Bronya also thinks this is very strange. It stands to reason that there should be nothing wrong with Gray Snake's eyeball, but the authentication failed."

Bronya was also lost in thought.

On the other side, Rita, who evacuated as soon as she found out that the authentication failed, was reporting the situation to the Catholic Bishop Otto.

"My lord, the acquisition of information failed, the humanoid machine has formatted all the information, and we have lost the information of the Herrscher of the Sky."

"The World Snake is really cunning. I didn't expect them to protect the information of the humanoid machine so strictly."

Otto thought he could easily get information about the Herrscher of the Sky, but he was tricked by the World Snake.

(Grey Snake: What does this have to do with me? I still want to know why the authentication failed?)
"Rita's mission failed, please be punished by the Bishop."

Rita believed that she was responsible for the failure of the task of obtaining the information of the Herrscher of the Sky this time, so she pleaded guilty to Otto.

"Punishment is up to you. After all, the reason for this failure is not yours. Although we have no information about the Herrscher of the Sky, she must still be in Tianqiong City. Where are you waiting for the notice?"

Otto knew that Rita had done her best in this mission, so there was no point in punishing her, but let her continue to track down the Herrscher of the Sky in Sky City.


In the night market of a commercial snack street in Tianqiong City.

"Brother, the food at that stall over there looks delicious, I want to eat that, and that..."

"This looks delicious? That one too, and that one..."

When Fei Yuwan and Xilin came to the snack street and saw the street full of all kinds of snacks, their eyes lit up immediately, and then they turned their heads and looked at Lin Yu pitifully, their intentions were self-evident.

"Go, buy what you want to eat, and don't run too far."

Looking at the "poor (greedy)" appearances of Xilin and Fei Yuwan, Lin Yu could only helplessly satisfy their two greedy desires.

"Ji Lin, is there anything you want?"

After seeing the two gluttons walking away, Lin Yu looked at Ji Lin who had been watching his surroundings.

"I don't need it, you just have to have fun."

After coming to the snack street, Ji Lin was not as energetic as Xilin and Feiyuwan. She just kept watching the bustling night market, and some scenes from a thousand years ago kept appearing in her mind.

"It's all here, let's get something to eat!"

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he signaled Ji Lin to wait on the spot for a while, and then walked to a food stall and bought two meals from the stall owner.

"Ji Lin, what do you think Tianming and World Snake want to do this time?"

After Lin Yu came back, he asked Ji Lin about the destiny and the purpose of the world snake, and handed over a portion of food, and Ji Lin took it without refusing.

"I usually just fight, and I don't know much about intelligence analysis."

Ji Lin usually obeys the command to fight, and basically does not participate in the discussion of complicated events, so she is really not good at these.

"It seems that the focus in the future has to be on dealing with the World Snake, and I don't have much information so far."

Lin Yu had already made it clear about the purpose of Tianming's arrest of the Herrscher of the Sky, but he really didn't guess much about the World Snake.In Lin Yu's opinion, the World Snake should want to use the Herrscher to conduct some secret experiments, and he has not been able to obtain relevant information about the specific research.

"Judging from the existing information in the database, the World Snake is definitely carrying out the "Stigmata Project", but I don't know the specific content of the plan and how far it has gone. I'm afraid I have to go to the World Snake Base to get it nailed it. "

The information Lin Yu got about the world snake was basically sorted out from intelligence from various parts of the world, and there was also relevant information copied from the Gray Snake database several times.

"Let's focus on Tianqiong City for now! When I have time later, I will go to the World Snake for a stroll."

Anyway, Lin Yu has absolute confidence in his strength. As long as he wants to leave, he is sure that no one in this world can stop him.

"Brother, there is movement over the doll machine."

While Lin Yu and Ji Lin were chatting, the voice of Fei Yuwan who didn t know where to eat with Xilin suddenly came from the communicator.

"Did something happen over there?"

Lin Yu really wanted to see what tricks the humanoid machine that had all its information deleted could do.

"It was Gray Snake who took advantage of the opportunity of the connection between the humanoid machine and "Hyperian" to control the "Hyperian" for an emergency landing, and it has entered a berthing state.The anti-entropy people are working hard with Bronya to regain control of "Huberian", while Teresa and Mei are leading people to meet the enemy on the deck. "

Fei Yuwan told Lin Yu the information he got from the hidden program in the humanoid machine.

"Let Xiaokai go to the deck of "Hyperian" to help clean it up, and then help him connect to the system of "Hyperian" to interfere with Gray Snake. I'll go see what he wants to do. "

Although relying on the power of erosion can easily solve the Gray Snake's invasion, Lin Yu feels that sometimes he can't rely too much on the power of the Herrscher, and occasionally needs to do it himself.

"Received, execute immediately."

The plot will be changed a lot in the future. It is estimated that apart from the incident happening in Tianqiong City, the rest has little to do with the plot of the game (ー_ー)!! PS: I am considering whether to change the development trend of "Sinner's Elegy"... ... 乛乛

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