In the "Hubrian".

At this time, Bronya is working with the anti-entropy Dr. Einstein to try to find the remaining traces of the deleted information from the humanoid machine, and try to restore it.

However, Bronya fell into the trap of the gray snake, and her thoughts were temporarily trapped in the data space.

Just when Hiyumaru was considering whether to help, something unexpected happened.In Bronya's dream, the feather of the eighth god's key "Yu Duchen" appeared, and she was relieved from the predicament to face the gray snake.

"Do me a little favor! Otherwise, I don't know how long it will take Bronya to get out."

The data space created by Gray Snake is extremely complicated. Even Bronya, as a top hacker, would need some time to crack it, so Hiyumaru decided to take a shortcut for her.

"Huh? There seems to be some interesting data here."

In the process of creating an export for Bronya, Hiyumaru found some interesting experimental records in the database, which involved something about the quantum sea.

"My brother should be very interested in these."

After creating an exit for Bronya, Hiyumaru immediately copied and packed a copy of the relevant experimental records and took it away, and even handily made a bunch of false data to Gray Snake.

"Hee hee, Gray Snake is planning on that thing? I want to see if he can use a bunch of fake data to create something."

Hiyumaru was extremely proud of his clever operation.

On the other hand, the enemies on the deck didn't need Xiao Kai's help, they were dealt with only by Mei and Tesla's mechs, and Xiao Kai just stood there and watched a "battle show".

After confirming that "Hubrian" was correct, Hiyumaru left with peace of mind, and prepared to go back and tell Lin Yu the information he had obtained.

As for Einstein and Bronya's attempt to recover information from the humanoid machine, Hiyumaru didn't care.After all, the force of erosion deletes not only the information of the mechanical part of the humanoid machine, but also the relevant information in the human brain, so if they can find some residual information, Hiyumaru will write his name upside down.

"Is this the case? It seems that things have become a little more complicated."

Judging from the information obtained by Fei Yuwan and the current information he has obtained, Lin Yu has obtained the three most critical information points:
First, Destiny has dispatched a large force to attack Haiyuan City, where Cocolia is located, in order to obtain the "Gem of Desire" stored there;
Second, the gray snake of the world snake obtained the design drawing and experimental data of a large-scale device from the anti-entropy database connected to the "Hyperion", but this matter has been interfered by Higyomaru, so don't worry about it ;
Third, Qiyana is currently somewhere in Tianqiong City, but the situation does not seem to be very good.

"Theresa and the others will probably choose to split up, so we will do the same here."

After comprehensive consideration, Lin Yu felt that it was the safest way to divide the troops into two groups. Anyway, there are still a few people in the Yuren base who have not been dispatched.

"If you go to Haiyuan City, you probably won't be able to avoid the battle, and in Tianqiong City, you will also have to face the interference of the destiny S-rank Valkyrie Rita, so you make your own choice."

Lin Yu handed over the choice of action to Fei Yuwan and the other three to decide for themselves, while he planned to contact the base and send two more people over.

After notifying the base to send someone over, Hiyumaru and the others also made a choice for the following reasons:

Since Haiyuan City involved the core of Herrscher, Hiyumaru chose to go there, while Ji Lin followed the past to guide; because Kiyana is here in Tianqiong City, even if Rita is there, Sirin also chooses to go there. Staying here, I want to try my best to help her solve the problem of Herrscher.

"Then make this decision first. Cangxuan and Danzhu will send two more people over later, and I will ask them to support you according to the situation. In addition, Haiyuan City involves the sea of ​​quantum. If there is no absolutely necessary situation, you Don't go in, the situation there is too complicated."

As a person who has entered the Quantum Sea, Lin Yu has a deep understanding of the complexity there, and it is extremely easy for ordinary people to get lost there.

"I remember I heard Xi'er's voice there, and I set up a clone to search in the Quantum Sea. I don't know what's going on with that clone now."

If it weren't for the sea of ​​quantum mentioned in this information, Lin Yu would have almost forgotten that he still has a clone looking for someone in it!


Quantum Sea, a bubble in an abandoned world.

"Ah chirp!"

Lin Yu's clone sneezed inexplicably.

"Huh? Who's talking about me??"

"Hey, hey! That strange big black snake is following us again, how should we deal with it?"

A slightly anxious voice came.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we have to take this snake slowly, after all, this guy is not a simple snake, but the embodiment of someone's power."

Lin Yu's clone has figured out its situation after fighting the big black snake many times, and it is just transformed by someone's power.The only difference from him is that the black snake will run away to find its own body to replenish energy after every fight with him, but he can't do it!

"This black snake is too rascal!"

Before Lin Yu's avatar, except for giving the Black Snake a blow when he met for the first time, he tried his best to avoid fighting the Black Snake. After all, he doesn t have much energy left.Except for a part of the power of death, there is only a little power of consciousness left to maintain the form, and all other powers are completely consumed.

And in order to reduce the consumption of power of consciousness, he was basically in Xier's consciousness space all the time, keeping the lowest energy consumption.

"If the main body doesn't come, I will disappear!"


"Ah chirp!"

Lin Yu, who had just arranged the action, also sneezed inexplicably, which made him a little confused.

"Who's talking about me?"

Cangxuan and Dan Zhu transferred Cecilia and Bella to help, and Lin Yu's arrangement was to let Bella go to Haiyuan City, and Cecilia and Sirin searched for Qiyana in Tianqiong City. Deal with the S-rank Valkyrie Rita.

At the beginning, Bella still clamored to stay in Tianqiong City with Sirin, but in the end she reluctantly agreed to go to Haiyuan City after Sirin's persuasion.

"After all, both Sirin and Cecilia have complicated relationships with Herrscher of the Sky and Kiyana, and it's better for them to solve some things by themselves."

This is the reason for Lin Yu's arrangement this time.

"Take a break! I'll take you to Haiyuan City later."

The information obtained by Fei Yuwan contains the specific coordinates of Haiyuan City, and Lin Yu can directly send Ji Lin and others there by using the space channel.In addition, it will take some time for Teresa and the others to go to Haiyuan City. Ji Lin and the others can take advantage of this time to rest and not rush there for the time being.

"I always feel that this sky city is not as simple as it looks on the surface. I don't know what is hidden in this city."

Standing on a tall building, Lin Yu fell into contemplation looking at the night scene of the brightly lit city.

Lin Yu has always believed in his feelings, maybe somewhere in this city, somewhere he can't see, there is some huge conspiracy going on quietly.

Sorry guys, it took so long to update.I have been busy with the new book "Nine Realms" before, and I have no time to update this book.In addition, I have learned the general writing method with the new book, so the plot of the next book will be accelerated. PS: If you are interested, you can check out my new book, which is ready to be put on the shelves. I don’t mind if you urge me to update this book in the comments of that book! (σ≧▽≦)σ

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