Chapter 46 End
Just when Lin Yu and his party entered the fifth floor, a black flame began to emerge around Jizo Yuhun on the throne.This is different from the previous Black Flame, its color is deeper, as if it can burn everything up.

"You guys are finally here! But let me wait!"

The black flames gathered to form a black phantom, its shape was eighty percent similar to that of Fei Yuwan.But it's only similar in appearance, the murderous aura exuded by this Feiyuwan was not suppressed at all, which made Lin Yu feel the terrifying murderous aura as soon as he entered.

"What the hell is this? The weapon has become refined?" Lin Yu pointed to Fei Yuwan, who was holding Jizo Yuhun, and asked Fei Yuwan.

"Brother Lin Yu, this is No. 12 Herrscher Feiyuwan, but its core has been made into the core of that weapon, and its power is basically exhausted now!" Feiyuwan hid behind Lin Yu's head quietly Said to Lin Yu.


After hearing Fei Yuwan's words, Lin Yu's face turned dark immediately.Has the Herrscher core been turned into a weapon?This also makes him a ghost!After working for a long time, he was busy for nothing!
"Xiao Yu, that weapon appeared after Karen sealed No.12 Herrscher's consciousness, but the aura it emits is very unknown, so it has been sealed on the fifth floor of the castle tower."

Yae Sakura was not surprised to see Jizo Yuhun, after all, she had seen it more than 500 years ago.It's just that she was sealed here together with the weapon at that time.

"Hiyumaru, stop! Hasn't your hatred disappeared after all these years?"

It has been sealed with Higoshimaru for more than 500 years. Yae Sakura knows that Higoshimaru also has a kind side, so she wants to stop Higoshimaru and let her get out of hatred like herself.

It's a pity that Yae Sakura didn't know that the kind Hiyumaru was hiding behind Lin Yu's head at this time.The Higokumaru in front of me now is the pure will of Houkai, which is the consciousness of No.12 Herrscher's body, and there is no so-called kindness at all.

"Crimson prison pill? Scarlet jade pill? Is the difference between one word like an angel and a devil?"

Looking at Feiyuwan, Lin Yu also entered a state of battle readiness.Yae Sakura also pulled out Sakura Fubuki and was ready to fight at any time.The Feiyu pill made of black flames in front of him is much stronger than the ashibo just now, and the two are not at the same level.

"Theresa, I advise you to stay away! We won't have time to take care of you when we fight!"

Lin Yu didn t look back, and after throwing a word to Teresa, he and Yae Sakura rushed towards Higoro Maru.

"Hmph! If Judas wasn't here, I would definitely beat you up!"

Although she was talking, Teresa obediently stayed away from the battlefield.She doesn't want to be cannon fodder in battle!


"Xingyu has become even more powerful!" Holding Xingyu and feeling the surging power emerging from it, Lin Yu couldn't help being surprised.

Indeed, since entering the Tenshou Pavilion, an area with a ridiculously high concentration of Houkai energy, Xingyu has been absorbing the surrounding Houkai energy autonomously and preparing to evolve the core into a true Herrscher core.Coupled with the Houkai energy contained in Ashibo, who was killed by Yae Sakura on the fourth floor, Xingyu finally evolved into a real quasi-herrscher core.


Just when Lin Yu and Yae Sakura were about to approach Higokumaru, black flames suddenly broke out, and a huge ghost warrior armor appeared behind Higokumaru.Its upper body is suspended armor, while its lower body is supported by the key of the gods, Jizo Yuhun.

The ghost samurai Jizo Yuhun just waved the blade in his hand lightly, and a terrifying sword energy rushed towards the two of them with astonishing momentum.

"It's a good time to try the newly evolved Star Language! Broken Feather!"

Facing Jizo Yuhun's sword slash, Lin Yu did not flinch in the slightest, and swung a silver-white sword aura against the pitch-black sword aura.Although the two are completely out of proportion, the air waves that collide are extremely huge.

The air wave blew up Yae Sakura's long hair on the other side, revealing her firm eyes.She looked at Jizo Yuhun, and also swung a cherry-colored sword energy.

Compared with the huge Jizo Yuhun, the sizes of Lin Yu and Yae Sakura are like elephants and mice, too small to be seen by it.

But small also has small advantages, that is, enough flexibility.And Jizo Yuhun's huge and dull body is also its biggest weakness.

Lin Yu and Yae Sakura seized the opportunity to get close to Jizo Yuhun, and sword qi and combos kept hitting Jizo Yuhun.

"Annoying mouse!"

Although Lin Yu and Yae Sakura's attacks did very limited damage to Jizo Yuhun, the continuous combo made Higoshimaru very annoyed.

Then Higokumaru ordered Jizo Yuhun to spin quickly on the spot with two knives in hand, which made Lin Yu and Yae Sakura quickly hide away.The moment the two of them left, an endless sword glow swung out from the spinning tornado.The fifth floor of the castle tower was immediately destroyed, the floor collapsed, and the beams were broken.

The raging sword light made Lin Yu and Yae Sakura keep swaying their sword energy to protect themselves, and the three were in a stalemate.

After five or six minutes, Jizo Yuhun's offensive began to weaken, but Lin Yu and Yae Sakura still couldn't break through the defensive circle formed by Jizo Yuhun to attack Higokumaru.

It’s right to think about it carefully, even after a long time of sealing, even if it lost most of its power during the period, even if it was sealed by Kallen again, it is still the strongest No. 12 Herrscher!

"A tornado? Then the eye of the wind should be the safest place!" Combining the knowledge he had learned, Lin Yu immediately deduced the weakness of Jizo Yuhun's unsolvable offensive.

"Sakura, help me attract this guy's attention!" Lin Yu gestured to Yae Sakura.

Yae Sakura didn't answer, but nodded her head to show that it was okay.Because she believed in Lin Yu's approach, there was nothing to consider.

"Suzaku stepping on the clouds!"

Using the agility that Fu Hua entrusted to him, Lin Yu quickly approached Jizo Yuhun, and was about to rush into the eye of the wind from above.

"The outcome is decided in one fell swoop! The Nine Forms of Heavenly Feather——Tianyu Zhushen!"

Without any hesitation, Lin Yu used the collapsed ruins around him to get above the tornado formed by Jizo Yuhun, and used the strongest move in the nine basic moves of Tianyu swordsmanship to rush into the eye of the wind.

But at the moment when no one was paying attention, the stigmata on Lin Yu's back sent a mysterious power to Xingyu.This force made the originally dazzling star language restrain some light, but its power increased geometrically.

"Humble mortal, this will only make you die faster!"

Feiyuwan also noticed Lin Yu who was attacking from above, and immediately a terrifying pillar of black flame rose into the sky, engulfing Lin Yu in an instant.

"Xiao Yu!!!"

Seeing Lin Yu being engulfed by the pillar of fire, Yae Sakura ran away suddenly, and the overwhelming sword energy rushed towards Jizo Yuhun.

"Hahaha! See? This is what happens when you go against God!"

Feiyuwan looked at Lin Yu who was swallowed by the flames, and laughed triumphantly.As for Yae Sakura's attack, it didn't take it to heart at all, it just controlled the black flame to block the sword qi's attack.

"So... what's going to happen?"

Just when Fei Yuwan was proud, Lin Yu's figure appeared in the black flames scattered above.Judging from his appearance, he didn't seem to have any serious injuries other than a little burn.However, Lin Yu's appearance has changed a little. His originally black pupils turned red gold at some point, and the mysterious stigmata behind him are also emitting a faint light.It seemed that the stigmata on the back saved Lin Yu's life.

"I didn't expect the stigmata behind me to wake up at this time!"

Lin Yu was also very surprised. If it hadn't been for the awakening of the stigmata behind his back just now, although Lin Yu would not have died, at least he would have been seriously injured.Feeling the weak information flow from the stigmata behind, Lin Yu understood that it hadn't fully awakened, or even barely awakened.

The reason why the stigmata protected Lin Yu behind it can be said that the host awakened himself only when he encountered a life-threatening situation.But even if he only awakened a little bit of power, Lin Yu could feel that this power was definitely many times more powerful than Cangxuan and Danzhu combined.It's right to think about it, the stigmata behind it didn't know how much Houkai energy it had absorbed and hadn't awakened.If the awakening is not as good as Cangxuan and Danzhu, it has absorbed so much Houkai energy for nothing.

"How is it possible? How can you still be alive after being affected by my erosive power?"

Feiyuwan looked at Lin Yu who was still alive, and couldn't believe it.You must know that once invaded by its erosive power, no character can escape the fate of death.And how did Lin Yu escape in front of him?

"There is no comment here! Take the move!"

At this time, Tianyu Shishen, who had not fallen before, directly hit the core of the ghost samurai Jizo Yusoul-the place where the God's Key Jizo Yuhun is located.


At the moment of being hit, the Honkai that made up the Oni Samurai could be quickly absorbed by the star language, and even the Higokumaru Kuroyan couldn't escape this catastrophe.

"Since I can't kill you with my own hands, let's die together!"

Just when Feiyuwan was about to disappear, it manipulated Jizo Yuhun to release all its power.

"No! Sakura, take Teresa out of here!" Feeling the coming terrorist attack, Lin Yu shouted to Yae Sakura.

"But..." Yae Sakura looked at Lin Yu worriedly.

"I'll be fine, let's go!"

The current situation is very critical, Lin Yu can only let Yae Sakura take Teresa to retreat first.As for whether Lin Yu himself is safe or not, only he himself knows.

Yae Sakura had no choice but to quickly evacuate from the fifth floor, pulling Teresa directly and jumping from the window.

The moment Yae Sakura left the castle tower with Teresa, there was a rumbling sound, and the castle tower was directly swallowed by a huge pillar of black flames.

"Sakura, where is Lin Yu? Why didn't Lin Yu come out with you?" Seeing that Yae Sakura brought her out but did not see Lin Yu's shadow, Teresa asked Yae Sakura in a panic.

"Xiao Yu, he...he is still in the castle tower!!"

Yae Sakura looked at the castle tower that was swallowed by the black flames, and was stunned.

After a while, the black flame dissipated, leaving only ruins.There was no sign of Herrscher, nor Lin Yu.

"Why is it happening like that!!!"

Teresa burst into tears.Since Lin Yu entered this stigmata space, he has been constantly in danger, and all these dangers are because of her.If it weren't for her, Lin Yu wouldn't be like this...


Yae Sakura also stared blankly at the ruins of the castle tower, without saying a word.

"Why are you so sad! I'm not dead yet!!!"

Just when Teresa and Yae Sakura were sad, a piece of ruins suddenly exploded, and a voice came out.

"Lin Yu (Xiao Yu)!!!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Teresa and Yae Sakura rushed over regardless of their appearance.

"Okay, okay! Didn't I say that I will be fine!" Lin Yu stroked the heads of the two of them and comforted them.When he told Yae Sakura to leave, he told her not to worry!I really don't know why the two of them are still so sad?

"Oh... really!"

Lin Yu looked at the two people hugging him speechlessly, and said nothing.Afterwards, Lin Yu closed his eyes and felt his body carefully.

"It really disappeared!"

Yes, gone!The stigmata on Lin Yu's back disappeared!I don't know if he exhausted his strength trying to save it or suffered the erosion of the black flame for him and disappeared.

But these are not important anymore, because when the stigmata disappeared, a very tiny multicolored gem quietly appeared in Lin Yu s heart.

 I was so busy today that it was nearly ten o'clock, so I delayed the update!Also please forgive me!As compensation, there will be one update and two chapters at a time this week! !Feel sorry!I'm so sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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