Chapter 47 The Return
Although the stigmata on the back disappeared, Lin Yu thought it would be good to save Teresa from this stigmata space.Anyway, Lin Yu hadn't used that stigmata before, so it didn't matter whether he had it or not.As for the tiny gem that appeared in the heart, let's wait for Novalu to recover before asking.

"Okay! The problem in this stigmata space has been solved. Teresa, we can go out now!" Lin Yu had completed the task of entering here at this time, and Yae Sakura was also rescued.

"Hmm!" Teresa smiled happily, then looked at Yae Sakura and asked Lin Yu, "Lin Yu, what will sister Yae Sakura do?"

Yae Sakura also wanted to know how Lin Yu would deal with this matter.Although most of the things this time happened because of her, it was not her original intention.

"You don't need to worry about this! You go out first! I will handle Sakura's affairs!"

The next thing is to send Yae Sakura to the Star Language Space, how could Teresa know about such a thing!
"Why? Why did you let me go first?" Teresa looked puzzled.What can't she see?
"Why ask so many questions! Just go first!" Lin Yu knocked on Teresa, and then said, "Do you know that everyone outside is going crazy. Go out and explain to them first! But there are some things There is no need to go into such detail!"

There is no need for Lin Yu to specify which ones, Teresa will understand.Nothing more than about Yae Sakura and his near death.If the matter of Yae Sakura is exposed, it is estimated that Otto, the bishop of the headquarters of the Destiny, will lose his temper.After all, it was Sakura who "abducted" Kallen away from Otto.As for his desperate work, Lin Yu mainly did not want to worry about Mei and the others outside.

"Hmph! I know what to say and what not to say! You don't need to teach me!" Theresa naturally knew what she should do.

Then you go first Lin Yu smiled at Teresa, and gave Fei Yuwan a signal.Hiyumaru understood immediately, the next moment Teresa's body lit up and disappeared into this area.

"Finally send this guy away!"

Seeing Teresa being sent away, Lin Yu sat down on the ground, feeling a lot more relaxed.

"Xiaoyu, what are you going to do next?"

Yae Sakura looked at Lin Yu who was sitting on the ground, and asked him what to do next.

"Sakura, wait a moment!"

Lin Yu stretched his right hand behind his head, took Fei Yuwan out, and said to her: "Okay! Xiaofei, it's up to you next!"

"Stop! Brother Lin Yu, I'm not a pet!" Fei Yuwan, who was picked up by Lin Yu, let out a cry of dissatisfaction.It's just that her current petite figure sounds a little inexplicably cute.

"Okay, okay! You are not a little pet" Lin Yu put Feiyuwan on his left hand, looking at her now, she feels no different from a pet!Of course, this is just Lin Yu's thoughts at the moment, he has never treated Fei Yuwan as a pet.

It's not too bad Fei Yuwan stood in Lin Yu's hands, with his hands on his hips, as if forgiving Lin Yu's rude behavior just now.

"Xiao Yu, this is..." Yae Sakura pointed at the Feiyuwan in Lin Yu's hand, a little confused.It seems that she doesn't know the identity of Fei Yuwan.

"Before I kept it hidden, I forgot to introduce it! This is the consciousness of coexistence with No.12 Herrscher, Hiyumaru! Even though she is so small, she is amazing!"

Lin Yu introduced Hiyumaru's identity to Yae Sakura.It turned out that after the real No.12 Herrscher Hikyumaru was eliminated, Hiyumaru completely controlled the stigmata space.That's why I was able to send Teresa out just now.In other words, the current Higokumaru is the No.12 Herrscher. Unlike the previous Higokumaru, Higokumaru is kind and does not have the idea of ​​Herrscher to destroy human beings.

"OK! This is the end of the introduction! Now it's time to settle the matter of you leaving here, Sakura!"

After introducing Feiyuwan, it's time for Lin Yu to solve Yae Sakura's matter.The point is how to get Yae Sakura out of here.Now that Novalu is still recovering in the star language, Lin Yu alone can't do it, but Fei Yuwan's help is needed.

With a move of Lin Yu's hand, the star language bracelet on his wrist flashed slightly, and a Taidao that looked like a work of art appeared in his hand.This Taidao is nothing but the Jizo Yuhun who appeared on the fifth floor of the Tianshou Pavilion.

When the castle tower collapsed before, Lin Yu conveniently collected the ownerless Ksitigarbha Yuhun into the star language.Although Lin Yu couldn't get the Herrscher core inside, this is one of the strongest God's keys anyway!No matter what Lin Yu said, he would never let this opportunity go.Another reason is about Hiyumaru and Yae Sakura.

If you want to go out, you have to rely on Jizo Yuhun.Now Jizo Yuhun has lost the control of Feiyuwan, so Lin Yu can let Feiyuwan control it.There is no difference between the two, after all, they are originally one, but Feiyuwan was forcibly separated by Lin Yu.

"This..." Yae Sakura looked at the Jizo Yuhun in Lin Yu's hand, not knowing what to say.

"Don't worry! Sakura! Now it is Xiaofei's home!" Lin Yu waved the Jizo Yuhun casually a few times, which made Yae Sakura feel relieved.

"Xiaofei!" Lin Yu signaled to Feiyuwan, ready to let her take over from Feiyuwan in Jizo to say?It should have become an existence similar to a sword spirit.

"Okay! Brother Lin Yu!"

After receiving the instructions, Higokumaru turned into a cherry-colored light and entered the Jizo Yuhun.Then came out again.

"How? Was it successful?" Lin Yu asked Fei Yuwan about the situation.

"Of course! This Jizo Yuhun is my 'room' now!"

In fact, as soon as Hiyumaru entered the Ksitigarborg Soul, it was very simple to gain control of the core of the Ksitigarborg Soul.Now it can be said to be the real No.12 Herrscher.

"That's good! Bring Sakura in too! We should go out!" Seeing the surrounding scenery gradually fade, Lin Yu knew that this place was about to disappear.So hurry up.

"Okay!" Fei Yuwan floated directly from Lin Yu's hand to Yae Sakura.

"!!!" This wave of operations by Fei Yuwan stunned Lin Yu.

"What the hell?How could Xiaofei fly? Lin Yu looked at Hiyumaru floating in front of Yae Sakura, constantly seeking a reasonable explanation in his brain.

"I guess it is the benefit of controlling the core of Ksitigarbha Yuhun!" Apart from this explanation, Lin Yu couldn't think of any reasonable explanation.

"Sister, relax! I will take you into the inner space of Jizo Yuhun, and let Brother Lin Yu take us out!" Feiyumaru floated in front of Yae Sakura, and told Yae Sakura that she was going to go out.

"Hmm!" Yae Sakura listened to Higyomaru's instructions and relaxed herself.

"Look at me!" Hiyumaru clapped her small hands, and groups of black flames appeared around her, and then floated towards Yae Sakura.

"I'll go! Xiao Fei! What are you going to do?" Lin Yu yelled reflexively when he saw Hei Yan.

"Brother Lin Yu, I am using the power of erosion to protect the soul of my eldest sister, otherwise I would not be able to bring it into the Ksitigarbha Yuhun!" Fei Yuwan explained to Lin Yu.

"It's okay! Kohane! I don't feel any other power from these flames!" As an outstanding swordsman, Yae Sakura can feel that these flames have no lethality.

Yae Sakura's words calmed Lin Yu down, and it was right to think about it carefully.It was Lin Yu who asked Fei Yuwan to help, so what is he still screaming about!
Then, under the control of Higokumaru, Heiyan formed a mask to protect Yae Sakura in it.

"Okay! Then brother Lin Yu, my eldest sister and I will leave first!"


After a brief farewell, Higokumaru and Yae Sakura turned into light spots and entered the Jizo Yuhun.

After Fei Yuwan and Yae Sakura had completely entered the Jizo Yuhun, Lin Yu included the Jizo Yuhun into the star language.

"It's time for me to get out of here too!"

Lin Yu's whole body lit up with light, just like Teresa did before, and then disappeared.

Consciousness blurred again, just like entering the stigmata space before.Afterwards, Lin Yu's consciousness gradually recovered.

"Little one, hurry up! Has that guy Lin Yu not responded yet?"

"Yes! Bronya, find Lin Yu quickly!"

"Bronya said that brother Lin Yu's signal was still there just now, but he couldn't find the specific location, but now brother Lin Yu's signal has completely disappeared!"

"how come……"

As soon as he regained consciousness, Lin Yu heard the anxious voices of the three of Bronya. It seemed that they were very anxious after losing contact with Bronya!

"Ahem!" Lin Yu coughed twice on purpose.

"What are you doing? Don't delay our rescue!" The voice belonged to Qiyana, and she directly replied to Lin Yu without even turning her head.

And Mei and Bronya reacted as soon as they heard the voice.Because this voice is the most familiar to them.

You finally woke up Yai hugged Lin Yu directly, which really made Lin Yu unable to react.

"It turned out that Brother Lin Yu woke up! No wonder the signal disappeared just now!" Bronya didn't show any expression, but just turned off the laptop.

"Ahhh-Lin Yu, why are you hugging my Mei Yi!" Kiyana saw Lin Yu and Mei Yi hugging together as soon as she turned her head, and she immediately exploded.He rushed over and separated the two of them, and then... Then he hugged Mei himself.

Lin Yu didn t know what to say, it was Mei who was holding him!My hands are still on the seat, how can I hug Mei?

"Is Teresa awake?"

Lin Yu tried to argue with the idiot Qiyana, otherwise it would be endless.So I turned the topic directly to Teresa.

"I just woke up too!" Teresa felt the surging power in her body, thinking that this is my power!If I had this kind of power before, I would kill that fox in minutes.

"That's good!" Lin Yu took off the Houm reality connection device above his head, stood up and moved his body.After sitting for so long, Lin Yu felt a little uncomfortable when he moved.

"Okay! Now that the dean is awake, let's celebrate!" Mei suggested.

"I have no objection!" Lin Yu was still moving his body.

"As long as there is something to eat, I have no problem!"

"Bronya also agrees!"

"Since it's for me, let's have a bitter gourd feast!" No matter what the time, Teresa's favorite is always bitter gourd.

"You think beautiful!" Everyone replied in unison.

Teresa was speechless:

"Uh... didn't you agree to celebrate for me?"

 Next, I will write two chapters of daily life, and then the Chi You chapter in the game!As for the content, I can tell you responsibly that it is absolutely wonderful and unexpected! PS: I haven't asked for recommendations and comments for a long time, so I want to ask here!Because the recommendations these days are three or four T_T, and there are comments, basically none, I feel like no one is watching! .·`(>▂<)`·.

(End of this chapter)

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