The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 48 The core of the Herrscher?

Chapter 48 The core of the Herrscher?
After Teresa woke up, she carefully performed a full-body examination in the infirmary.After confirming that it was all right, Lin Yu and the others took Teresa back to the dormitory.

Although Lin Yu and Teresa stayed in the stigmata space for a few days, it was only a few hours in reality, so it is almost noon now.

"Hey! Lin Yu, how did you deal with Yae Sakura's matter?"

On the way back, Teresa approached Lin Yu quietly, and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry! It's been dealt with!" Lin Yu just told Teresa that the matter was settled, but didn't tell her how it was solved.

"Then tell me where sister Yae Sakura is?"

"Impossible! But now Sakura has left the stigmata on your back!"

Tell Teresa that she took the Jizo Royal Soul?And Hiyumaru became the No.12 Herrscher?He also has an incomparably mysterious star language?

how is this possible?These things are very important!Once it is leaked, let's take Yae Sakura's identity as an example, snatching away the identities of the current Bishop Otto's lover and Herrscher. It is estimated that Tianming will attack with the whole army to catch her.And Fei Yuwan, she is a real Herrscher!It is estimated that the whole world will arrest her.How could Lin Yu let such a thing happen.

"Ah? Is the power of the stigmata still there?" Stigmata are rare, and powerful stigmata are even rarer.After Teresa woke up, she knew that the stigmata were still behind her, but it was not clear whether there was any power in it.

"I don't know either! Just check it yourself later!" How could Lin Yu know such a thing, and he himself lost a mysterious stigmata because he entered the stigmata space.

When Lin Yu thought of this, he thought of the gem in his chest.He could feel the terrifying power contained in the tiny gems.

"Okay then!" There was no result after asking several times, Teresa gave up.Besides, Lin Yu will naturally say it when he wants to tell her, and there is no need to ask so many questions now.

Back in the dormitory, Lin Yu and Mei spread their hands and feet, ready to make a good use of it, and make a table of delicious food to celebrate Teresa waking up.As for the bitter gourd feast that Teresa suggested before, that's impossible.However, it is still no problem to cook two dishes made of bitter gourd.

After a while, the table is filled with delicious meals.

"Huh? Where's the monitor?" Lin Yu realized that she was not there after serving the last dish on the table.

"You mean Fu Hua? She went out after receiving a mission! She won't be back today!" Ji Zi took out a bottle of wine from nowhere, poured a full glass and said.

"Don't worry about the class leader, let's eat quickly! I can't help it anymore!" Qiyana looked at the table full of delicious food, and her mouth was watering.If Mei hadn't stopped her, she probably would have started eating.


Fu Hua, who is on a mission somewhere,

"Why do I feel forgotten!"


After a full meal, everyone slumped on their chairs in satisfaction.But Ji Zi couldn't control himself, drank a few bottles of wine, and got himself drunk.As for Teresa, because the bitter gourd dishes made by Lin Yu and Mei Yi are delicious, she has already filled herself up.

"There are also times when Teresa is full?"

Lin Yu looked at Teresa who was clutching her stuffed stomach and was speechless, and said with some doubts.Since Lin Yu entered St. Freya College, he has never seen Theresa can eat enough.It's almost enough to eat every time, but it's still on par with Qiyana.Today, Teresa definitely ate as much as two Chianas. I really don't know how she ate so much for such a small person.

After resting, Lin Yu took the initiative to pack his things.Seeing this, Mei also went to help.

"It seems that everyone had a good time eating today!" Mei said to Lin Yu while packing up her things.

"If they are not happy eating, can they eat like that?" Lin Yu looked at the paralyzed people, and then at the empty rice cooker in his hand, "I guess it won't be enough to eat any more!"

You know, the rice cooker in the dormitory is extra-large, three or four times the size of the usual one.It can be eaten in this way, which shows how strong everyone's fighting power is.

"Everyone is happy that the principal can wake up safely! It's normal to eat more!"

"Yeah! It took a lot of effort to wake Teresa up!"

No one knows the hardships of saving Teresa better than Lin Yu.Just fighting the crimson fox is hard enough, after that, I have to go to the castle tower to fight the emperor-level Honkai Ashibo, and finally I have to fight the No.12 Herrscher Higokumaru and Jizo Yuhun shelf.Only Lin Yu can experience the hard work, and it is strange that other people can experience it.

"Yes! Thank you for your hard work, Lin Yu!" Mei also understood that the process of saving Teresa in the stigmata space was not easy, but since Lin Yu didn't say it, she didn't ask much.After all, Teresa was rescued, and the most important thing is that Lin Yu is fine.

"No hard work!" Looking at Mei who was smiling at him, and thinking about Teresa who was fine, Lin Yu felt that all his efforts were worthwhile.

After packing up his things, Lin Yu said to Mei Yi and went to rest.As for the class in the afternoon, please ask De Lisa for a leave of absence!Anyway, the afternoon class is Walter's class, so I just need to borrow Mei's notes to read it.If Lin Yu can't do it in the future, just go to Walter on weekends.

In Lin Yu's room,
"Is this the strongest weapon of the last era?"

As soon as he entered his room, Lin Yu took Jizo Yuhun out of the Xingyu space.

The whole body is pitch black, with golden embellishments, a high-tech hilt, and a self-forged blade after awakening the No.12 Herrscher core. This is the legendary No.12 God's Key: Jizo Yu soul.

"I can't see how powerful this weapon is! I really don't know why it is called the strongest weapon?"

"Brother Lin Yu, this is wrong!"

Just as Lin Yu was talking to himself, Fei Yuwan flew out of Jizo Yuhun by himself.

"Xiao Fei? Can you come out?" Lin Yu was a little surprised to see that Fei Yuwan could appear in reality.

"Of course! As long as I am not too far away from Jizo Yuhun, I can move freely!" Fei Yuwan flew back and forth in front of Lin Yu, looking very proud.

"Okay! Don't fly!" Lin Yu grabbed Fei Yuwan and put her in his hands.

"Brother Lin Yu, you have said several times not to treat me as a pet!" Fei Yuwan, who was grabbed by Lin Yu, looked very unhappy.But this can't be blamed on Lin Yu!With Feiyumaru's current state, it's impossible not to treat her as a pet!

"Okay! I got it!" Lin Yu let go of Fei Yuwan and let her fly around in front of him.Then he said, "Xiao Fei, how is Sakura doing now?"

"Sister Yae Sakura? She is doing well in Jizo Yuhun now, but she can't come out like me!" Fei Yuwan looked at the things in Lin Yu's room while flying.Who made Hiyumaru a person from the last era!Everything is new to her now.

"Xiao Fei, I have a question for you!"

Lin Yu remembered the multicolored gemstone that appeared in his body, and planned to ask Fei Yuwan, the current No. 12 Herrscher.

"What's the matter?" Hiyumaru picked up a comic book on the shelf and began to read it with relish.

"What would happen if a gem containing Houkai energy suddenly appeared in a person's body?"

"Gems appear in the human body? Isn't that the core of the Herrscher?" Hiyumaru himself had this experience, so he told the truth.

"Huh? The core of the Herrscher?" Lin Yu was startled, and jumped up from the bed all of a sudden, "Then didn't I become a Herrscher?"

"What? Brother Lin Yu, you became a Herrscher?"

Fei Yuwan was so frightened by Lin Yu's words that the comic books fell to the ground.

"No! Don't get excited! I'm not sure either!" Lin Yu immediately asked Fei Yuwan to calm down, after all, he hasn't figured out the situation yet.

"Brother Lin Yu, tell me carefully what's going on?" Fei Yuwan also flew to Lin Yu's side, ready to figure out what Lin Yu meant just now.

Lin Yu quickly told Fei Yuwan what happened last in the stigmata space.Including the previous things about the mysterious stigmata.

"It sounds like it is the core of the Herrscher! No, I have to check it!" After listening to Lin Yu's narration, Fei Yuwan was a little uncertain.

Then she flew to Lin Yu's hand, and began to inject a trace of Honkai energy into Lin Yu's body, preparing to check the gemstone on Lin Yu's chest.But before that trace of Houkai could get close to the gemstone, Hiyumaru lost control of it.

Hiyumaru didn't believe this evil, and tried several times, but the result was the same.Whenever the Houkai energy controlled by Hiyumaru is about to approach, it will lose control and be absorbed by that gem.

"Don't try it! The result is the same!" Fei Yuwan angrily quit!There is no way to find out the condition of the gems if this continues!
"Little Fei, do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know! I can't get close to that gem!"

Lin Yu was a little disappointed by this answer, but Lin Yu still didn't show it.

"But I can basically confirm that this gemstone is the core of the Herrscher!" Hiyumaru thought that there was no other possibility for the gemstone to be the core of the Herrscher.

"Then I won't become a Herrscher?" Lin Yu was a little scared when he thought of this.You must know that after becoming a Herrscher, your own consciousness will be suppressed by the will of the Houkai, and there is no way to control yourself.

"It stands to reason that it should be! But this gem seems to be made of the stigmata that brother Lin Yu said, so it shouldn't be a big problem!" Fei Yuwan's analysis made sense.Because the gem in Lin Yu's chest appeared when the mysterious stigmata disappeared.

"By the way, Brother Lin Yu! What is the content of the information stream you got when you used the stigmata?" Fei Yuwan remembered that Lin Yu said before that he had obtained a small stream of information from the mysterious stigmata, so he guessed That information about this gem.

"I just got two words of information: Guardian! But there should be other information!"

"Then feel that gem for a little bit, and see if you can get other information!" Hiyumaru suggested.Anyway, Lin Yu's current gem has not yet become a complete body, and Fei Yuwan is sure to suppress it.


Then Lin Yu closed his eyes, carefully feeling the gemstone in his heart.Just when his consciousness was approaching, Lin Yu got a weak stream of information, and then Lin Yu couldn't get any other information.And those two words shocked Lin Yu very much, because those two words were-final! ! !
 Guess what is the relationship between this Final Gem and Final Herrscher?By the way, the protagonist is not the Herrscher of the Last Yan, so please don't overthink it! PS: The third Herrscher will appear for the first time in the next chapter, please look forward to it! (Ask for a recommendation! Ask for a comment!)


(End of this chapter)

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