The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 49 The 3rd Herrscher?

Chapter 49 The Third Herrscher?
"what's the situation?"

Feeling the "final" message from the gem, Lin Yu was frightened.Because when it comes to Destiny, the No.14 Herrscher, the Herrscher of Destiny, will immediately come to mind, the strongest Herrscher of the last era.It is said that her Herrscher's strength is far stronger than the previous thirteen Herrschers combined.Can Lin Yu not panic?
"Brother, do you feel anything?" Fei Yuwan came to Lin Yu and asked about the situation.

"Xiao Fei, what does the end mean?" Lin Yu looked at Fei Yuwan in a panic.


Hearing this, Fei Yuwan was stunned.As a Herrscher, she knows better than anyone else what Finality represents.

"Brother, the information you got is about finality?" Fei Yuwan's voice trembled a little, obviously he was afraid of the word finality.

"That's right! Together with the information flow obtained from the stigmata before, it adds up to the ultimate guardian. What does this represent?" Recalling the information he felt in the stigmata space, Lin Yu combined the two information together Together.Of course, the combination can also be the guardian of the end, but Lin Yu always felt a little weird, so he combined it into the guardian of the end.

"That's right! There are two words of guardian!" After Lin Yu said this, Fei Yuwan suddenly remembered that there was not only the end in the message, but also guardian!If it's just the end, it can be sure that it is the core of the end, but it's different with the guardian.

"Okay! Don't worry! I have a friend who knows Herrscher very well. She has seen Herrscher the Last Yan. I will ask her after she recovers!" Lin Yu could only wait for Novalu After recovering, relying on her to solve all doubts.After all, Novalu is the only one who has seen the Herrscher of the Last Yan.

"Okay then! But brother, remember to tell me as soon as there is a situation with Baoshi!" Fei Yuwan looked at Lin Yu, and the expression on his face revealed that I would not go back if you did not agree.

"I know! Don't worry!" Lin Yu patted Fei Yuwan's small head easily.The final Gem is not complete right now, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Then Fei Yuwan returned to Jizo Yuhun, and Lin Yu also took a good rest.



Lin Yu has rested and is ready to process some ingredients for dinner.But when he opened the refrigerator, he was speechless.

The food in the refrigerator is almost eaten at noon, and there is not enough to eat at night!
"It looks like I'm going to buy some!" Lin Yu closed the refrigerator door and was about to go out to buy some ingredients and come back.

As a result, as soon as Lin Yu opened the door of the dormitory, he bumped into the three of Qiyana who came back.

"Huh? Lin Yu? What are you going to do now?" Mei felt strange seeing that Lin Yu was going out at this time.

"The consumption at noon is too high, so I have to go out and buy some!" Lin Yu said helplessly.

"It consumes a lot? What consumes a lot?" Lin Yu didn't say clearly that he was going out to buy vegetables, so Qiyana, a fool, naturally couldn't understand.

"Stupid Qiyana, brother Lin Yu means that he finished eating the ingredients at noon and is going to buy some!" Bronya understood Lin Yu's meaning all at once.

"Oh? Really? Then I'll go with you too!" Mei handed the things in her hand to Qiyana, ready to go out with Lin Yu.

Kiyana took the things that Mei handed over with a dazed expression, but didn't react.

"No! I'm going too!" By the time the idiot Qiyana reacted, Lin Yu and Mei had already left.

"Stupid Qiyana, you should finish what Teacher Walter punished you to copy! Otherwise, Teacher Jizi and Teresa won't let you go!"

After reminding Kiyana, Bronya returned to her room with her schoolbag on her back.As for what she was doing, she knew she was playing a game without guessing.

In a supermarket in the commercial street of St. Freya College, Lin Yu and Mei Yi are choosing what they need for dinner.

However, both Lin Yu and Mei knew enough about the preferences of everyone in the dormitory, so it didn't take long to buy them.

"Every time I buy things, I carry such heavy bags. If I'm alone, I just need to take them out of the star language at the door of the dormitory!"

Before Lin Yu went shopping alone, he put all the things in the Xingyu space, and took them out when he was near the dormitory, so there was no need to walk back with them.But as soon as someone is with him, Lin Yu can't easily use the star language, this is what Lin Yu promised Novalu a long time ago.Although that weight has no effect on Lin Yu now, Lin Yu always feels awkward with things in his hands.

After returning to the dormitory, Mei took the initiative to prepare dinner and asked Lin Yu to rest before helping.Of course, it is impossible for Lin Yu to rest. He has rested all afternoon, and he still needs to rest?
"dinner's ready!!!"

After preparing dinner, Lin Yu and Mei began to call everyone out for dinner.For a while, Bronya and Teresa, who were playing games in the living room, put down the game controllers, and Ji Zi, who was still asleep in the room, also woke up.As for Kiyana?Ha ha!She's been by the kitchen all the time!Every time Lin Yu and Mei Yi cooked a dish, she had to steal a few mouthfuls before giving up.

Soon, everyone came to the living room, except for Fu Hua who was still on a mission outside.

Everyone had a clear division of labor, Mei and Lin Yu served the dishes, Bronya helped serve the meals, Teresa went to the refrigerator to get her favorite bitter gourd juice, Ji Zi carried a can of beer, and Qiyana took a few cans of drinks.


The time for a meal is not long, nor is it short.Anyway, everyone had a good time eating.But the only exception is that Ji Zi is drunk again.

"Oh my god! Is there a day when Miss Ji Zi is not drunk!"

In Lin Yu's impression, apart from going out to do tasks, as long as Ji Zi eats in the dormitory, there is not a day when he is not drunk.No way, Lin Yu had to send Ji Zi back to the room.

"I'll go! Is this a room or a junk room?"

As soon as Lin Yu entered Jizi's room, Lin Yu saw snack bags and garbage all over the floor, as well as clothes placed along with it.Jizi's room is usually tidied up by Mei and Lin Yu, but no matter how neatly they tidy up the room, Jizi will beat him back to his original shape within 24 hours.

"I'm really convinced!"

Lin Yu put Jizi on the bed, covered the quilt, and started tidying up the "garbage house".Take the broom to clean up the garbage on the ground and tidy up the messy clothes. The whole process is very smooth.After all, this is not the first time it has been done!
After Lin Yu came out of Jizi's room, he found that only Mei was in the living room.

"What about the rest?"

"After taking a rest, wash up and go back to the room!"

Lin Yu is also speechless!These guys just ate and slept, and ate and ate after sleeping. If this continues, they may be raised by Lin Yu and Mei Yi to some kind of animal, right?

In the kitchen, there was the sound of running water and the clink of dishes.This is Lin Yu and Mei Yi washing dishes!

"Mei, let's find time to go out and do missions this weekend! I want to see how these guys would be without the two of us?"

"Ah? Why?" Mei, who was washing the dishes, was taken aback when she heard Lin Yu's progress. She didn't know why Lin Yu did this.

"Just want to see how they would live without us cooking!" Lin Yu spread his hands, he didn't mean anything else, he just wanted to see everyone's reaction.

"Then you are really wicked!" Mei couldn't help laughing when she thought of the lives of these people after they left her and Lin Yu to cook.Because she couldn't imagine what dishes everyone would eat after she and Lin Yu left.

"Okay! I'm just talking casually! Don't take it seriously!" Lin Yu was just joking, he didn't intend to do it.What's more, he is very satisfied with his current life, and there is no need to disrupt the rhythm at all.

After the end, Lin Yu and Mei Yi temporarily sat on the sofa watching TV and chatting.

"Lin Yu, have you experienced a lot in the stigmata space today?" Mei still didn't hold back, and asked Lin Yu what happened in the stigmata space.

"It's just a trivial matter! Didn't you see that Teresa and I are fine!" Lin Yu didn't want to worry Mei, so he didn't tell the details of what happened in the stigmata space, but just talked about it casually. As for Feiyu The matter between Maru and Yae Sakura was also taken over by Lin Yu very simply.

Is it so dangerous in the stigmata space Even though Lin Yu simplified the whole process countless times, Yai still felt very thrilling.

"Don't worry! If I don't continue to become stronger, how can I protect you? I don't want the tragedy of Changkong City to happen again!"

Lin Yu rubbed Mei's long hair while talking, and he didn't stop until Mei stopped him.

"Hmph! Don't underestimate us, we will protect you after we become Valkyries!"

Although it feels good to be protected, Mei doesn't want to live under the protection of others all the time.She also wants to have the power to protect others.

Then before you have the power to protect me, let me protect you Lin Yu was a little moved after hearing Mei Yi's words, and couldn't help pinching Mei Yi's little face.

"Don't treat me like a child!"

In this way, the two chatted a lot, and they both fell asleep at some point.

"Hmm! Why did I fall asleep?"

Lin Yu who woke up suddenly was about to get up, and found that Mei was falling asleep leaning on his shoulder.

"Really! I fell asleep!" Lin Yu smiled helplessly at himself, and then prepared to send Mei back to her room.


Just when Lin Yu was about to hug Meiyi, her eyes suddenly opened, revealing the eyes that were not purple, and there were traces of lightning flashing around.More importantly, Mei's aura is very strong now!

Mei, what's the matter with you Seeing the change in Mei, Lin Yu couldn't help asking.

"Oh? Are you the Lin Yu that the coward often mentions?" At this time'Mei' looked at Lin Yu with those purple eyes, his eyes were very cold.

"No? You're not Mei? Who are you?"

From the words and eyes of'Mei', Lin Yu immediately determined that although the person looking at him was Mei before, he is definitely not now.Because Mei doesn't have that kind of strong aura.

To Lin Yu's question, 'Mea Yi' also answered.It's just that her answer made Lin Yu's scalp tingle.

"Didn't that short man tell you that this coward is the Third Herrscher?"

(End of this chapter)

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