The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 50 Stigma's New Ability

Chapter 50 Stigma's New Ability
"The lawyer?"

Lin Yu no longer knew how to complain about it!He found that since he survived the third collapse by chance, he has been meeting the existence of Herrscher several times.

The herrscher who manipulates plants at Qianyu College in Changkong City, Novalu, the herrscher of the sky several epochs ago in the star language space, Yae Sakura is also a herrscher, and the No.12 herrscher of the former civilization era, Fei Prison pill.Fortunately, a third herrscher appeared again, and it was Mei's herrscher consciousness!
"Oh? You don't seem very surprised to hear that coward is the Third Herrscher?"

The'Meayi' in front of Lin Yu no longer had the original gentle temperament at this moment, but was replaced by an extremely domineering queenly aura.

"Hehe! I've seen several Herrschers so far, can I be surprised by one more?"

Lin Yu didn't feel the powerful aura of the Third Herrscher?That was impossible, he was just pretending to be calm.In fact, Lin Yu was already panicking in his heart. After all, this Herrscher is not the Herrscher with ten strengths like Fei Yuwan, but an existence that can burst out with full combat power at any time!However, Lin Yu was not worried about what she would do, because his intuition told him that if the Third Herrscher wanted to destroy this place, he would do it, so why bother dawdling.

"Oh? Human, do you know Herrscher very well?"

The Third Herrscher raised Lin Yu's chin domineeringly, and said jokingly.

Lin Yu avoided the third Herrscher's provocation calmly, and asked with a serious face: "What do you mean by dominating your consciousness now? Lord Herrscher?"

The Herrscher must have two consciousnesses, one is the ontology consciousness belonging to human beings, and the other is the Herrscher consciousness produced after being invaded by Houkai.Now Mei's body is dominated by Herrscher's consciousness.

"It's not interesting! I just came out to get some air!" Seeing that Lin Yu avoided him, the third herrscher had to tell the truth.His astonishing aura gradually disappeared, and his voice was no longer so tough.

In fact, the current Third Herrscher doesn't have much combat power.Of course, if she wanted to release the Herrscher's power, then she would face self-destruction.Because as early as when Mei was taken back to St. Freya Academy, Teresa, Himeko and the others already knew that she was the Third Herrscher.And all the situation was also reported to the Tianming headquarters. Originally, the headquarters planned to get rid of the Third Herrscher.But under Teresa's strong protest, the bishop at the headquarters compromised.The final peaceful solution is to plant a miniature bomb in Mei's heart. Once it is detected that Mei's own Honkai Beast energy strength is close to Herrscher level, the countdown of the safety device will be automatically activated.Unless the strength drops, the bomb will explode after the countdown ends.But Lin Yu didn t know about these.

"Uh... shouldn't the Herrscher be shouting everywhere to destroy human beings? Why is it like this!"

Lin Yu showed from the knowledge he learned in history class that Herrschers all aim to destroy human beings as their first goal.But what about the Third Herrscher in front of him?Just sitting on the sofa and watching TV with great interest, and taking a few bags of snacks from the coffee table from time to time to eat.This is different from what you learn in books!

"Does Lord Herrscher want to drink anything?" Lin Yu came to the refrigerator and got himself a bottle of Coke, and asked the third Herrscher.

“Juice is good!”

Lin Yu rummaged through the refrigerator, found a can of juice, and threw it to the Third Herrscher who was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

In the following period of time, Lin Yu sat on the sofa with the Third Herrscher watching TV, but the two sat on both sides of the sofa, a little distance away.

Lin Yu was afraid that the third Herrscher would go out to do something, otherwise he would have gone back to his room to sleep.

"What the hell did this Third Herrscher go through?"

Lin Yu looked at the third herrscher next to him watching TV with gusto, and drinking juice while eating snacks.

"The Third Lawrence?Isn't that what caused the collapse of Changkong City?Later, although after investigation, it was found that the collapse was artificially caused by the so-called anti-entropy, but I didn't find out that the Herrscher who was born was Mei?So what happened before I met Kiyana and the others? 』

Lin Yu sat on the sofa and kept thinking about all the information about the Third Herrscher, trying to find useful information from it.In the end, all he found was what he had found before, and there was no useful information.

"Ah~ Human, I'm sleepy! I'll go back first!" After the third Herrscher cleared away the snacks and juice in his hand, he patted Lin Yu's head domineeringly, closed his eyes, and fell asleep .

"Hehe! This is the Third Herrscher? Why do I feel no different from that idiot Qiyana?"

Looking at Mei who was sleeping soundly, Lin Yu thought that it should be Mei's body consciousness after waking up.

"I'm still a little worried!"

Although Lin Yu roughly understood that the Third Herrscher had no urge to destroy human beings for the time being, it was scary to appear suddenly, okay?

"It's better to be an insurance policy!"

Lin Yu directly summoned the Ksitigarbha Yuhun, urged a trace of erosive power into his fingertips, and then drew a mysterious rune on Mei's forehead.After the rune was drawn, it automatically disappeared on Mei's forehead without leaving any trace.

This rune is one of the abilities brought by Lin Yu's Cangxuan Stigmata.As Cangxuan and Danzhu St. Mark absorbed more Honkai energy, their awakening degree was close to the complete form, and their untapped abilities were gradually stimulated.

The rune just now is Cangxuan Stigmata's new ability - sealing technique.Its effect is very simple, it is to protect the consciousness of the host and suppress the invasion of other external consciousness.In other words, as long as Mei's body consciousness is clear, then Herrscher's consciousness will not easily dominate.After all, this rune was drawn by the core power of No.12 Herrscher.And even if the Herrscher's consciousness broke through the runes, Lin Yu would know immediately.

"The new ability of Cangxuan Saint Mark is really easy to use this time! But the new ability of Danzhu Saint Mark is very embarrassing!"

Not long after he came out of the stigmata space, Lin Yu knew the changes of Cangxuan and Danzhu stigmata. He was very satisfied with the new ability of Cangxuan stigma Speechless.Because Lin Yu thought that ability was strange and felt that it was not very useful, so he didn't use it under normal circumstances.

"I really don't know what kind of person Danzhu was before she was alive. Her stigmata can bring such abilities."

Generally speaking, most of the abilities of the stigmata are inherited from the abilities of the original owner during his lifetime.So Lin Yu was very curious about Danzhu's life experience.

But curiosity is curiosity, let's clean up the pile of garbage made by the Third Herrscher now.Lin Yu guessed that if the Third Herrscher could appear alone as a human being, he would definitely become friends with Kiana and Bronya.Who made their hobbies so strikingly similar!

After spending a while cleaning up the garbage made by the Third Herrscher, Lin Yu looked at Mei who was sleeping on the sofa.Forget it, let's send Mei back to her room!

Gently picked up Mei, without disturbing her, and sent her back to her room.

"I can finally sleep!"

Lin Yu returned to his room, turned off the light, and fell asleep happily.

After Lin Yu fell asleep, the gemstone in his heart began to absorb the surrounding Houkai energy autonomously.What is even more incredible is that the stigmata that had disappeared behind Lin Yu reappeared after the gem appeared, but the pattern of the stigmata was not complete.


In the early morning, Lin Yu had already started practicing outside early.

I don't know if it was Lin Yu's illusion, but he felt that his physical fitness seemed to have improved again.Because now he can practice Cunxin Fist, Luoying Swordsmanship and Tianyu Nine Styles in one go.Normally, he can only practice one item, and he has to take a rest before practicing the next one.

"Would it be the credit of that mysterious stigmata?"

Lin Yu's physical fitness improved significantly for the first time because of the awakening of Cang Xuan and Danzhu St. Mark.And now that his physical fitness has improved again, it must be inseparable from the stigmata. However, all Lin Yu can think of is the mysterious stigmata that disappeared because of protecting himself just after awakening.

"Forget it! Never mind! Anyway, the physical fitness will continue to improve with the daily exercise and strengthening of the stigmata!"

Anyway, Lin Yu now thinks that he only has two stigmata, and he is still close to fully awakened.These are enough, Lin Yu believes that improving his fighting skills is the most important thing.What's more, now that Xingyu has a complete quasi-herrscher core, and the No. 12 God's Key Jizo Yuhun, Lin Yu thinks that he can beat ten of himself when he first entered school.

"But I still haven't got the real Herrscher core!"

Now what Lin Yu needs most is the core of the Herrscher, and he doesn't need anything else.Because there are still three consciousness bodies to recover in the astrology space!
Among the three, Novalu was the most sober, but after the battle in the stigmata space, she was exhausted and had never contacted Lin Yu.And Kallen's consciousness is even more incomplete, even if it is integrated with those in the stigmata space, the situation is only a little better. Just considering the current weapon core to cultivate, I don't know when it will wait!There is also Yae Rin, her consciousness is better than Kallen, but it will take a lot of time to recover at the current speed!

"Maybe you can ask, see if you can release some of the Houkai of Jizo Yuhun into the Xingyu space!" Lin Yu suddenly had an idea, and he couldn't wait to verify it.

Then Lin Yu took out Jizo Yuhun, and then called Feiyuwan out.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Hiyumaru was still chatting with Yae Sakura just now, and came out when Lin Yu called her.

"Little Fei, let me ask you something!"

 Can you guess if the protagonist's conjecture can be realized?After today's update ends, we will officially enter the Chiyou chapter!You can guess what happened and see how many you can guess correctly! PS: Don't forget that there are two chapters today, and they will be posted soon! (Compensation updates will be delayed, you know!)
(End of this chapter)

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