Chapter 51 Recovery
"What's the matter?" Fei Yuwan flew to sit on Lin Yu's shoulder, and asked.

"It's about astrology!" Lin Yu lit the astrology bracelet on his right hand and signaled to Fei Yuwan.

Of course Fei Yuwan knew what Lin Yu meant, who let her invade Lin Yu's memory when she was in the stigmata space.So she knows everything about Lin Yu, including Xingyu, Novalu and holding stigmata.

"Brother, do you want to speed up the recovery of those consciousnesses in the astronomical space?"

"Yes! But now the core level of Xingyu is average, there is no way to restore the three consciousnesses!" Lin Yu is also helpless!

"Why worry? I have already let Jizo Yuhun release the Houkai energy in the Xingyu space! Now the core of Xingyu is infinitely close to the real Herrscher core!" Fei Yuwan sat on Lin Yu's shoulder proudly smile.

Facing Fei Yuwan's answer, Lin Yu no longer knew what to say.Dare he be worrying for nothing!
"Xiao Fei, when did you make it? Why didn't you tell me!"

"After I get out of the stigmata space, I'll do it! And I can also enter the space of astrology! It's just that the scope of activities is not large!"

All right!Lin Yu has been completely convinced!So what is he worried about?Hiyumaru has already done everything!

"Please tell me next time you do this kind of thing! It made me worry for so long!" Lin Yu stretched out his finger and nodded Fei Yuwan's small head.

"Brother who told you to rest all the time!" Fei Yuwan pushed Lin Yu's finger away with her small hand.Fei Yuwan was right. After Lin Yu came out of the stigmata space, she had no time to talk about anything but rest.

"Okay! I got it! Help me pay attention to the situation in the astrology space when I am in the astronomy space."

"no problem!"

Then Fei Yuwan returned to Jizo Yuhun, and Lin Yu also returned to the dormitory after exercising.


In the dormitory, Mei has already prepared breakfast, and everyone else is almost up.As for Fu Hua, he is still on mission outside, and he probably will come back today.

"All of you, pay attention to me. After a while, it will be your first final exam at St. Freya College. Work harder, the first grade is very important!"

As soon as Lin Yu came back, he heard Teresa lecturing. It was nothing more than another exam, but this time the exam was more important.But this lecture is indifferent to Lin Yu, Mei and Bronya, because their results are very stable and have remained in the top five.So Teresa's remarks were basically aimed at Qiyana.

Since the beginning of school, there have been three or four exams, and Qiyana has not failed a single one.One of them all died, Teresa really took Judas to smash Qiyana.This made Lin Yu and the others very speechless. Qiyana had a bad mind at first, and after such a blow, it might be even worse.

The most difficult time for Kiyana is after each exam, because she has to make up the exam.This will trouble Lin Yu and the others again, but Lin Yu and the others can't help Qiyana, at most they will take Qiyana with them when reviewing together.As for whether you can review anything, it still depends on Qiyana herself.


After breakfast, several people went to the teaching building together as usual.After waiting for the classroom, Lin Yu took the initiative to operate the stigmata refining Houkai power.And now Lin Yu has another task, which is to compress the Honkai energy in the gemstone in his body.

Although it is not clear whether this gem is the core of Herrscher, Lin Yu is relieved that after many attempts, he has been able to control the gem.Lin Yu could feel the Honkai energy contained in the gemstone, and he could finally use it a little bit.But it's just a trace, and Lin Yu won't be able to control it if it's a little bit more.It's just because the power in the gem is so terrifying that Lin Yu can't control it too much.

When it was time for class, Lin Yu was still busy with his own affairs.Jizi and Mr. Walter didn't care about him either.Because there are two people in the classroom who don't listen to the class, all the teachers ignore them.One is Lin Yu. The reason why the teacher ignored him was that he had learned the content of the class a long time ago, and he even took care of what he needed to learn, so the teachers thought that Lin Yu could do whatever he wanted as long as it didn't affect the class; Qiyana, her situation is completely opposite to that of Lin Yu, because she can't learn what the teacher taught, so that no one cares about her anymore, making her treated the same as Lin Yu, as long as it does not affect the class.

The morning class ended soon, and Lin Yu also tried to contact Novalu when he was about to take a nap after lunch, but he did not expect it to be successful.

"What can I do for you?" Nuovalu's voice seemed a little weak, but compared to the way she was in the stigmata space, she felt much better.

I was just worried about you, and asked about the situation Lin Yu was of course worried about Nova Lu, and she consumed so much energy because of saving him.

Novalu in the Star Language Space blushed immediately when he heard that Lin Yu was worried about him.What do you mean by looking for her as soon as you recovered and saying you were worried about yourself?

"I'm fine! Most of the consumed power has been restored, thanks to the upgrade of Star Language!"

"By the way, Lulu! Did you meet a little guy inside?" Lin Yu remembered that Fei Yuwan said in the morning that she could also move within a certain range in the star language space.

"Little guy? I didn't meet you! There is a girl here!"

In fact, the girl Novalu mentioned was Hiyumaru.Feiyuwan has always appeared as a girl in the star language, but it only becomes so small in order to reduce energy consumption when going out.

It's her Lin Yu patted his forehead, he almost forgot who let him only see Fei Yuwan's girl in the stigmata space.

"I still have to thank her! If it weren't for the Houkai energy emitted by the sword she brought, I guess I haven't recovered yet!"

"Then you have to have a good chat with her! After all, if there are people in the star language space, you won't look lonely."

Now Lin Yu doesn't have to worry about Novalu being bored alone in the star language space. With Fei Yuwan's company, she doesn't believe that Novalu will be bored.

"By the way! Hiyumaru mentioned before, what happened to the Herrscher core appearing on you?" Novalu suddenly remembered that he had mentioned that gems appeared on Lin Yu when he was chatting with Feiyuwan.

Then Lin Yu told Novalu what happened after the stigmata space.Novalu also probably understood the situation.

"So the gem on your chest is made of stigmata? How strange, I haven't seen any stigmata that can become the core of a Herrscher!"

Novalu also had no clue about this matter, but unlike Fei Yuwan, she was sure that the gem on Lin Yu's body was the core of the Herrscher.Noir was surprised that there was no Herrscher Consciousness wanting to take the lead. You must know that fighting against the Herrscher Consciousness is a very difficult process.What's more, the more advanced the core of the Herrscher, the more powerful the Herrscher's consciousness contained in it, that is to say, the chance of retaining the consciousness as a human being is smaller.

However, Lin Yu can live such a normal life with the core of the Herrscher on his body, which makes Novalu really incomprehensible.After much deliberation, the only explanation is that the mysterious stigmata was originally controlled by Lin Yu, so the gems transformed by it are naturally also controlled by Lin Yu.

"Lin Yu, have you ever tried what the power in gemstones is like?" Novalu asked.As a Herrscher, each has its own unique power, just like the original Novalu can control the space, and Hiyumaru can use the power of erosion.

"The gem gives me the feeling that it has not yet formed, so there is no way to determine what attribute the power is!" As far as Lin Yu learned about the power, it enhances the power of the skill, but the power of the Herrscher is more powerful than the usual Honkai ability, isn't it? Is it normal?So Lin Yu didn't know what the power attribute contained in his core was.

"Not formed? Then you can collect the Houkai energy slowly! I think it will take a long time to fill up a Herrscher core!"

There are too many things on Lin Yu that need to absorb energy.Two stigmata, two weapons and one Herrscher core, it can be said that this is a bottomless pit.

"It looks like I need to find more tasks to go out during the summer vacation! Otherwise, the energy is simply not enough!"

The Honkai energy collected in more than a dozen missions in the past few months has only awakened part of the two stigmata again, and the star language has evolved to a level close to the core of the Herrscher.The results of it!Going to rescue Teresa once will gain far more than going out on missions in those few months.This really made Lin Yu feel depressed.

"You are stupid! You can ask Hiyumaru to help you! Now she is the No.12 Herrscher. As of now, she can call you any information you want!" Nuova Lu reminded Lin Yu .

The power of erosion mastered by the Herrscher of Corrosion is an ultimate virus capable of self-evolution.Hiyumaru can use Honkai to turn it into a physical virus or a virtual virus.It can be said that as long as there is a data record, there is no Higokumaru that can't find it.Because in the world of data, Higokumaru is the king.

"I really want to! But Jizo Yuhun consumes too much power, and I can't use the core power of the Herrscher for the time being! At present, the maximum use of the erosion flame is the limit!"

joke!The core of erosion has been sealed for more than 5 years, and the power has been lost.After Kalian's second seal and Lin Yu's beating, it is estimated that there is not much power left.And now they are still helping Nuovalu and the others to recover, there is really no way!
"Then you just wait slowly! I wish you to collect more Houkai energy soon!" Then Nuovalu cut off the communication with Lin Yu, after all, it consumes a lot of energy.

"Heaven! Give me a mission to collect a lot of Honkai energy during the summer vacation!"

Lin Yu prayed to the sky, but he didn't know if God would pay attention to him.

 Chapter 2 here!Ladies and gentlemen, it has been confirmed that the protagonist has indeed become a Herrscher!However, the attributes of Herrscher's power haven't been determined yet. You can post your own suggestions, and I'll see if there are any suggestions that can be adopted! PS: The ratio of votes today is 9:35! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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