The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 55 Ji Zi Controlled by Xuanyuan Sword

Chapter 55 Ji Zi Controlled by Xuanyuan Sword

"Squad leader, what is written on this stele?"

Although Lin Yu had discovered this stele a long time ago, no matter how he looked at it, he still couldn't understand what was written on it!After all, that is the "ghost painting talisman" text written more than 5000 years ago!So Lin Yu called Fu Hua immediately.

"I have a little understanding of the ancient Chinese characters, let me have a look!" Fu Hua came to the stone tablet, looked at the words on it, and began to interpret it seriously.

"They are also from China, so why is there such a big gap!" Ji Zi was very satisfied with Fu Hua's performance, because Fu Hua was always the most reliable.It's just that she looked at Lin Yu with disgust!

"Can this be my fault? I'm not involved in this field at all!" Lin Yu noticed Ji Zi's strange eyes, and immediately explained to himself.

Ji Zi shook his head helplessly and said nothing.After all, Lin Yu was just an ordinary person half a year ago, and he hadn't touched this kind of information at all.Thinking of these, Ji Zi didn't care about those anymore.

Fu Hua carefully read the information on the stone tablet, and did not speak immediately, but carefully integrated the information he got.It wasn't until Fu Hua sorted out the information that he explained it to others.

The information on the stele is a record, mainly saying that Lian Shan, the leader of the Shenzhou tribe, recorded the disappearance of Ji Xuanyuan and Chi You after the battle.One year after Ji Xuanyuan disappeared, Lian Shan went through hardships to find the place where Ji Xuanyuan and Chi You fought, but there were no other traces except the traces left by the battle.Neither Ji Xuanyuan's body nor her sword was found, so Lian Shan erected this stele here to record these events, hoping that future generations can remember this history so that it will not be forgotten by the long river of history .

"Even the people at that time couldn't find Ji Xuanyuan's body? Then wouldn't it be even more difficult for us to find it!" Qiyana expressed her feelings unceremoniously.

After Lin Yu finished listening, he looked at Ji Zi.Obviously, Ji Zi was very disappointed. He thought he could get an original stigmata, but in the end he returned without hope.

"Lulu, spread the perception to the maximum! Look at the places worth noting within the scope of the investigation!" Lin Yu can roughly confirm that this is where Jiuyou is, which means that there may be a lot of useful things here s things.

"Oh! I'll try!"

In the star language space, Novalu is discussing the Yae Sakura with Hiyumaru!But this little matter would not take much time for Nuova, so she agreed.

After some perception, Novalu only noticed a high-concentration Honkai energy reaction on the rightmost path.

"It looks like there should be something there?"

Only one of the three trails responds, so there must be something different there.So Lin Yu planned to take the three of them into that trail.

After walking for a long time, the four finally came to the end of the path.But there is nothing here!They are faced with another choice of three trails.

"Strange! I clearly feel that there is a reaction here!" Nuo Valu didn't understand what was going on for a while. As a former Second Herrscher, her perception is very strong.Even if Lin Yu's perception was used this time, he wouldn't make such a mistake!
"It seems that we have fallen into the Jiugong Bagua formation!" Fu Hua seemed to be aware of the situation they were facing.

"Jiugong Bagua? Isn't that a kind of Qimen Dunjia technique in ancient China?" Lin Yu carefully checked the ancient materials of Shenzhou when he came, and Jiugong Bagua was mentioned above.

"Is this Jiugong Bagua formation troublesome?" Ji Zi was worried that this formation would trap them here.

"This is not difficult! As long as you understand its structure, you can pass it in no time!"

Fu Hua squatted down, picked up a stone, and started to calculate.Within a few minutes, Fu Hua figured out the structure of the Jiugong Bagua Formation.Although this seems easy, if it weren't for someone like Fu Hua who knows the ancient Shenzhou very well, he would probably be trapped in this Jiugong Bagua formation for a long time.

After Fu Hua's calculation was completed, several people followed Fu Hua and walked out of the Jiugong Bagua Formation smoothly, and came to a huge space.

"Is the thing there Xuanyuan Sword?"

Looking at the place pointed by Kiyana, everyone saw a round altar there.

In the very center of the round altar, a simple golden sword is quietly floating there.Each of the three surrounding statues has a golden light chain connected to the golden sword, making it very mysterious.

"It looks like it is!"

The weapon that can appear here is also a golden sword, what else can it have except the Xuanyuan sword in Ji Xuanyuan's hand.

"That is the key of domination? Why does it feel so weak?" Fei Yuwan in the star language space sighed after feeling the energy of Xuanyuan Sword.

"Xiao Fei, there are a thousand keys of domination! This is just one of them!"

Novalu explained to Hiyumaru.It stands to reason that Hiyumaru should know more than Novalu, probably because she was lazy and didn't pay much attention to this information.

"That's right! There are a thousand of the Tenth Herrschers! So there are also a thousand cores!" Only then did Hiyumaru realize it, and found relevant information from a large amount of information.

"You are right! Similarly, the power of the Tenth Herrscher is also divided into a thousand shares. This Xuanyuan Sword has only one-thousandth of the power of the Tenth Herrscher! It is much weaker than the Ksitigarbha Yuhun !"

The Ksitigarbha Yuhun in Lin Yu's hand has a complete Herrscher core, and its power is many times stronger than Xuanyuan Sword.Although there is not much Honkai power in the core of Ksitigarbha Yuhun at present, it is still stronger than the Xuanyuan Sword in front of us.

However, the Xuanyuan Sword in front of the four of them also has something special.Because in the legend of Shenzhou, there are many Xuanyuan swords, the key to domination, but the most famous one?It was still the one in Ji Xuanyuan's hand.As for why, probably only people at that time knew!
"Judging from the reaction of the Houkai energy it emits, this is indeed a key of God! Presumably it is also responsible for the outrageous concentration of Houkai energy here in Jiuyou!"

Even after Fu Hua saw the legendary God's Key, he was still very calm, and his tone of speech did not fluctuate at all, as if the God's Key in front of him was an ordinary weapon.

After some discussion, the four of them decided that Ji Zi would pull out the Xuanyuan Sword.Among the four, Fu Hua used glove weapons, Qiyana played with double spears, and Lin Yu used Taidao, and only Ji Zi used big sword weapons.So the best candidate is her.

In addition, the appearance of Xuanyuan Sword here shows that Ji Xuanyuan's body is likely to be here somewhere.If Ji Zi could get the Xuanyuan Sword, the number of people who got the stigmata would increase greatly.

"Sister Ji Zi, be careful! If there is anything wrong, return it immediately!" Lin Yu always felt that there was something wrong with this Xuanyuan Sword, but he couldn't tell where it was, so he had to ask Ji Zi to be careful.

Fu Hua also reminded Ji Zi when he walked towards the altar: "Major Ji Zi, this Xuanyuan Sword is not simple, please be careful!"

Among the people in the dormitory, only Fu Hua's intuition can compete with Lin Yu's, but she can't tell where it is, and she can only remind Ji Zi.

"Do you need to remind me? Even if you don't tell me, I can't take it lightly in the face of such a key of God!" Ji Zi waved his hand, smiled at the two of them, then stepped onto the altar and walked to the altar. Xuanyuan Sword.

"Little Fei, be ready to fight at any time!"

Lin Yu looked at Ji Zi's back, his eyes inevitably changed, but he didn't say much.He could feel that the Xuanyuan Sword was a little different, but there must be no big problem with the real God's Key Dizang Yuhun here.

"Brother, don't worry! Be ready at any time!" Hiyumaru was already ready and could participate in the battle at any time.

When Ji Zi approached the Xuanyuan Sword, the chains of light on the three statues also dissipated, and the high suspended Xuanyuan Sword also fell slowly, inserting it in the center of the altar.

Ji Zi carefully looked at the Xuanyuan Sword in front of him, and slowly held his hand on the hilt of Xuanyuan Sword after confirming that there was no problem.

Seeing that Jizi started communicating with Xuanyuanjian, Lin Yu immediately and quietly replaced the Sakura Chuixue on his waist with Jizo Yuhun to prevent anything from happening.Fu Hua and Qiyana were also staring at Ji Zi holding the Xuanyuan Sword intently.

Although Lin Yu was confident in Ji Zi's mastery of Xuanyuan Sword, he was also worried about Ji Zi.Because if you want to control a weapon of the God's Key level, you must have a strong enough will to resist the terrifying Honkai energy erosion in the God's Key's Herrscher core.If you can't do it, you will only face the result of being corroded and becoming a dead soldier.

To be honest, Lin Yu has confidence in Ji Zi's ability, but has no confidence in her will.Because Jizi, who had returned from a mission, had told him that her team members were eroded by the Houkai and turned into dead soldiers, and her body was already on the verge of its limit. These were all hurdles in her heart that she would never be able to overcome.

"No! Lin Yu, hurry up! Get ready to fight!" Nuovalu seemed to feel something, and immediately sent a message to Lin Yu, and his tone sounded very anxious.


Lin Yu received Novalu's prompt, but before he had time to react, the Xuanyuan Sword on the altar burst out with an astonishing sword cry.

"Quick back!" Lin Yu immediately turned around and shouted at Fu Hua and Qiyana.After hearing Lin Yu's voice, the two quickly backed away for a distance without any hesitation.


Ji Zi, who was standing at the altar, turned around and let out a few startling laughs.At this moment, what she held in her hand was the Xuanyuan Sword.It's just that the ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth and the crazy scarlet pupils showed that Ji Zi was clearly abnormal.

"Lin Yu, Major Ji Zi seems to be controlled by that Xuanyuan sword!" After taking Qiyana back, Fu Hua came to Lin Yu's side again.

Ji Zi waved Xuanyuan Sword casually, and countless blue lightning formed a sea of ​​lightning and rushed towards the two of them.

"Qiana, protect yourself!"

Here Qiyana is the weakest. Once the battle starts, Lin Yu and Fu Hua can't take care of her, so it is the best way to let her stay away from here now.

(End of this chapter)

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