The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 56 Xuanyuan Sword Soul

Chapter 56 Xuanyuan Sword Soul
"The current situation is not easy!"

This was Lin Yu's first thought after Ji Zi was controlled by Xuanyuan Sword.Because if it was just that Xuanyuanjian was out of control, it would be fine, but it would be different with Ji Zi who was under control.Ji Zi is a very powerful A-level Valkyrie herself, and with the current Xuanyuan Sword, it is estimated that she is about to compete with the S-level Valkyrie.

But now is not the time to think about this, because a sea of ​​thunder and lightning is rushing towards Lin Yu and Fu Hua!Lin Yu himself was fine, because he protected himself with the flames of erosion immediately; Fu Hua's words were not a big problem, relying on the Cun Xin Fist, Fu Hua was able to disperse the thunder and lightning that he could not avoid.

"That's okay too!!!" Lin Yu was speechless when he saw Fu Hua forcefully scattered the thunder and lightning with his fists!I just want to ask, is there anything that Fu Hua can't hit with his fists?
With the protection of Jizo Yuhun, Lin Yu rushed out of the sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and came not far from Jizi.

"Sister Jizi, don't worry! I will save you!"

"Go, I can't control myself!"

Even though Ji Zi's expression was stiff, he did not stop waving the Xuanyuan Sword, and kept reminding Lin Yu to leave quickly.It seemed that although Ji Zi's body was controlled by Xuanyuan Sword, his will hadn't been controlled yet, but it seemed that he couldn't hold on for long.

"Stop joking! How could I abandon you! I want to take you home!"

As one of the important people around him, Lin Yu would never leave Ji Zi alone.


Lin Yu used Ji Zang Yuhun to accurately block the Xuanyuan Sword that Ji Zi swung over.However, Lin Yu also saw that Ji Zi's struggling expression disappeared and was replaced by indifference.This shows that Jizi has been completely controlled by Xuanyuanjian.

Afterwards, a more terrifying aura emanated from Ji Zi, and the surrounding Houkai Neng also became more violent.

"Don't worry! No matter what you become, I will take you home!" Lin Yu's Honkai Neng also began to become violent. Although his aura is inferior to Jizi's, he should be able to fight her a little .

"Lin Yu, let me help you!" Fu Hua also came over at this time.

At this moment, Ji Zi suddenly slashed at Fu Hua with his sword.Lin Yu immediately stopped Ji Zi with the Suzaku Treading Cloud movement technique, and at the same time waved the Ksitigarborg Yuhun to stop Xuanyuanjian.

"Lin Yu, if you want to save Major Jizi, you must let that Xuanyuan sword leave her!"

To put it bluntly, the current Jizi is a puppet controlled by Xuanyuanjian. As long as Xuanyuanjian, the controller, leaves Jizi, she can escape from control.

"Squad leader, I'll stop Sister Ji Zi! You look for an opportunity to get Xuanyuanjian away from Sister Ji Zi!"

Fu Hua is good at close combat, and his weapons are just gloves. Lin Yu couldn't let Fu Hua face Ji Zi, who is now a mage fighter, and he might get injured.Although it was difficult for me to fight against Jizi, it was still possible to hold back.

"Okay!" Fu Hua also agreed with Lin Yu's approach.

Lin Yu urged Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu Shenghen without hesitation, and his aura increased a little, but he was still far inferior to Ji Zi.Afterwards, Lin Yu waved Jizo Yuhun and fought Jizi.

Kiyana far away,
"Aunt Jizi tried so hard to find Xuanyuanjian, but ended up killing her!"

Qiyana clenched her fists tightly, she knew how much time Ji Zi spent searching for information on Xuanyuanjian, Jiuyou and Ji Xuanyuan before carrying out the mission.But when she found Xuanyuanjian, she was controlled by Xuanyuanjian, and she was still fighting fiercely with Lin Yu.Thinking of this, Qiyana became very angry.


"Dean, how long will it take for us to reach Lin Yu's mission location?"

On the Huberian battleship, Mei and Bronya also came with Teresa as support personnel.

"We set off when Lin Yu and the others found the stele, and we will be there in a short time!" Teresa and the two have been waiting in Hyperion!As soon as he received Jizi's message, he set off immediately.

What's more, Teresa knows Lin Yu's strength.She thought that Lin Yu might be the safest of the four, otherwise he would be sorry for his performance in the stigmata space.



It was another collision between the Ksitigarbha Yuhun and Xuanyuanjian. Although the Ksitigarbha Yuhun was much smaller than the Xuanyuanjian in size, the Ksitigarbha Yuhun was much stronger than the Xuanyuanjian in terms of power.The rest is to see the user's fighting skills.

If Lin Yu was the real Ji Zi using the Xuanyuan Sword, he might not be able to beat it.But now it is Xuanyuanjian who controls Jizi. Lin Yu feels that Jizi's fighting skills have been significantly lowered now, so he is sure to fight against Jizi now.

After Lin Yu used Ji Zang Yuhun to hold Ji Zi's heavy chop, he was looking for an opportunity to shoot down the Xuanyuan Sword Fu Hua moved.

"Cun Jin · Open the sky!"

There were no fancy gestures, just a simple punch, and it hit Ji Zi's hands holding the Xuanyuan Sword with an incomparably terrifying Honkai energy.Even where the fist passed by, there was a piercing sonic boom, which shows how powerful Fu Hua's punch is.

As if sensing Fu Hua's attack, Ji Zi immediately held the Xuanyuan Sword across his chest, blocking Fu Hua's heavy blow.


Fu Hua's fist hit Xuanyuan Sword, an astonishing wave of air erupted, and Ji Zi was also pushed back a long way by this punch.

"Damn it, isn't that okay?"

Lin Yu was very angry seeing Ji Zi who was repelled still holding the Xuanyuan Sword tightly in his hand.

"It looks like we have to find another way!"

Fu Hua was also very helpless about this.But what happened the next moment made both Lin Yu and Fu Hua feel in danger.

I saw three identical blue, purple, and red phantoms appearing around Jizi, who looked the same as Jizi, and each held a Xuanyuan sword.Moreover, the attributes of each phantom are different. The blue phantom exudes a strong cold air, the purple phantom exudes violent thunder, and the red phantom exudes a fiery flame.As soon as the three phantoms appeared, they knelt down to Ji Zi who was holding the Xuanyuan sword.

"Xuanyuan Sword Soul?"

Fu Hua knew these three phantoms very well, she had learned about them from ancient books.Xuanyuan Sword has the ability to freely control the three attributes of ice, thunder, and fire, and can also differentiate into Xuanyuan Sword Soul to assist the user in fighting, and the combat power of the sword soul is related to the user's ability.I'm afraid the three sword souls in front of me can barely be regarded as A-level Valkyries.In other words, from now on, Lin Yu and Fu Hua will face the siege of four A-level Valkyries.

"Squad leader, I'm in charge of Sister Ji Zi and the blue sword soul, and the other two sword souls will be handed over to you!"

Without hesitation, Lin Yu rushed towards the blue sword soul, waving the Jizo Yuhun burning with black flames to block the attack of the blue Xuanyuan sword.

On the other side, Fu Hua also fell into the siege of the purple sword soul and the red sword soul.

Fu Hua first used the Suzaku Treading Cloud movement technique to quickly approach the purple sword soul, and after knocking him back with a move of Cun Jin Yan Po, he immediately stepped back to face the red sword soul.

You must know that Fu Hua is a genuine A-level Valkyrie, whose strength is much stronger than a single sword soul, so as long as she doesn't give the two sword souls a chance to siege, she can defeat them one by one.

After Lin Yu stopped the blue sword soul, he just wanted to pull the Jizo Yuhun away, but found that the Jizo Yuhun seemed to be stuck to the Xuanyuan Ice Sword.

"Melt it!"

No matter how strong the ice is, it can't stop the burning of the black flames. As soon as the black flames erupted from the Ksitigarbha Yuhun, it immediately broke away from Xuanyuan Ice Sword.Only at this time, Ji Zi also swung the real Xuanyuan Sword and slashed at Lin Yu.


If it was just to deal with a sword soul, Lin Yu would be able to defeat it soon, but now there is still Ji Zi who is many times more powerful than the sword soul, and he has not been able to hurt Ji Zi, which makes Lin Yu Very troubled.


Just separated the Dizang Yuhun and Xuanyuan Ice Sword, Lin Yu immediately used it to block the attack of the real Xuanyuan Sword.But on the other side, the blue sword soul slashed at Lin Yu again.

"Lin Yu, be careful!" Fu Hua punched back the purple sword soul, and immediately shouted when he saw the scene of the blue sword soul slashing at Lin Yu.


A blue and white sword appeared in Lin Yu s left hand, blocking the attack of the blue sword soul.It is Xingyu, at this moment of crisis, Lin Yu has no way to hide it anymore.Although Lin Yu could choose to use Sakura Fuxue, Ying Fuxue did not have the ability to quickly end the battle, so he could only let Xingyu do it.

"Star language, output at full power!"

The current Star Language is already close to the level of the God's Key, and it itself has a certain output limit like the God's Key.If you want to cancel, you still need the user's command.

The blue sword soul glued Xingyu to Xuanyuan Ice Sword again.But Xingyu doesn't have black flames like Jizo Yuhun, so he can't escape.But Lin Yu was not worried at all, because Xingyu would absorb all the Honkai energy it came into contact with under full power output.Therefore, the blue sword soul is purely seeking its own death.

The Ksitigarbha Yuhun in Lin Yu's right hand burst out with black flames, and immediately made Ji Zi retreat a certain distance.And Lin Yu took advantage of this time to use black flames to separate Xingyu from Xuanyuan Bingjian, and backhand inserted Xingyu into the heart of the blue sword soul.

In just a few seconds, the blue sword soul lost its ability to move and shattered like a mirror.That's because the star language has already absorbed the Houkai energy contained in it, so it is finished.

After solving the blue sword soul, Lin Yu only needs to concentrate on facing Ji Zi next.

On the other side, Fu Hua was also relieved to see that Lin Yu was fine.But she didn't care much about Lin Yu's weapon, because she still had to face two sword souls!

Ji Zi, who retreated, held Xuanyuan Sword tightly, and a storm composed of three attributes of thunder, ice, and fire formed around him.Lin Yu did not dare to get close to Ji Zi easily, because the power in that storm was indeed not to be underestimated.

Ten seconds later, the storm dissipated, and at the same time, the two sword souls who fought with Fu Hua also dissipated.Ji Zi who reappeared has changed her appearance, wearing a bright red dress, making people feel like a noble lady going to a party.However, the aura Lin Yu felt from Ji Zi immediately denied his first impression, because Ji Zi's aura was a little stronger than before.

"Now we can't delay any longer!"

Lin Yu's expression also became gloomy at this time.He could feel that Xuanyuanjian had stronger control over Ji Zi.The problem Jizi's health is not good, if it drags on, Jizi will be more dangerous.So Lin Yu is ready to end the battle as quickly as possible.

 What method can be used to end the battle faster?Everyone express their own views! PS: Today's current vote ratio is 2:25. Today is the lowest record for starting votes! (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c) Come and save me!

(End of this chapter)

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