Chapter 57 The Cave Collapse
Ji Zi's situation is getting worse and worse, and there is not much time left for Lin Yu.

"I'm sorry, Sister Ji Zi! Maybe I'll offend you a lot!"

Lin Yu can no longer waste time, and now the battle must end as soon as possible, otherwise Ji Zi will really be infected by Honkai Neng and become a dead soldier.The problem is that Ji Zi is definitely comparable to the S-level Valkyrie now, and Lin Yu's strength is just the beginning of the A-level.

But these are not important anymore, because Lin Yu has his own trump card, which is his Shen Yu core.If it could be activated, it might be able to fight the current Jizi.

"Squad leader, please take Qiyana out of here!"

If Shen Yu's core is activated, he doesn't know what will happen, so Lin Yu needs to let Fu Hua take Qiyana away from this place in advance.

"Lin Yu, what are you going to do?"

When Fu Hua heard that Lin Yu wanted to let her go, he suddenly felt that Lin Yu seemed to have some terrible plans.

"It's just to save Miss Ji Zi!"

With just a simple sentence, Fu Hua understood what Lin Yu meant.He just didn't want her and Qiyana to see the next battle, after all, everyone has their own secrets.

"I understand! Qiyana and I are waiting for you outside!" Fu Hua patted Lin Yu's shoulder lightly, and took Qiyana out of the area without asking any more questions.

Immediately afterwards, there were only Lin Yu and the controlled Jizi in this area.

"Lin Yu, are you really planning to use the power of the Herrscher's core? Your core is not complete!" Nuova Lu has reminded Lin Yu many times.

"Yeah! Brother, wouldn't it be too risky to do this!" Even Hiyumaru was a little worried.If it weren't for the lack of power of Jizo Yuhun, she would have asked Lin Yu to use the first rated power to destroy the Xuanyuan Sword in Jizi's hand.You know, the God's Key's first rated power has the power to repel Herrscher.This is already the strongest power under the zero rated power.

"Don't worry! It's alright!"

When he said this, golden light spots began to appear in Lin Yu s eyes, which was a manifestation of the strength in his core that drove the Rhystor.At the same time, Lin Yu's own aura was also rising steadily, and even golden spots began to appear on the blade of Jizo Yuhun's sword.


Just as Ji Zi waved the Xuanyuan Sword, a golden flame ignited on the Xuanyuan Sword.The next moment, the golden flame slashed towards Lin Yu with that terrifying power.

"Sister Ji Zi, offended!"

Lin Yu is also holding Jizo Yuhun tightly, with black flames burning around him, facing Jizi's attack head-on.

The collision of the two God's Keys caused golden and black flames to scatter everywhere, and the crisp impact sound continued to resound.


There was another impact sound, and Lin Yu was repelled several steps, while Ji Zi only took two steps back.Although Lin Yu's physique has been strengthened in all aspects by the stigmata, he is still inferior to Ji Zi at this time in terms of strength.

Stopping his retreating steps, Lin Yu immediately used Suzaku to jump high on the cloud, and swung a few black flame sword qi at Ji Zi.However, Ji Zi also launched a counterattack under the control of Xuanyuan Sword.

Just when Ji Zi used the Xuanyuan Sword to block the black flame sword energy, Lin Yu did not hesitate, and tried his best to slash Ji Zang Yuhun at Ji Zi.If possible, Lin Yu might be able to break Xuanyuan Sword out of Ji Zi's hands, otherwise Lin Yu would have no choice but to destroy Xuanyuan Sword.


Xuanyuan Sword made a slight sword cry, and Ji Zi immediately blocked Lin Yu's slash at a very clever angle.

"It's now!"

Lin Yu seized this opportunity to get close to Jizi, and immediately let go of his hands that were holding Jizo Yuhun tightly. At the same time, a terrifying Houkai energy began to gather on his right hand, and some golden light spots were mixed in it.

"Cun Jin · Open the sky!"

That's right, Lin Yu has been waiting for this opportunity!As long as he can get close to Ji Zi, he is sure to separate Xuanyuanjian from Ji Zi.

Even if he lost his weapon, Lin Yu was still able to exert a strong combat power.And the key to this is the Cun Xin Fist that Fu Hua taught him.

In the next second, Lin Yu's Cun Jin Kai Tian unceremoniously greeted Ji Zi.The almost zero-distance attack was a huge disadvantage for someone like Ji Zi who used the heavy sword.

Without giving Jizi a chance to fight back, Lin Yu also shot an inch with his left hand Shanbeng hit Jizi close to him, knocking Jizi back a few steps, but Lin Yu would not give Jizi a chance to adjust.Immediately afterwards, before Ji Zi raised the Xuanyuan Sword to fight back, the most powerful Cunjin Fist, Thunderbolt, hit the hilt of Xuanyuan Sword in Jizi's hand with precision and without any deviation.Xuanyuan Sword immediately escaped from Ji Zi's hand, flew out of a parabola in the air, and then stuck on the ground.

Ji Zi, who had lost the control of Xuanyuan Sword, seemed to have lost his support, and swayed and fell down, but fortunately Lin Yu supported him in time.

"I'm sorry! Miss Ji Zi!"

Holding Ji Zi with her eyes closed tightly, Lin Yu regretted that he hadn't rescued her earlier.If he could get Ji Zi out of Xuanyuanjian's control earlier, Ji Zi might not be what she is now.

"Squad leader, I have already rescued Miss Ji Zi! But her condition is not very good, she needs to be treated as soon as possible!"

Lin Yu immediately contacted Fu Hua, ready to ask her to take Ji Zi back for treatment.At the same time, he interrupted the power transmitted from the Herrscher's core, and also stopped the stigmata that had been working.Afterwards, Lin Yu stood up holding Ji Zi, picked up Jizo Yuhun and hung it around his waist by the way, and then came to the Xuanyuan Sword firmly planted on the ground.

"Xiao Fei, take good care of this Xuanyuan Sword. If there is any abnormality, use the force of erosion to suppress it!"

Although Xuanyuan Sword controlled Ji Zi, it was also a God's Key anyway, so Lin Yu still took it into the Xingyu space.I was just afraid that something would happen to it, so I asked Hiyumaru to pay more attention.

"Brother, don't worry! With me around, it won't be able to make trouble!"

As the No.12 Herrscher, would Hiyumaru be afraid of a God Key with only one-thousandth of the power of the tenth Herrscher?Just kidding, as long as Fei Yuwan is willing, she can destroy Xuanyuan Sword.It's just that Lin Yu didn't let her do it, so she didn't do it.

"Is Major Himeko alright?"

"How is Aunt Jizi?"

As soon as Fu Hua and Qiyana rushed over, they saw Lin Yu walking over holding Ji Zi.Lin Yu also immediately handed Ji Zi to Fu Hua and asked her to do a full body examination on Ji Zi.

Although the previous battle was either long or short, Xuanyuan Sword has been bursting with strength without consideration, and Ji Zi's body must have suffered some damage.Even if Lin Yu tried his best to end the battle in the shortest time, Ji Zi's injury was still serious.

"Lin Yu, are you okay? You don't look too good either!" Fu Hua looked at Lin Yu after checking Jizi's condition and feeding Jizi a bottle of resistance potion.She found that Lin Yu's condition was not very good, he looked pale and a little weak.

Lin Yu was just temporarily exhausted, but compared with Ji Zi's situation, I don't know how many times better.Fortunately, Lin Yu used his core for a short time, and the impact on him was not too great.So he only needs to eat something, and use the stigmata and core to absorb the surrounding Houkai energy, and he can recover quickly.

"I'm fine! Just take a break! How is Sister Ji Zi doing?" Lin Yu knew his own body best, so he didn't worry Fu Hua and the others.

"It's not good! I temporarily used potions to stabilize the erosion of Honkai on her, but the effect won't last long!" Fu Hua shook his head helplessly.

"Then let's get out quickly! As long as we go out, there must be a way to save Aunt Jizi!" Kiyana was very worried when she saw that Jizi was unconscious, so she urged Lin Yu and Fu Hua to take Jizi away quickly here.


At this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake, the walls were shaking violently, and the stalactites on the top of the cave were constantly falling, smashing holes in the ground one after another.

"Before the cave collapses, let's get out of here!" Fu Hua smashed the fallen stalactites away with a punch, and at the same time signaled for Qiyana to pick Jizi up and retreat.

The four immediately began to evacuate the cave, Fu Hua opened the way in front, Lin Yu cut off behind, and Qiyana was responsible for carrying Ji Zi.

During the evacuation, Lin Yu could feel that the Houkai energy in the cave was still increasing, as if a fierce beast was waking up from a deep sleep.Although the rising Honkai has little effect on Lin Yu, Qiyana and Fu Hua, it is different for Jizi.In her body, the Honkai energy left after being controlled by Xuanyuan Sword is eroding her body, and the increase of Honkai energy at this time will only speed up the erosion.

"Lin Yu, something is wrong! I feel as if a very powerful force is waking up!" On the way to evacuate, Nuovalu suddenly felt something and told Lin Yu.

"It doesn't seem to be, it is!" Lin Yu is not stupid, because he knows where the power Novalu said comes from.

Don't forget, in the legend, the demon dragon Chiyou was not wiped out by Ji Xuanyuan.Chi You was just defeated, and Ji Xuanyuan sealed it in Jiuyou with the Xuanyuan Sword.So what would happen if Xuanyuan Sword, the core of the seal, was pulled out?No need to think about it, the effect of the seal must be greatly weakened, and the magic dragon Chi You may also break through the seal and wake up because of this.

"Lin Yu, are you all okay?" Teresa's voice came from the three people's communication headsets.

"We are okay! But Miss Ji Zi's condition is not very good, we will go out immediately! Send someone to pick us up quickly!" Lin Yu immediately reported the basic situation to Teresa, and urged her to send someone over as soon as possible.

"You wait, I'll send someone to pick you up right away!" Upon hearing that Jizi's situation was not good, Teresa was a little worried immediately, but she still made relevant arrangements.

They came to a pond where they had come in earlier.After Fuhua Jizi put on the diving suit, she put it on herself, and so did Qiyana.

"Lin Yu, why don't you wear a diving suit? We have to get out of here quickly?" Fu Hua asked immediately when he saw that Lin Yu hadn't put on the diving suit for a long time.

"You go first, there is a little trouble here Lin Yu's expression suddenly became very gloomy, his eyes fixed on a small path on the far right.

 Do you know what the little trouble the protagonist is talking about is? PS: The total number of votes has been decreasing recently, and the ratio of votes today is only 4:15!And there are no comments!It feels like the number of votes is about to drop to single digits!Let's not mention the number of votes in the future!When the number of votes in a single day can reach 50, I will continue to report! o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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