Chapter 58 Mecha
"Hahaha! Destiny's bastards! Let Uncle Xing send you to hell!"

Just as Lin Yu was staring at the trail, a very insolent voice came over.Immediately afterwards, a girl in casual clothes walked over with a very hideous expression.

"Squad leader, you go first, leave this guy to me!" Lin Yu signaled Fu Hua and Qiyana to take Ji Zi away first, and stay behind.

"But..." Qiyana was about to say something when Fu Hua stopped her.

"This is Lin Yu's choice. The top priority now is to send Major Ji Zi to treatment as soon as possible!"

Ji Zi's situation is not optimistic. If there is a delay, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Now I invite you to die first!"

Xing Maer took out a pointer-shaped long sword, jumped up, and stabbed Lin Yu fiercely.Facing Xing's attack, Lin Yu's first feeling was that he was facing a killer who had stepped through a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.


No matter how Lin Yu felt about Xing Maer's offensive, Lin Yu pulled out the Ksitigarbha Yuhun to meet it.And Fu Hua and Qiyana also took Ji Zi to leave here at this time.

After a struggle, both Lin Yu and Xing Maer took a few steps back.Based on the strength Xing Maer showed just now, Lin Yu could feel that she had the strength comparable to an A-level Valkyrie.

"Who are you? Why didn't the Valkyries just come to fight me?" Xing Maer saw Kiyana and the others retreating during the battle, but she was held back by Lin Yu , there is no way to stop it.

"Freshman at St. Freya College, Lin Yu!"

You actually sent a freshman to fight me, look down on me Hearing Lin Yu's self-introduction, Xing Mar suddenly felt as if he had been indescribably humiliated, and suddenly yelled.

Afterwards, Xing Maer waved her hand very angrily, and a dozen mechas suddenly appeared behind her.Moreover, one mecha is obviously taller than the others, and the golden shell also makes it stand out from the other blue-brown mechas.

"Lin Yu, be careful! Those are the Titan Mecha and the Godfather Mecha. As mentioned in the information, they are the mechas owned by Anti-Entropy!" Nova Lu shared vision, and after seeing those mechas, he immediately I recognized it.

Anti-entropy, an organization that is a sworn enemy of destiny.Its unit is not like the Valkyrie unit like Destiny, and it is composed of fully automated mechs. Titan and Godfather are the most important mechs.

"Don't play with it like this! I haven't recovered yet!" Lin Yu looked at the dozen or so mechas appearing around Xing Maer, and suddenly felt a little desperate.Now he is only [-]% to [-]% of his peak combat power, so it's okay to deal with Xing Maer.But now with the addition of these dozens of mechas, it will be different!

"Clean up you first! I'll go and settle accounts with those three Valkyries! Give it to me!"

Xing Maer issued an order, and a dozen mechas rushed towards Lin Yu just like that.This made Lin Yu feel very bad.

"Xiaofei, can you think of a way? I can't handle this situation!"

Lin Yu, unable to cope with the situation at hand, had no choice but to ask Fei Yuwan for help, but he didn t know if he could help.

"No problem! Just use the second rated power of Jizo Yuhun!" Higokumaru said the solution to the current situation.

"That's all I can do!"

Although there is not much energy left in Jizo Yuhun, it should not be a big problem to use the second rated power once, otherwise Higyomaru would not have raised it.

"Ksitigarbha Yuhun, the second rated power is released!"

Taking advantage of the gap of using Suzaku Tayun to avoid the attack of the Titan Mecha, Lin Yu lifted the second restriction of Jizo Yuhun without hesitation.

The next moment, a set of samurai armor appeared on Lin Yu's body, which was very similar to the ghost Jizo Yuhun that appeared in the Tianshou Pavilion.This is the second rated power of Jizo Yuhun - the armor of Yuhun.

With the increase of the Soul Armor, Lin Yu is now very close to his peak combat power.Lin Yu quickly dodged the besieging mecha, and Lin Yu chopped off Xing Maer's head with the Jizo Yuhun with black flames attached.

Seeing this, Xing Maer hurriedly mobilized the godfather beside him who was not involved in the attack to come to him to block Lin Yu's fierce slash for him, and then he turned around and met the long pointer sword in his hand against Liuyun's Ksitigarbow Yuhun .

"how is this possible?"

Xing Maer couldn't believe it, because Lin Yu's strength in fighting her this time was much stronger than before.But Lin Yu didn't have time to care about these things, he had to end the battle quickly to see Jizi's situation!

"You still have to deal with me just now! What's the matter now?" Lin Yu's tone did not fluctuate at all, and his eyes were very calm.But Lin Yu was wearing a ghost warrior mask, and he could see this too.

"You succeeded in pissing me off! Let me show you the power of the godfather!" Xing Ma'er looked at Lin Yu more fiercely, wishing to kill Lin Yu now.

Immediately afterwards, Xing Maer ordered the godfather and other mechas to attack Lin Yu with him.But Lin Yu was not easy to provoke, and immediately attached Hei Yan to every mecha.Although I don't know what material these mechas are made of, but under the burning of the erosion flames, it will definitely not last long.

Suddenly, the godfather's huge mechanical fist condensed a lot of energy, and then smashed to the ground.This punch directly hit the ground with a huge fist mark, which blinded Lin Yu.Such a strong energy is used to hammer the ground?

But Lin Yu realized something was wrong in the next second, because five black energy waves gushed out from under the godfather's fist and rushed towards him.

Lin Yu immediately used Suzaku Tayun to quickly dodge the attacking energy wave, but just as he was about to change his foothold, another energy wave rushed over.This made Lin Yu just keep avoiding, it seemed a bit embarrassed!

"Hahaha! Didn't you run away under the attack of the godfather!" Looking at Lin Yu who was being chased by the energy wave, Xing Maer taunted unceremoniously, and the anger just now was also vented.


How could Lin Yu be chased away by those energy waves?He was just looking for an opportunity to get close to Xing Maer.When Xing Maer was proud, Lin Yu quickly swung five black flames to stop the energy waves chasing him.Immediately, he speeded up and rushed towards the place where Xing Maer was.

"Protect me quickly! Titan mech!"

Seeing Lin Yu rushing towards him directly, and still exuding black flames all over his body, like a ghost and god who came to seek his life, Xing Maer seemed a little panicked.

However, the Titan Mecha has long been burned by the Flame of Corrosion, and all its functions have been lost. It can be said that the only mecha that can be used now is the Godfather.It is estimated that the material used to make the godfather is higher than that of the titan, otherwise it would not be able to withstand the burning of the flames of erosion for so long.


Before Xing Maer could finish speaking, Lin Yu stabbed Jizo Yuhun at her.Although she stopped it with the pointer sword in time, the sword was picked up by Lin Yu the next moment.Then the Ksitigarbha Yuhun was only an inch away from Xing Maer.

"Can I stop now?"

After controlling Xing Maer, Lin Yu lifted the soul armor on his body, and then showed a bright smile to Xing Maer.Of course, this is only Lin Yu's own opinion, because in Xing Maer's view, that smile is the smile of death!
"Okay, okay! I'll stop! Don't get excited!" Xing Maer was completely convinced at this time, and completely lost the previous arrogance.What can be done about this, now her life is in Lin Yu's hands!

"Take this thing back to me too!" Lin Yu pointed to the godfather who was covered in black flames, and asked Xing Maer to get it back as he got it out.

"I don't know why I can't get it back!"

Xing Maer only knew how to get the godfather out, but didn't know how to get him back.She only has command over the godfather, and she doesn't know anything else.

"Really?" Lin Yu brought Jizo Yuhun closer to Xing Maer, and asked her if she was telling the truth.

"I'm telling the truth! Mother Cocolia didn't tell me how to take back the godfather when she handed it to me! I really don't know!" Xing Maer shook her head like a rattle.

"Forget it!" Lin Yu felt that Xing Maer was not lying, so he didn't press her again.However, Lin Yu still took out a piece of rope and tied Xing Maer's hands to prevent her from playing any tricks.

"Xiaofei, destroy that godfather!"

After controlling Xing Maer, Lin Yu saw that the godfather hadn't been burned yet, so he asked Fei Yuwan to add more fire.

"Okay! Look at mine!"

Hiyumaru happily agreed, and then a large amount of black flames gushed out from Jizo Yuhun, forming a black flame sword several meters long out of thin air.The shape of this black flame long sword is the same as that of the Ksitigarbha Yuhun. It can be said that it is an oversized Ksitigarbha Yuhun.


After lifting Xing Maer away from the godfather, the black flame sword in the air slashed down on the godfather, splitting the godfather in half and exploding.The explosion also knocked out several stationary Titans nearby.

"With such a strong force, it's just a freshman of St. Freya? How strong is St. Freya Academy!"

Xing Maer was frightened stupid after watching Lin Yu chop the godfather to pieces with a single knife.If the freshmen at St. Freya College are all like Lin Yu, then do they still need to fight against the destiny against entropy?

"What is this guy thinking?"

Lin Yu looked at Xing Maer who was in a daze, a little confused.But now is not the time to think about these, the most important thing is to go out first.

"Lin Yu, how are you? We have joined Teresa, and Ji Zi is already being treated!"

Lin Yu, who was about to go out, suddenly received a call from Fu Hua.Hearing that Ji Zi was already undergoing treatment, Lin Yu was relieved.

 It's almost time for Chi You to make an appearance!If I don't show up again, I'll forget about it! ! (ー_ー)!!PS: At present, there are basically no starting point recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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