Chapter 59 Chi You Awakens
"Squad leader, I have solved the problem here! I am about to leave!"

Lin Yu quickly changed into his deep diving suit, and was about to leave Jiuyou Cave with Xing Maer.

"Hey! Are you just tying me up like this? How can I swim?"

Xing Maer put on the deep diving suit under Lin Yu's supervision, but Lin Yu tied him up tightly when he left as soon as he put it on.So she was very angry, how could she swim in the sea?
"I don't need you to swim! I can drag you!"

Let go of Xing Maer and let her swim by herself?Maybe she ran away halfway, Lin Yu would not give her a chance to escape.What's more, there are small propellers on the deep diving suit, so it is not a problem to drag a person.


Lin Yu unceremoniously took Xing Maer with his hands tied and dived into the water, preparing to leave.

"Lin Yu, get out of here quickly! The Honkai energy here has been rising!" Nuo Walu's anxious voice came from Lin Yu's mind.Obviously, Novalu felt something bad.

"It is estimated that Chi You is about to wake up!"

Lin Yu explained to Novalu.Now that Honkai can rise, besides that the dragon Chiyou is waking up, is there any other reason?

"Chiyou!!!" Novalu's voice seemed a little panicked!
"What's wrong?" Lin Yu was very calm!However, he had already guessed that Chi You would wake up after pulling out the Xuanyuan Sword, so it was normal for him to be calm.

"Hello! Lin Yu, do you know what Chi You means?"

"I know! Judgment-level Honkai Beast Dragon Chiyou! Anyway, it's none of my business! Let's escape first! Leave the rest to Teresa and Tianming!"

Lin Yu is just a student who can reach the strength of an A-level Valkyrie. This kind of Honkai beast, which is no different from natural disasters, should be left to capable people to solve it!Anyway, he can't solve it!

At this moment, the submarine passage around Lin Yu suddenly began to shake violently.Not only are there dense cracks, but also many boulders are falling.

"What's the situation? Could it be that Chi You has already woken up?" Seeing this, Lin Yu hurriedly speeded up.

"Hey! You should take a break from my feelings anyway!" Xing Maer, who was dragged by Lin Yu, panicked.Because Lin Yu didn't care about her feelings at all.

On board the Hyperion,
"Dean, the surrounding Honkai energy has risen sharply! Its strength has far exceeded the strength of the emperor-level Honkai beast! It can be judged as a trial-level Honkai beast!" The personnel on the Huberian reported to Teresa.

"Are you still awake? The Demon Dragon Chiyou!"

There are only two recorded trial-level Honkai beasts, one is the demon dragon Chiyou that appeared in Shenzhou more than 5000 years ago and can devour the mainland, and the other is Berenas, the family member of the second Herrscher in the second Honkai.Thinking of this, Teresa looked at the scene outside the battleship, and sure enough, huge changes had taken place.Because the energy of the judgment-level Honkai Beast is too strong, it can even affect the weather.

The originally calm seaside began to become choppy in an instant, and even the clear sky before was instantly covered by dark clouds, and the storm also came at this time.Such a scene is like the end of the world.

In Jiuyou Cave, Lin Yu was still swimming forward quickly, wanting to get out of the cave quickly.It's just that when he could see the light at the entrance of the cave, for some reason, the trail suddenly shook.And there were many falling rocks hitting Lin Yu and Xing Maer.

"No way! Could it be that I won the first prize!"

Before being hit by falling rocks, Lin Yu recalled what he saw outside the cave entrance when he entered the huge cave entrance was like a giant beast opening its mouth.That doesn't seem like it at all!It's because Chi You didn't close his mouth completely!They have been exploring in Chi You's stomach for a long time!
"This time I really played Dafa!"

Hit by countless falling rocks, both Lin Yu and Xing Maer lost their intuition, their eyes went dark, and they didn't know where the water was taken by the pouring water.

On the surface of the sea, under the watchful eyes of everyone on the Huberian, a large amount of sea water suddenly moved around, revealing a huge black "island".

"That's... Chi You?" Fu Hua looked at the black "island" emerging from the sea, and couldn't help being stunned.Because that is not an island at all, but the head of the demon dragon Chiyou!

Even Teresa, Kiana, Bronya, and Mei didn't know what to say when they saw this scene.They didn't know how to describe the scene in front of them.Because Chi You's size is too big, completely beyond their imagination.Just the head exposed to the sea is already bigger than the largest small island nearby.I really don't know how big the complete Chi You should be!

"No! Lin Yu is still in the sea!" Mei reacted immediately.

"By the way, contact Lin Yu quickly! Ask how he is doing." Teresa also quickly asked someone to contact Lin Yu, for fear that something would happen to him.

"Lin Yu...he lost contact!!" Fu Hua tried to contact Lin Yu, but every time the result was the same, and no one responded at all.

"How... how come!!"

Everyone couldn't accept this fact, especially Qiyana and Fu Hua, because Lin Yu was covering them and missed the best time to escape the cave.The same is true for Teresa. When Lin Yu was in the stigmata space, Lin Yu got into trouble many times to save her, but he was powerless, and this time it was like this again.

"No! I believe that Lin Yu will be fine! He must be alive!" Yai couldn't believe that Lin Yu was dead, because Lin Yu could always save the day at the last moment, just like the time in Changkong City.

"Yes! We can't draw conclusions without confirmation!" Teresa came to a table and opened the map of the current area on the screen.There is a red dot moving slowly on it, it is the dragon Chiyou.

"Before we got the exact news, we couldn't conclude that Lin Yu was dead! Now we have to stop Chi You first, and then find an opportunity to find Lin Yu's whereabouts." Teresa quickly calmed down, because the top priority now It is to stop Chi You.

The disaster that Chi You's awakening brought to the world is definitely on the level of destroying the world. Compared with the third Honkai that only destroyed one city, it is completely different.

"This is the scanned model of Chi You. Now we need to find Chi You's core as soon as possible, and then destroy it with Hubrian's main cannon!"

Teresa closed the map and opened a model of Chiyou: a huge dragon head, sharp horns, and an indescribable body shape.In the eyes of everyone, Chi You is completely a mobile natural disaster.


"Brother, wake up!"

Lin Yu didn't know how long he had been in a coma, but he heard a young girl's voice calling him constantly.The girl is none other than Higokumaru who came out of Jizo Yuhun.

"Well..." Lin Yu opened his eyes with difficulty, he didn't know what was going on now, he only knew that he passed out after being hit by many stones.

"Brother, you are awake! Great!" Seeing that Lin Yu woke up, Fei Yuwan hugged Lin Yu excitedly.

"Calm down! Xiaofei! I'm fine!"

Lin Yu patted Fei Yuwan on the back, signaling that she was fine.It is also thanks to the excellent design of the deep diving suit that Lin Yu was fine.The type of deep submersible suit used by Lin Yu was designed based on the standard of being able to withstand a blow from the advance level Houkai beast, and its defense power is still good.

Xiao Fei, how long have I been in a coma Lin Yu asked this question immediately, otherwise everyone on the Huberian would be worried.

About half an hour Fei Yuwan only came out when Lin Yu was brought here by the sea.And she kept calling Lin Yu as soon as she came out, so Lin Yu didn't fall into a coma for long.

"I have to contact the monitor as soon as possible, or they will be worried!" Lin Yu quickly took out the contact device, ready to contact Fu Hua.But as soon as he took out the communicator, he found that the communicator seemed to be a little damaged, and there was no way to communicate.

"This is a bit embarrassing!" If the contactor is broken, Lin Yu can't get in touch with Fu Hua and the others, so they don't have to worry about death!

"Hurry up and fix the communicator!"

Lin Yu immediately took out a bunch of repair tools from Xingyu, and began to prepare to repair the communicator.

But before Lin Yu started to practice for a few minutes, there was trouble: a group of Houkai beasts and some dead men.Just when Lin Yu was about to stop the repair work to deal with the Houkai Beast, Fei Yuwan stopped him.

"Brother, leave this trivial matter to me! I learned a few tricks from Miss Lulu and Miss Yae Sakura!"

With one move of Feiyuwan's hand, Jizo Yuhun automatically came into her hands.Black flames began to appear, and Hiyumaru was ready to fight.

Xiao Fei, will this consume too much for you Lin Yu worried that Fei Yuwan would be outside and fight again, which would cause a lot of consumption to her, so he was going to stop her.

"You don't have to worry about this Lin Yu! The concentration of Houkai energy here is so high, there is no need to worry about consumption!"

Novalu's voice came, which made Lin Yu stop his plan to stop Fei Yuwan.yes!This is Chi You's body!The concentration of Houkai energy is so high!It is estimated that even the core area where the Houkai broke out in Changkong City did not have such a high Houkai energy, so there is no need to worry about consumption.

"Then I'll continue to repair the communicator!"

Since there is no need to worry about the consumption of Fei Yuwan, then there is no problem.As for Fei Yuwan's strength, Lin Yu doesn't need to care about it at all.She is a Herrscher of Corrosion, even if she is not good at swordsmanship, she can use the power of erosion to wipe out the group of Houkai Beasts.So what Lin Yu should care about is how long the group of Houkai beasts can last under Fei Yuwan.

"Fortunately, it wasn't too badly damaged, but it's very annoying if the communication system is broken!"

Lin Yu complained while repairing the communicator.It's not good that this contactor is broken, but the communication system is broken. How can Lin Yu report to Fu Hua and the others that they are safe!
"Forget it! Send a signal before we talk!"

After reassembling the disassembled connectors, Lin Yu was ready to send a signal to the outside.Although the repaired communicator cannot allow Lin Yu and Fu Hua to talk, it is still possible to send a signal.So as long as Fu Hua and the others can receive Lin Yu's signal, they can know that Lin Yu is fine.

 Some people said before that the protagonist should fight Chi You alone, but what I wrote should be similar!But the protagonist has no way to destroy Chi You, otherwise, after the ancestor Kevin comes out, the fire of heaven will not be able to become a robbery! ╮( ̄▽ ̄“)╭

(End of this chapter)

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