Chapter 60 Ji Xuanyuan

On board the Hyperion,
"Dean, we have received a set of signals!" Just as Teresa and the others were discussing how to stop Chi You, someone suddenly reported.

"Signal? How did you receive the signal at this time?" Teresa was a little puzzled, but she let others accept the signal and asked, "What information does the signal contain?"

"According to the analysis, the signal is sent by the connector, but the signal is intermittent, and there is no information?"

"Communication device?" Teresa was a little puzzled as to why someone was sending signals at this time, and it was still intermittent.


Mei suddenly slapped the table excitedly.

"It's Lin Yu! It must be Lin Yu! He's fine!"

It is indeed very possible Teresa thought so too, but she didn't understand why Lin Yu didn t contact them directly.

"It must be that Lin Yu's communicator is malfunctioning, and there is no way to communicate!" Fu Hua thought for a while and came up with the most likely answer.

"It's good that that guy is fine!" Kiyana also let go of her previous hanging heart, and then asked, "But what does the signal from Lin Yu mean?"

"Bronya thinks that brother Lin Yu is using Morse code to send us a message!" Bronia quickly interpreted the signal he got, and then got a five-word message: I'm fine!rest assured!

Seeing the message translated by Bronya, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Lin Yu is fine, so send someone to rescue him quickly Teresa waved her hand, signaling other personnel to find where Lin Yu was.

"Report to the head of the school, the positioning shows that the signal source is moving with Chi You!"

"Huh?" After hearing the report from the personnel on the battleship, Teresa and the others were stunned.What's going on?How could Lin Yu's signal move with Chi You?

"Dean, I have a bold guess!" Fu Hua reacted first, and then prepared to express his understanding.

"What guess?" Teresa signaled Fu Hua to continue.

"I guess Lin Yu might be in Chi You's body!"

At this time, Fu Hua also recalled the appearance of the cave before.Although she also suspected it, there was no definite evidence that the hole was Chi You's mouth.So she didn't think much about it, but what happened to Lin Yu now made her confirm this guess at once.


The other four immediately screamed.Fu Hua also told the ins and outs of the cave and his own guesses.This made the four of them somewhat believe it.

"Lin Yu is in Chi You's stomach, will something happen?" Yayi panicked, thinking that Lin Yu was in Chi You's stomach, she worried that something would happen to Lin Yu.

"From the current point of view, Lin Yu is fine, otherwise he would not have sent us a signal!" After knowing that Lin Yu was fine, Teresa no longer seemed so anxious.Because in her opinion, as long as Lin Yu didn't encounter an emperor-level Honkai beast in Chi You's body, basically there would be no problem.

"Then how can we help Lin Yu?" Qiyana has already started thinking about how to save Lin Yu.But based on her IQ, it is estimated that she can't think of any way to do it.

"Bronya suggested sending Chi You's analysis model to Lin Yu's brother, so that he can help!" The three-no girl Bronya always defeated Kiyana's paramecium in terms of IQ, and immediately Thought of this method.

"Then let's do this first!" Teresa also agreed with Bronya's suggestion.


Inside Chi You's body,

"The message has finally been sent!"

After sending the message, Lin Yu saw that Fei Yuwan had almost wiped out the group of Houkai beasts and dead men.

"Lulu, what tricks did you teach Xiaofei?" Lin Yu asked Novalu after seeing that the moves used by Fei Yuwan included both Tianyu Nine Styles and Luoying Swordsmanship.

"She just learned the first four moves of Tianyu swordsmanship from me, and I don't know how many moves Yae Sakura taught her!" Nuova answered truthfully.

After Higokumaru wiped out the Houkai Beast, she happily ran over.

"Brother, how is my sword skill?"

Hiyumaru looked begging for praise.However, her swordsmanship is really good, but she is not very proficient, after all, she hasn't learned it for long.Therefore, Higokumaru mainly relied on the power of the Corrosion Flame to destroy the Houkai Beast.

"Not bad! You can try another sword next time!" Obviously, Lin Yu did not mention the shortcomings of Fei Yuwan.However, he still made a side note, and the rest is up to Hiyumaru himself.

"Then I'll use Big Sister's Sakura Blowing Snow next time!"

Now Lin Yu has three swords on his body, hiding Yuhun, Sakura Chuixue and Xingyu respectively.In terms of power, Ksitigarbha Yuhun is the most powerful, followed by Xingyu, and Sakura Chuixue is slightly worse.But the most important thing is to look at the talent who uses the weapon, just like if Lin Yu uses Jizo Yuhun and Yae Sakura fights with Sakura Fubuki, Lin Yu may not be able to beat Yae Sakura.Because the gap between Lin Yu and Yae Sakura is really too big in terms of combat experience and combat skills.

If you want to calculate according to the current power level of Destiny, Yae Sakura and Novalu are definitely S-level existences.As for Feiyuwan, if the power of erosion is not used, Lin Yu can't tell the exact level.

"Now let's take a look at the position in our Chi You's body first?" Lin Yu clicked on the Chi You model sent by Teresa, which also marked his current position.

Lin Yu is currently in a relatively middle position in Chi You's body, which means that he is far away from Chi You's mouth.

"How the hell did I get here? 』

Even Lin Yu himself wanted to complain about himself, because the distance from Chi You's mouth to the middle position was very far, and it was hard to imagine how he came here.

"Lin Yu, what should we do now?" Nuovalu didn't know what else to do now.

"I don't know either! Why don't you go and see first!"

In Chi You's body, Lin Yu didn't know what to do, so let's just walk around first!See what everyone on Huberian can do to save him.

After walking for a while, Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan also wiped out many Houkai beasts.Lin Yu found that although he was in Chi You's body, he could not see anything resembling an organ structure, but instead it looked like an empty world.

"This is an independent world at all!" Except for the Houkai Beast and the dead man, Lin Yu saw nothing else along the way.

After eliminating another batch of Honkai Beasts, Lin Yu stayed aside to rest.But it seems that things did not go according to Lin Yu's intention.

"Lin Yu, get Xuanyuan Sword out! There seems to be something wrong with it!"

As soon as Lin Yu sat down to rest, Nuova Lu's voice came.Lin Yu didn't think much about it, and directly got Xuanyuanjian out of the Xingyu space.At the same time, the Ksitigarbha Yuhun also came into Lin Yu's hands, ready at any time.


The Xuanyuan sword was inserted into the ground, and the sound of the sword continued.This made Lin Yu alert all of a sudden.In Fei Yuwan's hand, there is also the power of erosion gathering, as long as Xuanyuan Sword shows signs of attacking, she will immediately counterattack.

"Sorry! I mean no harm!"

An ethereal girl's voice rang in the ears of Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan, and then a nihilistic girl figure emerged from Xuanyuan Sword.

The girl looks about ten years old, her long black hair is bound by a golden phoenix crown, she wears a bright red bead bracelet on her wrist, she is wearing a bright yellow light skirt, and a bright red skirt is tied around her waist. ribbon.In short, the first impression this girl gave Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan was that she was noble, besides being noble, she was also noble.

"who are you?"

This girl gave Lin Yu a good feeling, and Lin Yu didn't think she would launch a sneak attack or something.

"Under Ji Xuanyuan, the world calls me Emperor Xuanyuan!" Ji Xuanyuan introduced himself in a very flat tone.

"I'll go! Old Ancestor!"

When Lin Yu heard Ji Xuanyuan's introduction, he was shocked.Who in China doesn't know the name Ji Xuanyuan!Who dares to say that he doesn't know that Lin Yu has to kill him with a knife from Jizang Yuhun, even dare to forget the name of his ancestor.

"Just call me Ji Xuanyuan!" Ji Xuanyuan's face froze after seeing Lin Yu's reaction, but he recovered quickly.

"Uh...Okay!" Lin Yu didn't refuse even the old ancestor asked, "Ji Xuanyuan, what's your situation now?"

Lin Yu was very curious about Ji Xuanyuan's current situation.However, it seemed to Lin Yu that Ji Xuanyuan seemed to be in a similar situation to Yae Rin in the Stigmata Space, but he was a little uncertain, so I just asked.

"I am in the state of the soul now. My body was seriously injured in the battle with Chi You thousands of years ago, and finally served as the core of the formation that sealed Chi You's heart. So my soul entered the Xuanyuan Sword. I want to Find someone who can inherit Xuanyuan Sword. Now that you have the strength to become the heir of Xuanyuan Sword, I have fulfilled my wish!" Ji Xuanyuan didn't seem to care that she was about to disappear, her tone was still so flat, There was absolutely no fluctuation at all.

Probably thinking that his responsibility had been completed, Ji Xuanyuan closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief, his figure was about to turn into a little fluorescent light and dissipate.

"Please! Ancestor, can you not be so sad!" Lin Yu also completely convinced the ancestor Ji Xuanyuan, and he never said a word from the beginning to the end.Before Lin Yu wanted to ask anything, he was about to disappear.

Lin Yu would not let his ancestors disappear so easily.After a little urging of Xingyu, the silver light ball that Nuovalu had used appeared in Lin Yu's hand, and then Ji Xuanyuan's bits of fluorescence that were about to dissipate all entered the light ball.

"How could the ancestors of Shenzhou disappear so easily!" Lin Yu looked at the light ball in his hand, the fluorescence in it probably accounted for about 5000%, which means that Ji Xuanyuan's soul has dissipated in more than [-] years Seventy percent.However, compared with Kallen, this is not known how many times better. It is estimated that Kallen has not recovered so much now!
"Lin Yu, you will consume a lot of the core of Xingyu by doing this, okay!" Nuova Lu reminded Lin Yu.

"Ji Xuanyuan is also my ancestor after all! This can't be ignored!" Lin Yu silently put the light ball into the star language space.

"I know, I don't mean anything else, just to tell you that this kind of thing can only be done again at most, otherwise the core of the star language will be broken!"

Novalu was obviously telling Lin Yu that things like retaining the soul cannot be done unlimitedly, and this will affect the core of Xingyu.

According to Novalu's calculations, the current Xingyu can accommodate up to five souls besides her, and there are already four souls, Rin, Karen, Yae Sakura and Ji Xuanyuan.So there is the last one, Lin Yu has to pay attention.Unless he can raise the star language to the level of the key of God, otherwise the star language will be permanently damaged.

"I see! I'll pay attention!"

The significance of the star language to Lin Yu is extraordinary, and it has been following Lin Yu since the third Honkai outbreak was produced.Although Ksitigarbha Yuhun is better than Xingyu now, Lin Yu will not give up Xingyu.Because sooner or later, he will also evolve the star language to the level of God's Key, even surpassing God's Key.

 Guess when the star language can reach the level of God's key.As a reminder, it is impossible to become the God's Key without the core of the Herrscher. PS: I won't talk about the number of votes today, because it's too horrible! (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c)
(End of this chapter)

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