Chapter 61 Danzhu
"What are you going to do now? Don't you want to wander aimlessly?" Nova Lu asked Lin Yu in the star language space.

"Continue to explore! Anyway, there is nothing wrong!"

Lin Yu looked at the star language bracelet on his wrist, and then put away the Xuanyuan sword again.

"All right!"

Nuovalu was also speechless, but now it seems that there is nothing else to do except to continue wandering in Chi You's body.

"Alright! Alright! Continue shopping!" Hiyumaru seemed very happy, and continued to walk forward with big strides.

Lin Yu didn t care about Fei Yuwan either. After all, she spent most of her time with Jizo Yuhun in the star language space, so let her play enough this time.What's more, as long as she is not too far away from Jizo Yuhun, she can use the power of erosion all the time without encountering any danger.

"Xiaofei, go on!"

Lin Yu directly took out Sakura Chuixue, and then threw it to Fei Yuwan at once.

"Ah! It's Big Sister's Sakura Fubuki!"

Higokumaru caught Sakura Fubuki, hung it around his waist, and continued to explore.

While walking, Lin Yu was using the stigmata, weapons, and core on his body to transform the violent Houkai energy around him.Although the concentration of Honkai energy in Chi You's body was very high, Lin Yu couldn't absorb it directly due to being too violent, so he had to go through the process of transformation.But only the core is an exception, because no matter how violent the Honkai can be, it is not as powerful as the Herrscher's power, so only Shenyu's core is directly absorbing the Honkai energy, and the speed is quite fast.

"I really don't know when Shenyu's core will become a real Herrscher's core?" Lin Yu felt the Herrscher's core in his body. The volume is indeed one or two points larger than before, but the growth rate is still slow outrageous.

"If you can stay in this environment for two or three months, the core is probably complete!"

Novalu gave Lin Yu an approximate time, but this was obviously impossible.Because if Lin Yu was to stay in Chi You's body for two or three months, the world would probably be destroyed.After all, Chi You's disaster-level destructive power is no joke.

"Brother, come here quickly! I found something!" Fei Yuwan seemed to have discovered something, and immediately waved to Lin Yu.While Lin Yu was still walking slowly, Fei Yuwan no longer knew how many dead men and Houkai beasts had been eliminated.

"What did you find?"

Lin Yu followed in the footsteps of Fei Yuwan and continued to explore in depth.The surrounding scenery began to gradually change. The blue fluorescent spar on the road turned red at some point, and even the temperature was gradually rising.

"What is this thing?"

At the end of this road, the road has completely turned red.At the end of the road, a huge red crystal tightly wrapped a purple crystal.Moreover, the violent Honkai energy in the purple crystal is constantly impacting towards the red crystal, as if it wants to break the red crystal.

"Hehe! You can touch this!"

Lin Yu smiled awkwardly, because he knew what the thing in front of him was.According to the information investigated by Lin Yu, there are two cores and a heart in the demon dragon Chiyou's body, and they are the source of Chiyou's power.And the thing in front of Lin Yu is one of the two cores.But it seems to be in a sealed state.

With Chi You's awakening, this trial-level Honkai core also began to gradually activate.There are purple thunderbolts constantly bombarding the red crystal wall on the core, trying to escape from this seal.

"This is really a jackpot!" Nuova also felt the core situation.

"If this core is not resolved, Teresa and the others will be very embarrassed!" Lin Yu was thinking about how to destroy this core.

"Brother, can you give me this thing?"

Just when Lin Yu wanted to destroy this core, Fei Yuwan spoke, and she seemed to have other ideas.

"What do you want this for?"

"There are a lot of Honkai energy in this core, which can restore the eroded core of Jizo Yuhun to its full state!"

There wasn't much power in the core of Jizo Yuhun, and now there is a chance to supplement it, how could Fei Yuwan let it go?

"Then what are you waiting for! Do whatever you want!"

Lin Yu agreed without hesitation when he heard that Jizo Yuhun could be restored to its full state.The current Ksitigarbha Yuhun power is not much, it is already powerful enough, if it is in a complete state, it will be fine.

Afterwards, Fei Yuwan directly turned into a crimson light spot and entered the Jizo Yuhun, which made Lin Yu stunned.

"Brother, absorbing too much Honkai at once requires me to control the erosion core." Fei Yuwan explained to Lin Yu.


Lin Yu smiled, and pulled out the Jizo Yushun.In fact, Jizo Yuhun can also be turned into a bracelet for easy carrying like Xingyu, but Lin Yu didn't think it was necessary to wear two bracelets on his hands, so he didn't do it.

Afterwards, Hoonkai energy began to pour into the Ksitigarbha Yuhun on Lin Yu's body, and a large number of black flames began to emerge, forming a barrier to surround the red crystals.This is Lin Yu's insurance to prevent any changes in this core.

After the insurance work was done, Lin Yu suddenly pierced the red crystal used to seal Chi You's core with Ji Zang Yuhun, and inserted it directly into the purple core.The flames of erosion also followed the Ksitigarbha Yuhun to surround Chi You's core, and even the purple lightning that had been emitted before was completely wiped out by the flames of erosion.

The moment Jizo Yuhun was inserted into Chi You's core, Lin Yu could feel the unimaginable Honkai energy pouring into the core of Jizo Yuhun.Moreover, the Honkai energy in Chi You's core is helpless in the face of the engulfment of the Ksitigarbha Yuhun, so it can only absorb the Honkai energy in the core.

Soon, the erosive flames of Ksitigarbha Yuhun swallowed up all the Honkai energy in Chi You's core.Lin Yu withdrew the Jizo Yushun and found that the originally pitch-black blade had become deeper and made it feel sharper.Obviously, Jizo Yuhun is already in a complete state.

After Chi You's core was devoured, the red crystal that was originally responsible for sealing it also began to gradually dissipate, leaving only a palm-sized red crystal and an unknown black stone on the ground.

"What are these two things?" Lin Yu picked up the two on the ground, held them in his hands and observed them carefully.

"It feels like it's the material used to seal Chi You's core! Look at the formation on the ground!" Nuova Lu reminded Lin Yu.

Lin Yu stepped back a few steps, looked at the place where the red crystals were just now, and a very complicated circular array with a diameter of several meters appeared in front of Lin Yu.

"The person who can draw this formation is really amazing, even the core of the judge-level Honkai beast can be sealed!" Listening to Novalu's tone, she seems to admire the drawer of this formation very much.After all, the Judgment-level Honkai core is not so easy to seal, which shows that this formation is very advanced.

"Oh? This array is in the information stream of Cangxuan Stigmata!"

Lin Yu felt that this formation was familiar, and after thinking about it carefully, he realized that it was one of the sealing formations of Cangxuan Stigmata, and it was also one of the most difficult formations.

What does this mean?Lin Yu immediately thought of who drew this formation, who else could it be except the legendary Cang Xuan.

Another old ancestor Lin Yu said helplessly while supporting his forehead.These things are recorded in the materials, but most of them are legends, and the credibility is not high.But Lin Yu didn t expect that these were all true.

"Then what could this red crystal be?"

Lin Yu took the initiative to inject some Honkai energy into the red crystal, and as a result, the crystal suddenly burst into red light, and then the light gathered into the appearance of a girl.

"How do you feel that you have seen this situation just now?"

Lin Yu and Novalu complained at the same time.This is too similar to Ji Xuanyuan's appearance just now.

This girl is different from Ji Xuanyuan, she has long beautiful hair.Waist-length hair is beyond description, because her hair is already hanging by her feet.The girl's figure was about the same as Ji Xuanyuan's, and she was wearing a black ancient costume.Then she slowly opened her eyes, revealing her vermilion eyes with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

"Who are you? Why do you have a sense of familiarity?" The girl saw Lin Yu looking at her as soon as she opened her eyes.


Lin Yu no longer knew what to say.The girl in front of her should be the legendary Danzhu, because the stigmata of Danzhu on her right hand reacted somewhat.

"What's your reaction?" The girl looked at Lin Yu blankly.

"It's nothing! You just saw Ji Xuanyuan just now, and now you're a little shocked to see Danzhu again!"

"You saw Xuanyuan? Also, you know my name?" Dan Zhu was startled.

"I have indeed met Ji Xuanyuan. As for why I know your name. Here!" After answering truthfully, Lin Yu showed the slightly lit stigmata on his right hand, and said, "This is why I know your name!"

"This is... the stigmata that contains my power?" Dan Zhu immediately recognized the stigmata on Lin Yu's hand.

"Yes! This is my awakened stigmata, and the other is Cangxuan stigmata!" Lin Yu also showed Dan Zhu the stigmata on his left hand by the way.

"This indeed my sister's!" Dan Zhu confirmed it after staring at the stigmata on Lin Yu's left hand.


At this moment, the surroundings suddenly began to vibrate violently, and one after another Honkai beasts appeared out of thin air.

"I'll go! Isn't Chi You's core gone? Why is Honkai still improving!" Lin Yu didn't expect that after he solved Chi You's core, it would make the situation worse.

"Chi You is such an existence, otherwise my sister and I would not need to sacrifice our lives to seal its core!" Dan Zhu felt the changes in the surrounding Houkai energy, and then persuaded Lin Yu, "Young man, leave this place quickly Right! It won't be long before Chi You's body will get worse! I only have my soul left now, and I can't help you!"

You don't need your help for such a trivial matter Lin Yu held Jizo Yuhun tightly, and then with a wave, a black flame sword energy passed.Then the Houkai beasts that were hit were burned to death by the black flames.

"This weapon..."

Dan Zhu looked at the Jizo Yuhun in Lin Yu's hand in disbelief, his eyes full of shock.

"Okay! Let's talk about it next!"

By the way, Lin Yu used the flames of erosion to form a barrier around him, which made it impossible for the remaining Honkai beasts to attack them for the time being.

 Danzhu appeared, can Cangxuan be far behind? PS: I have nothing to say about the number of votes today, because there are fewer votes than yesterday! ! .·`(>▂<)`·.
(End of this chapter)

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