The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 62 Retreat?impossible

Chapter 62 Retreat?impossible
"Brother, talk to this sister slowly, I'll go and deal with those Houkai beasts!" Higokumaru came out of Jizo Yuhun at once, and ran out of the range of the erosion flame with Sakura Fubuki in his hand.

"Who is that child?" Dan Zhu looked at Fei Yuwan's back and asked in doubt.

"I will have a chance to talk to you in the future! Let's talk about what you are going to do now, right?" Lin Yu doesn't have so much time to chat with Dan Zhu slowly, so he didn't plan to waste too much time.

"There will be opportunities in the future? How is it possible? I am just a soul, and I won't exist for too long!"

"You really see it as openly as Ji Xuanyuan!"

Lin Yu complained about Danzhu in his heart.As for what Lin Yu wants to do, does it need to be said?It must have given Danzhu a place to stay first.

I advise you not to send this Danzhu into the star language Nuova Lu passed on to Lin Yu.

"Why?" Lin Yu didn't understand.

"There is still a place in the Xingyu space. Do you think Danzhu will appear here to seal Chiyou's core, but what about Cangxuan?"

"That's right! These two people are together! That is to say, Cang Xuan is sealing the other core!" Lin Yu immediately understood what Novalu meant.But if Danzhu is not sent into Xingyu, Lin Yu is worried that her soul will dissipate soon.

"You don't have to worry about this! This formation is very powerful, and it preserves her soul very completely, so you just need to find a place for her to stay!" Nuova Lu explained to Lin Yu carefully.In fact, she also admires the person who arranged this formation, which can preserve the soul of a person for more than 5000 years without dissipating, which shows its high technology.

"No need to recover? That really saves trouble!" Lin Yu is very happy about this situation, because if more people are added to the Xingyu space, it is estimated that the recovery speed of others will slow down.But where should Danzhu go?This question stumped Lin Yu.

"Isn't the answer in your hands?" Nuova Lu gave Lin Yu a hint.

Lin Yu listened to Nuova Lu's words, and looked at his hand, where is the answer?But when he saw the stigmata on his hand, he immediately understood.

"You want Danzhu to enter the stigmata?"

"That's right! Anyway, your stigmata came from her, so you shouldn't reject her, there's no problem at all!" Novalu analyzed.

"Then try it!"

With that said, Lin Yu put the red crystal projecting Dan Zhu's figure on the stigmata of his right hand, and then activated the stigmata.I saw that the Houkai in the red crystal could quickly flow into the stigmata. When the Houkai in the crystal could completely enter the stigmata, the stigmata also became a complete state.

"Oh? What are you doing?" Seeing that Lin Yu had absorbed the crystal he was living in, Dan Zhu panicked immediately.

"This! It's okay! It's just a place for you to live!" Lin Yu threw away the crystal that had lost its energy and gradually turned into powder in his hand, and began to explain all this to Dan Zhu.

"Really? Can I enter your stigmata? I'll try!"

After finishing speaking, Danzhu turned into light particles and entered the stigmata on Lin Yu s right hand.After a while she came out again, and she looked very happy.

"Okay! Don't worry about it now! Don't talk about disappearing if you have nothing to do!" Lin Yu is very disgusted with people who always talk about their disappearance.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! Let's go find my sister!" Danzhu was very happy when he knew that he would not disappear, and couldn't wait to save his sister Cangxuan.

"Wait a minute! Wait until Xiaofei and I clean up the Honkai Beast here!"

After spending so long on Dan Zhu, the energy in the erosion flame barrier Lin Yu arranged was almost exhausted.

"Let's throw this thing into the Xingyu space first!"

The red crystal is gone, but Lin Yu still has a black stone in his hand.Although he didn't know what it was useful for, Lin Yu still put it in Xingyu, and took it out to find out when he was free.Then, Lin Yu rushed out of the erosion flame barrier holding Jizo Yuhun, and fought Honkai Beast with Fei Yuwan.

In the star language space,
"Huh? Why does this stone feel so familiar to me?"

Nuova Lu stared at the black stone that Lin Yu took in in front of him, feeling the energy in it carefully.However, the energy in this stone seemed to be extremely weak, and Novalu felt it for a long time without any reaction.

"No way! It turned out to be..."

At a certain moment, Novalu suddenly sensed the extremely weak fluctuations emanating from the stone, and looked at the stone with disbelief.

Outside, Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan had already dealt with the group of Houkai beasts.Fortunately, there are not many Honkai beasts, only forty or fifty, and the most advanced ones are only two temple-level Honkai beasts, so Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan easily dealt with them.

"Huh~ It's finally done!" Lin Yu put Jizo Yuhun into the scabbard, and then breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"I don't need Jizo Yuhun to feel weak in strength!" Hiyumaru also put away Sakura Fukixue at this time.However, she seemed a little dissatisfied with her performance just now, after all, Jizo Yuhun is her exclusive weapon.And Sakura Fubuki is exclusive to Yae Sakura, she is somewhat uncomfortable to use.

"You guys are amazing! So many Honkai Beasts took so little time to finish!"

As soon as Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan put away their weapons, Dan Zhu came out from the stigmata.She spent the battle just now hiding in the stigmata, for fear that she would be accidentally injured by Lin Yu and the others.

"Brother, what are we going to do next?" Fei Yuwan asked Lin Yu about his next plan.

"Of course I'm looking for Cangxuan!!!"

Before Lin Yu could answer, Nuo Valu's yelling sounded in Lin Yu's mind, and Lin Yu's head shook all of a sudden.

"I'll go! Lulu, what are you doing so loudly?" Lin Yu rubbed his head, and then asked Novalu the reason.A normal Novalu wouldn't be so excited, so there must be something wrong.

"I don't care, go and find the Chiyou core sealed by Cangxuan!" Nuova Lu actually started acting like a baby at this time, which made Lin Yu stunned for a while.

"Got it! Got it! Can't I go?" Lin Yu quickly agreed to Novalu after reacting.Although Lin Yu didn't know why Novalu was so eager to find another Chi You core, Lin Yu knew that she must have her own reasons.

"Danzhu, please take us to another Chiyou core!"

As for who knows the route in Chi You's body best, there are probably only the sealed Chi You's Dan Zhu, Cang Xuan and Ji Xuanyuan.So Lin Yu let Danzhu lead the way directly.

"no problem!"

Speaking of Dan Zhu, he walked in front of Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan.He was about to see his sister soon, and Danzhu was so happy that he walked away.In fact, Danzhu doesn't need to walk at all, she is a soul now, she can float in the first place.But Lin Yu couldn't figure out why she had to walk away, probably because she hadn't stepped on the ground for a long time.


Enter Hyperion,
"Report to the head of the academy that a core just detected in Chi You's body has lost its signal!"

Hearing the subordinate's report, the five people sitting around the table were stunned, with bewildered expressions on their faces.

There was no way, they had just confirmed the location of one of Chi You's cores, but the signal disappeared not long after.It was so that none of them knew what was going on.

"Could it be that Lin Yu did it?" At this time, Qiyana suddenly said a word.

"Huh?" The other four were dumbfounded again.

"Destroying the Judgment-level Honkai Core requires a God's Key-level weapon! Does Lin Yu have it?" Teresa thought for a long time and asked questions.

"During the battle before, Lin Yu used a black Taidao, and that Taidao can fight against Xuanyuan Sword. I think it's almost the same even if it's not the God's Key!" Fu Hua remembered the time when Lin Yu used Jizo Yuhun to fight Jizi scene.

"I feel that Lin Yu's weapon seems to be more powerful than Xuanyuan Sword!" Qiyana expressed her thoughts, but in the next second everyone looked at her with caring eyes for the mentally retarded.

What a joke!More powerful than Xuanyuan Sword?The Xuanyuan Sword is a genuine God's Key, how can there be a weapon more powerful than it!If Lin Yu was here at this time, he would definitely praise Qiyana, after all, she was really right this time.Ksitigarbha Yuhun is indeed more powerful than Xuanyuanjian!

Before a few people had a discussion, someone reported that the Honkai value in Chi You's body had risen again, and what was even more terrible was that Chi You's movement speed had suddenly increased a lot.

This report made everyone nervous.After a moment of silence, Mei looked at Teresa, her tone full of worry: "Dean, contact Lin Yu quickly and let him find a way to come out!"

"Well! I also have this plan!"


On the way Lin Yu followed Dan Zhu to another Chi You core, his communicator suddenly rang, and it was a signal from Theresa, with only three words: leave!

no way!Who made Lin Yu's communicator only have the function of receiving signals!Now it is all contacted by Morse code composed of intermittent signals.

"I'll go! It's too troublesome to send this message!" Lin Yu himself was speechless because it was too troublesome.

Afterwards, Lin Yu used the Morse code to send a message back to Teresa and the others. The content was only five words: Leave the core to me!
Just kidding, so much Honkai energy in Chiyou's core can't be wasted.Lin Yu still has the Herrscher Core and Star Language on his body, and he still needs to absorb the Honkai energy!As for Cangxuan's stigmata, just leave it to Cangxuan.

"Lin Yu, what's the news?" Seeing Lin Yu stop, Dan Zhu asked.

"It's okay! My partner wanted me to leave here, but I didn't agree!" Lin Yu replied to Dan Zhu's message after replying to the message.

"The current situation is really not very good! Then leave after saving my sister!" Dan Zhu also knew that the situation in Chi You's body was getting worse and worse, but she missed her sister Cangxuan so much, so she still planned to leave her. Cang Xuan was rescued.

"Don't worry! Since everyone is here, I will definitely save her!"

Lin Yu also knew that Dan Zhu missed Cang Xuan very much, so he was not ready to give up.There is also Novalu's request. She must have asked Lin Yu to go to another core for some reason.As for the reason, Lin Yu won't ask yet, let's ask her after this mission is over!

 Can you guess what Novalu found?Guaranteed to be a surprise!It will take a few chapters to tell you the result! PS: Regarding the number of starting votes, I can only say two words "hehe!" ( ̄▽ ̄")
(End of this chapter)

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