Chapter 6 Encounter
Lin Yu ran with all his strength, and soon arrived at the place where the loud noise had occurred before.When they arrived, there was no one there, only the large and small potholes on the street could prove that not only dead men appeared here before, but also a huge Houkai beast.

"No time to!Time to speed up! 』

Lin Yu didn t stop, and chased along the street at a high speed, hoping to catch up with the person who shot before.

After a while, Lin Yu saw a huge tank-level Honkai Beast chasing the two girls.

"Chariot class?"

From the data in the laboratory, Lin Yu learned that Honkai Beasts are roughly divided into seven grades according to their different forms: Advancement Level, Knight Level, Chariot Level, Ballista Level, Temple Level, Emperor Level, and Judgment Level. From the first level to the temple level are called the lower Houkai beasts, while the emperor class and the judgment class are called the upper Houkai beasts.However, there is no absolute difference in the destructive power between each level of the lower-ranked Honkai beasts, but the gap between the upper-ranked beasts is vast.Just like the Chariot-level Honkai Beast not far away, it can easily destroy a small building, but some advance-level Honkai Beasts can also do the same.But Lin Yu didn't care about it.Because Lin Yu encountered this kind of Houkai beast on the way here before, Lin Yu directly cut off one of its legs with star language, making it unable to move.Due to the eagerness to save people, it was not wiped out.

"It looks like it's going to be wiped out this time! 』

Approaching the chariot-level Honkai Beast very quickly, Lin Yu was about to take out the star language in the form of a sword.At this moment, Lin Yu noticed something strange from above, and the feeling was very strong, so he immediately dodged to the side.

"Target locked! Reload Xiaotu 19C, attack!"

The next second Lin Yu moved away, a clear voice came from above.

There was a bang, and the dust flew.

When the dust dissipated, the original chariot-level Honkai beast had been pierced through the middle by a huge robot with a mechanical spear.

"Mission complete!" A silver-haired little girl with twin ponytails jumped off the robot and said something expressionless.

"It's really timely! Bronya, thank you." Mei ran to Bronya and was relieved to see that she was not injured.Then he walked towards the brown-haired boy not far away and asked, "Well, are you okay?"

"Hey, hey, who are you? It would be scary to appear suddenly!" Qiyana kicked away the fragments of the Honkai Beast scattered at her feet, and walked over step by step.

The target is not hostile, Bronya judges that the other party is not an enemy Bronya sat next to the robot, saying that Lin Yu was not hostile, but the spear in the robot's hand was pointing at Lin Yu vigilantly.

Are you mistaken, I am here to rescue you.You treat me like this?It's so hard for me!
"My name is Lin Yu, and I am a person who survived the collapse. Just now I heard loud noises and gunshots here, and thought that there should be living people here, so I ran to see if I needed help!" Lin After Yu introduced himself, he accidentally saw a wound on Mei's left arm, so he took out a roll of bandages and a bottle of disinfectant from his backpack and handed them to Mei.

"Thank you!" Mei took the bandage and disinfectant politely, and began to introduce herself and her companions to Lin Yu, "My name is Leiden Mei, she is Qiyana, and this is Bronya!"

"Mei, why are you injured? Just leave this kind of thing to me!" Kiyana hugged Mei's arm directly, and it stuck to Mei's body like plasticine.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu was suddenly speechless.It's okay that Mei is injured, you should bandage her wound quickly!Didn't you see that Bronya already had the robot aiming the heavy artillery at you?

"Reload the Bunny 19C, the target is locked! If Kiyana continues to harass sister Mei, execute the attack command!" Bronya commanded the robot to aim at Kiyana, as if she was not joking.

Fuck me, this is the rhythm of firing at the slightest disagreement!Lin Yu was suddenly shocked by Bronya's actions.

"I didn't harass Mei! Mei is obviously very comfortable, right?" Kiana began to talk nonsense seriously.

"Really? Does sister Mei really feel comfortable?" Bronya looked at Mei who was being held by Kiyana.

"It's really comfortable, isn't it, Mei?" Kiyana looked at Mei with expectation.

The two who were only focused on asking Mei Yi didn't notice that Mei Yi was already blushing at this time.

"That... this... how is it possible to be comfortable!" Mei couldn't help it anymore, and blushed and called out.

"Pfft~" Lin Yu who was "watching the show" on the side finally couldn't help laughing.It was only then that Mei realized that she had just said the word "comfortable" in front of a boy, and was immediately ashamed.

Let me say, are you two still arguing Lin Yu looked at the two quarreling girls and thought, didn't you notice that there was an injury here?

"Forget it! Let me bandage it up for you, Ms. Mei!"

However, the two girls who were quarreling patronized the quarrel and ignored Lin Yu at all.There is no other way, Lin Yu can only go to battle in person to help Mei deal with the wound.

"Thank you! That's how they are, don't worry. You can just call me Mei!" Mei stretched out her injured arm and asked Lin Yu to bandage it.Although it was the first time they met, Mei could feel that Lin Yu was a good person, so she had a good impression of him.

『Mei is completely different from those two guys!I don't know how she can bear it! After Lin Yu disinfected Mei's wound, he began to bandage it.Carefully wrapped the wound with a bandage and tied a bow, Lin Yu finished treating the wound.

"Thank you so much! I didn't expect boys to be so careful!" Mei moved her bandaged left arm a little, feeling that there was nothing wrong, and then thanked Lin Yu.

"What did you do to Mei just now?" Kiyana had just finished arguing with Bronya, and when she turned around, she saw the bandage on Mei's left hand, and immediately pounced on Lin Yu like a tiger, but fortunately, Bronya blocked.

"Bronya, what are you doing? Don't stop me!"

"Stupid Qiyana, according to calculations, your winning rate is less than one percent."

"Nonsense, Miss Ben's winning rate is 100%. By the way, just now, Bronya, you hacked randomly when you came out, and almost implicated me. I haven't settled with you yet!"

"Bronya said that the stupid Qiyana has zero priority and does not need to care about safety."

"These two are hopeless! Lin Yu was speechless for a while, so he had to put his gaze back on Yayi.She was wearing the school uniform of Qianyu Academy. Although it was stained with a little dirt, it could not conceal the girl's latent noble temperament.

"What are you going to do next? I'm going to leave this city. Anyway, the news says that the scope of Honkai is only in Changkong City. As long as you leave here, you will be safe!" Lin Yu asked Mei who was next to him.

"Let's take a rest first!" Mei thought carefully before replying.

"This is a good way!" Lin Yu was very satisfied with Mei's answer, and agreed.

Just when Lin Yu and Mei were about to leave, the two girls were still arguing.It looked like it was completely hopeless.

"Stop arguing, you two! Lin Yu and I are about to leave." Mei said to the two quarreling girls.

Upon hearing Mei's words, Kiana and Bronya immediately stopped arguing.It seems that only Mei can stop these two people from quarreling.

"Where are we going next?" Kiyana asked.

"Bronya suggests finding a place to rest first!" Bronya got off the reloaded bunny and stood up slowly.

"I do know a place where there are not many Houkai beasts and dead men. If you don't mind, you can come with me!" Lin Yu remembered that the dead men near his home were basically cleaned up by himself, so he suggested that the three of them and Go together by yourself.

"Of course we don't mind! Let's go!" Mei pulled Qiyana and Bronya to follow Lin Yu's footsteps.

Along the way, Lin Yu and the girls kept communicating. After all, it is a joy to meet living people in such a dead city.For girls, this is also a very lucky thing.

Although they didn't know where Lin Yu came from, why he was able to survive the Honkai, or why he was not eroded by the Honkai, but now is not the time to think about these, they only know that Lin Yu is now a partner.

 The plot is so difficult to control!After all, with the addition of a character, the plot line will definitely change.There will also be descriptions of familiar scenes in comics, but don't worry, this is normal!

(End of this chapter)

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