Chapter 7 Rest
Along the way, Lin Yu and the girls communicated to solve the boring rush.However, many dead men and a few Honkai beasts were also dealt with.

"Lin Yu, you are so powerful! You can kill monsters that are about your size at once." Seeing Lin Yu wiped out several Houkai beasts along the way, Qiyana immediately felt that he was so powerful.The monster in Qiyana's mouth is actually an advance-level Honkai Beast. Although it moves quickly, there will be a short pause before the action. Lin Yu rushed to him during this gap and inserted the Liuye Taidao directly into the Honkai The head of the beast.

"It's okay! I have encountered this kind of Houkai beast before, and I know their behavior patterns better!" Lin Yu explained to Qiyana with Bronya on his back.As for why Lin Yu carried Bronya on his back?That's because Bronya's legs are inconvenient to walk. It's impossible for the robot to support Bronya all the time, right?This is so conspicuous!And Bronya's petite figure is not a problem at all for Lin Yu now.

After that, the closer to the area where Lin Yu was before, the fewer the number of dead soldiers, and there were basically no Honkai beasts.However, Lin Yu did not plan to take them to his home, because the floor of his home was relatively high, and it was inconvenient to evacuate in time if he encountered danger.So Lin Yu found a more suitable room on the third floor.

This room has two bedrooms and a living room, but also bathroom and kitchen.

"Leave the living room to me! The two bedrooms are for you!" Lin Yu politely left the bedroom to the girls, and stayed in the living room as a guard.

"I want to be with Mei!" Kiyana threw herself on Mei again.

"Bronya also wants to be with sister Mei." Bronya hugged Mei's right hand.

Mei had no way to refuse Kiana and Bronya's request, so she had to say to Lin Yu: "Okay! That's the only way. Lin Yu, that bedroom is reserved for you!"

"As long as you are happy! 』Lin Yu nodded in agreement, and then continued: "The bathroom in this room seems to be usable! You can go take a bath and relax. I will prepare some food for you first!"

As soon as she heard that the bathroom was available, Kiyana's eyes lit up immediately, she immediately pulled Mei, and said, "Mei, let's go take a bath together!"

"Bronya also wants to come together! Otherwise, the idiot Kiyana will harass sister Mei again!"

"Smelly brat! What did you say?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Mei immediately stopped her and said, "Qiana, the bathroom is big enough, it's okay! Bronya, too!"

After talking, Mei took Kiana and Bronya to find a change of clothes.After a while, the three of Mei entered the bathroom.

"Damn Lin Yu, I warn you, don't peek at us taking a bath, or you will be finished." Kiyana's warning came from the bathroom.

"I'm preparing food! I don't have time to peek at you!" Lin Yu's voice came from the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Lin Yu was worrying about what to prepare.What can I do without rice or vegetables?

"I remember taking a lot of cans when I was collecting supplies. Lin Yu remembered that there were a lot of cans in the collected materials, so with a thought, he took out a dozen cans from the "Starry Sky".Immediately afterwards, the pot was taken out of the kitchen cabinet, and all the food in the can was poured into the pot, and finally heated.

"Why do you feel like you won't have enough to eat! Lin Yu didn't know what was going on, but he always felt that the food he had prepared was not enough, so he took out a dozen more cans.

"I don't believe that this much is not enough!" Looking at the cans piled up in front of him, Lin Yu thought secretly.

Before Meiyi and the others knew when they would be washing, Lin Yu began to clean up the collected materials.When collecting, Lin Yu didn't think too much about it, and put all the things he thought were useful into "Between the Stars", and now he just has time to clean them up.

"Basically it's food and water. I guess I didn't like other things at the time!" Lin Yu looked at the mountains of supplies in front of him and said to himself.After cleaning up the supplies bit by bit, Lin Yu walked out of the kitchen.But Qiyana and the others are not over yet, Lin Yu can only sit and wait for them in the living room.

Not long after, Kiana and the others washed up.

"It smells so good! Mei, let's go eat quickly!" Kiyana was wearing a loose coat, and walked directly to the kitchen without caring about her wet hair.

"Lin Yu, I am so troublesome! You are both on guard and preparing food! Thank you!" Mei was completely different from the previous Qiyana, and thanked Lin Yu.After thanking her, Mei took a towel and began to wipe her long hair that was still dripping.

They are also girls, why is there such a big gap!Kiyana has always called herself Miss Ben, but she doesn't look like a young lady.But Mei is different. Although she doesn't speak much, she feels very gentle (in fact, she is very gentle).Compared with Kiana, Mei is like the real young lady.

"It's inconvenient for Bronya just after taking a shower, Lin Yu, help her!" Mei noticed that Bronya hadn't come yet, and reminded her.

It's okay As soon as Lin Yu walked over, he saw Bronya walking out swaying while leaning on the wall. He probably fainted from taking a bath.Lin Yu went over and took Bronya's little hand and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hurry up! I can't wait!" Qiyana sat at the table, looking ready to eat at any time.Mei is taking the food out of the pot and putting it in bowls.Before Lin Yu sat down, Qiyana began to gobble it up.

"Mei! These are not enough, I want more!" Qiyana ate at an astonishing speed, before the others had finished eating half, she had already finished eating.

"Should I be thankful that I was a little more prepared! Seeing that Qiyana's appetite is so big, Lin Yu's previous feeling was right!
"There are still a few cans here! I'll reheat them!" Lin Yu put down the bowls and chopsticks, and began to heat the unheated cans.Then he turned around and said to Qiyana: "If it's not enough, just let me know, I still have a few breads in my bag!"

"Got it! It's so long-winded!" Although Qiyana said so, in fact, since she separated from her father, Lin Yu was the first except for Mei and Bronya who cared so much about herself.

Dinner is over and all food is wiped out!And Qiyana didn't seem to be full yet, so she walked to Lin Yu's backpack, took out a few breads from it and continued to eat.

"Nimeng wants a second item?" Kiyana asked the three people sitting at the table slurred while stuffing bread into her mouth.

"Just eat it yourself! We are all full!" Lin Yu looked at Qiyana who was still eating bread, and said with a smile.

『If there is no Houkai, it would be nice to be able to live like this. Lin Yu glanced at the trio who were resting after eating.

"Huh? What's the matter?" The careful Mei noticed Lin Yu's gaze.

"It's nothing, it's just that we have only met for less than a few hours, but we feel that we have known each other for a long time." Lin Yu shook his head and said with a smile.

"By the way! Lin Yu, has your body changed after the collapse?"

This can't be blamed on Mei, after all, in terms of Houkai resistance, women are far higher than men.This is why only female Valkyrie can resist Houkai, but not male Valkyrie, because men generally have no resistance to Houkai.In the time after the Honkai, Mei and his party have not seen a living person.Normally, women who can survive the collapse are all women, but Lin Yu survived the collapse as a man, which is itself very confusing.

"Physical changes?" Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, then slowed down, thought for a while and said, "I only know that on the second day after the collapse, my physical fitness was much stronger than the day before. Originally A Honkai beast that I can only run away when I see it, I can easily deal with it afterwards. As for ordinary dead soldiers, it is not a problem at all."

Isn't there any mark on Brother Lin Yu?" Bronya asked on the side.

"Imprint? What imprint?" Lin Yu looked puzzled, feeling like he heard an unknown term.

"It's the stigmata!" Kiyana, who was eating on the other side, suddenly interrupted the conversation.

"Stigmata? What is that?" Lin Yu had never heard of this brand new term.

"It is said that people who survived the Houkai will contain a substance called "Honkai Antibody" in their bodies. Very few people have high levels of this substance in their bodies, and it will appear in a special pattern. This pattern is "Stigmata". Yai explained to Lin Yu carefully, "But now scientists have developed artificial stigmata, but the power is much worse than the original stigmata. "

"I didn't find any strange lines on my body!" Lin Yu said after thinking for a while.As for what happened in Qianyu's laboratory, it was impossible for him to recall it. After all, how could a person who had fainted remember what happened during that period.What's more, the lines that appeared at that time have long been hidden, how could they be seen.

"Mei, you are overthinking. He can still have stigmata on his body like this, and he doesn't even have the three of us, so it's even more impossible for him." Kiyana continued to complain about Lin Yu while eating.

"Okay! It's time to rest! Leave the warning to me tonight! You can sleep at ease!" Lin Yu looked at Qiyana and Mei, and then rubbed Bronya's head.

Afterwards, the three of them went to the bedroom together to rest.Although Lin Yu could go to the bedroom to rest, but out of caution, he stayed on the sofa in the living room.

"Isn't it a good thing to meet such a group of people after the Honkai happened! Lin Yu lay on the sofa and gradually fell into a light sleep.Just after he fell asleep, the stigmata on his hands and back shone with light again, but this time it was very faint.At the same time, a small amount of pink light in the air was slowly absorbed by the stigmata.

All this just happened in a quiet night without anyone noticing.

 Explanation: There is a reason for the protagonist's stigmata, but it still brings a lot of help to the protagonist, the most obvious being the super-high improvement of physical fitness.

  By the way, two characters represented by stigmata will appear in the future, and the other one is too special to be sure!
(End of this chapter)

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