Chapter 8 Escape
the next morning,
With a creak, the bedroom door opened.At this time Lin Yu was preparing breakfast.But the contents of the bag were almost eaten by Qiyana last night, and the remaining food was not enough for four people.I have no choice but to take out some more food from the "starry sky".Lin Yu had seen Qiyana's amazing appetite last night.

"Morning!" Kiyana pushed the door and came out, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Morning! Lin Yu! You worked hard last night! Why don't I prepare breakfast!" Mei combed her messy long hair, then stretched her body.

"No need! I'm almost ready, you can eat after you wash up!" Lin Yu finished preparing breakfast and said to Mei.

After eating, Lin Yu began to prepare the evacuation route.The most important thing now is to leave Changkong City and escape from this city shrouded in collapse.

"Evacuation is no problem! But we must ensure that we have sufficient food and water!" Mei suggested from the side.

"In terms of preparing supplies, Bronya suggested that Kiyana, an idiot, should be considered!" Bronya raised his hand expressionlessly.

really!After last night, Lin Yu clearly realized how amazing Qiyana's appetite is, basically one is worth the three of them, which means that the supplies must be prepared twice as much as normal.

"Then it's settled! We evacuated all the way east, collecting food and water from the supermarket along the way!" Lin Yu used the map on the tablet to sort out the most convenient evacuation route.

So Lin Yu and his party left the residence and started the journey of evacuating while collecting supplies.

"By the way! Mei, this is for you!" Walking on the road, Lin Yu suddenly took off the Liuye Taidao hanging from his waist, and handed it to Mei.From the chat last night, Lin Yu knew that Mei Yi was the heir of Beichen Yidao Style.Her skills are amazing, but she doesn't have a good sword.

"Hey? Give this to me? Then what do you do?" Mei took the sword with a look of panic.

"Don't worry! I can just use an ordinary knife!" Lin Yu pointed to the super alloy sword in his backpack.This one was also taken from Qianyu's laboratory, but this one can't deal with Honkai Beast and high-level dead men, but it is more than enough to deal with ordinary dead men on the road.

As soon as he gave the Taidao to Mei, Lin Yu took off the two pulse pistols and handed them to Qiyana behind him.

"Do I have a weapon too?" Kiyana took the two guns, very happy.

"I saw that you used a gun with good skills yesterday, so I will give you this!" Lin Yu explained.

As soon as Lin Yu said that her spear skills were only good, Qiyana immediately became upset, and shouted: "What is good? My lady's spear fighting skills are the best in the world."

Ignoring Qiyana's rebuttal, Lin Yu said to Bronya on his back: "Bronya, you can summon the reloaded bunny, shouldn't you need a weapon?"

"Bronya has a little rabbit, so he doesn't need a weapon." Bronya said lying on Lin Yu's back.

That's good, in fact, I don t have any weapons anymore Lin Yu is very satisfied with Bronya, if Bronya wants weapons, he really can t show anything.At most, there are a few ordinary pistols, and there are not many bullets prepared.

Qiyana and Mei looked at the weapon given by Lin Yu, as if they were thinking about something.

"Lin Yu, where do you get these weapons from?" Mei asked.

Lin Yu didn't elaborate on the origin of the weapons, so he explained casually to the three of them: "Actually, I found a laboratory when I was escaping after the collapse, and found these weapons from it."

"These weapons look good!" Kiyana fiddled with the two guns.

Can it be good?These weapons can deal with the Houkai Beast, if not, there is nothing else.

"Okay, okay! There is a supermarket not far away, let's go collect food!" Seeing Qiyana playing with weapons like this, Lin Yu was really helpless, so he had to remind her on the grounds of collecting supplies.

"No problem! Miss Ben is invincible with weapons!"

"Invincible with weapons?After a long time, the gun you took yesterday is not a weapon, is it? Lin Yu complained in his heart.Then he and the three of them dealt with the dead along the way, and went into the supermarket to collect supplies.

Along the way, Lin Yu and the trio were either rushing to collect supplies, fighting the dead, and occasionally dealing with the Houkai Beast.The whole process can be described as "rich and colorful".

After a day of rushing, Lin Yu estimated that it would take three days to leave Changkong City at their speed.And the next battle will become more dangerous day by day, because in this environment with a high concentration of Houkai energy, both the dead soldiers and Houkai beasts will mutate and even evolve.

All four of them were exhausted from the day's driving and fighting, and now they just wanted to find a comfortable place to rest.They found a hotel on the street, and the group of four ate something casually, and went directly to rest.However, Lin Yu did not sleep as well as the trio. After all, he had to be alert and could only enter a light sleep state, and a little movement would wake him up.

It seems that it is difficult to sleep well Lin Yu sighed lying on a bed.Then he closed his eyes and began to fall into a light sleep.

new morning,
When Lin Yu woke up, Mei and the others hadn't woken up yet.Walking to the window and looking at the dead soldiers and Houkai beasts wandering in the distance outside, Lin Yu thought to himself: Will there be three more days like this!

"Huh~" Lin Yu took a deep breath and stretched his body.It's useless to think so much now, let's prepare breakfast first.

There were a lot of things collected yesterday, and there were several kinds of food, so Lin Yu just prepared it casually.

When the trio woke up, they simply washed up and ate.

"I get up so early every morning to prepare food. Lin Yu, do you have enough rest time?" Unlike a certain white-haired dumpling that was wolfing down, Mei also knew to care about Lin Yu.

"It's okay! There are only a few days left!" Lin Yu quickly finished his meal and began to prepare to pack his things.

"After Bronia analyzed that Lin Yu's brother didn't have enough rest time, I suggest you take a longer rest." After Bronia had finished eating, he had a serious expression on his face (in fact, it was difficult to see what expression was on Bronia's face Variety).

"Lin Yu, you have been on guard these two days and got up early to help us cook, why don't you rest a little longer?" After hearing this, Bronya seemed a little worried about Lin Yu.

Lin Yu, we don t have to rush on our way in such a hurry." After hearing Mei s words, Qiyana also finished her breakfast and echoed.

"If you rest, let it be tonight!" Lin Yu turned around and smiled at Mei, Bronya, and Kiyana after packing up, "If you are worried, take a little less walking today."

"Then it's settled. You must take a break today." Seeing that Lin Yu agreed, Mei suddenly smiled.

Under Mei's supervision, Lin Yu and his party did not travel much today.The sky just seemed a little dark, and the group found a place to rest.

I will be on guard tonight, Lin Yu, you have to rest well After dinner, Mei said to Lin Yu in a tone without any room for negotiation.

"Okay! Okay!" Seeing Mei's resolute attitude, Lin Yu could only agree.

"Since Mei is here, I want to be with Mei too!" Kiyana hugged Mei's arm tightly, as if refusing to leave.

"Bronya also needs to be vigilant with Sister Mei!" Bronya walked to the other side of Mei, and took Mei's hand.

"Understood! Let's go together!" Mei said helplessly, looking at the two live treasures hugging her.

On the bed in a certain room, Lin Yu was lying on it to rest, but he didn t sleep, he just closed his eyes and rested.

"Comparison, Mei is more gentle!But Qiyana is very interesting, although her mouth is not forgiving, she is still very good.As for Bronya, she is a little sister! After two or three days of getting along, Lin Yu got a general understanding of Mei and the others' personalities.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu took it out and took out an envelope with a photo on his body, which he brought out when he left home.With the help of the light coming through the window, Lin Yu looked at this photo. In the photo, the little girl with pale blond long hair put her hands on the shoulders of a child with long brown hair. The little girl smiled naturally, and the other obviously smiled very stiffly.The brown long-haired child in the photo is Lin Yu, and the other is his childhood playmate.Since their childhood guardian was the same person, they are often together.Later, due to a certain incident, the guardian died, and the two separated and lost contact.

"I hope she doesn't live in Changkong City! That way she will be safe!" Lin Yu said to himself, and then gradually fell asleep with the photo in his hand.

At night, a very slight vibration woke Lin Yu up from his sleep.

"What's going on? Suddenly there is a feeling of uneasiness!" Lin Yu installed the photo in his hand, and immediately got up from the bed to check the situation.Since coming out of the soul steel space, Lin Yu's perception has become stronger many times.And each feeling will bring a different situation, and it has never been missed. Lin Yu is very concerned about the sense of anxiety this time.Because he had this feeling before, and then encountered groups of dead soldiers, and this time the feeling was much stronger than last time.This is by no means a good sign.

Walking out of the room, Lin Yu saw two sleeping treasures beside the sleeping Mei.

"If you're not good at vigilance, don't be brave! Lin Yu thought secretly, then walked to the window and glanced out the window.Seeing this, Lin Yu was immediately stunned: there were groups of chariot Honkai beasts and dead soldiers, and the most terrible thing was that there were two temple-level Honkai beasts.

There was no time, Lin Yu immediately woke up the girls.

"What's the matter? Lin Yu, has something happened?" Mei was the first to wake up.

"There is no time to explain. A group of Houkai beasts are coming, get up quickly." Lin Yu said directly without any excessive rhetoric.

"How could this be? Didn't you confirm that there are no Houkai beasts around here when you came here?" Mei couldn't believe it.

"I don't know, anyway, I have to leave quickly."

"What are you afraid of! Let Miss Ben finish them all!" Qiyana immediately picked up the two guns after waking up, looking like she was about to fight.

"Don't be brave! The Horn of Beasts of this level probably can't be solved by ordinary Valkyrie!" At this time, Lin Yu can't let Qianahu come, and now it's the rhythm of death if you are not careful!

 It feels almost there!Jizi is coming!However, due to the insertion of characters, there will be no fighting scene between Ji Zi and the Third Herrscher!

  Those who are interested please give a recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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