Chapter 70 Rescue Jizi
St. Freya College Emergency Center, in the emergency room,

"Try injecting HD423 to suppress the Houkai energy in the patient!"

"The attempt failed, the concentration of Houkai energy in the patient's body is increasing rapidly!"

"Closing to the dangerous value, the patient is about to die!"

Lin Yu stood outside the emergency room, and every word from inside made him extremely nervous.And from Lin Yu looking through the glass window, Ji Zi's bloodless face and the dead man's gray substance appearing on her body are enough to explain her current situation.

"Don't worry! Jizi has gone through many storms, she is not as fragile as you think!"

Teresa came to Lin Yu to comfort him, but from her expression, it could be seen that she was also very worried about Ji Zi.

After a while, Mei and Kiyana also rushed over, asking Himeko's situation as soon as they arrived.It's just that the few people present didn't answer, because their expressions said everything.

"Lin Yu, take Mei and the others back first! Just let me watch here!"

Teresa, as the dean of St. Freya College, must set an example.She couldn't show a flustered expression in front of Lin Yu and the others, otherwise it would only make them more worried.

"I'll stay here, after all, I know why Ji Zi became like this! I can help if necessary! As for Mei, you all go back first!"

Lin Yu sat down on a chair on one side, and then motioned for Mei to take Qiyana and Bronya back.Mei also knew that she couldn't help here, so she took Kiana and Bronya back silently.

Lin Yu, what are you still doing here Seeing that Mei and the others had all gone back, but Lin Yu was the only one staying here, Teresa immediately walked up to him and asked.

"I'm trying to save Jizi, so don't disturb me yet Lin Yu is about to discuss Jizi's situation with Nuovalu and the others at this time, and see if there is any way to help.

"How? Is there any way?"

Lin Yu immediately made them think of ways to save Ji Zi when he hit Huberian.It is not yet known whether there will be any results.

"Fei Yuwan has already told us the general situation, but that Jizi's injury was caused by the Xuanyuan Sword, and it is difficult to recover!" Cang Xuan took the lead in expressing his point of view.

"That's right! Although Xuanyuan Sword is not as good as other God's Keys, its explosion is unacceptable to ordinary people! What's more, that Jizi's health is not good!" Dan Zhu's point of view is similar to Cang Xuan's, in short it is Ji Zi's situation is very bad.

"The most important thing now is to find a way to suppress the erosion of Jizi's body by the Houkai energy, at least let her condition stabilize first!"

Novalu's words hit the point.yes!The most important thing now is to stabilize Ji Zi's situation, as long as it is stabilized, there will be time to think of a treatment.

"Brother! Didn't you get the Cangxuan Book? It's a technological product of the last era. Maybe there's something in it that can help Teacher Jizi?"

Fei Yuwan's words woke Lin Yu up.yes!The book of Cangxuan contains the knowledge of the last era, and there must be many healing methods in it.

"Book of Cangxuan, immediately search for methods of treating Honkai erosion, and find out the most effective method at present!" Lin Yu directly issued instructions to the book of Cangxuan.

"Yes! Master! Start searching... The search is complete! There are a total of 55 methods, and there is only one method that can be implemented at present! Do you want to read it?"

Cangxuanzhishu found the relevant treatment methods almost within a few seconds, which made Lin Yu very happy, and immediately asked Cangxuanzhishu to call out the treatment methods that could be implemented.

"The method that can be implemented is..."

After a while, Lin Yu understood the method mentioned in Cangxuanzhishu.

"No! This is too risky!"

After listening to the method of Cangxuan Zhishu, both Novalu and Hiyumaru strongly opposed it, obviously they disagreed with this method.

"Is there such a method? We remember that this kind of damage to the user's spirit is very serious! No one has done this in the last era!"

Cangxuan and Danzhu were also surprised by the method proposed by Cangxuanzhishu.After all, they don't know this method very well, and they have only heard of it.

"It's okay! The time has not even passed ten hours, and now this method will do little harm to me! Don't worry!"

Lin Yu also decided to use it after learning about this method.After all, other methods are too demanding, either using some incomprehensible medicine or some special machine.But those things are from the last era, how could Lin Yu get them now!So Lin Yu ignored the objections of the four and insisted on using this only method.

"Theresa, is Jizi feeling better?"

Only at this time did Lin Yu disconnect with Nuova Lu and the others, and then asked Teresa about Ji Zi's situation.

"I just suppressed the speed of death, but I'm not out of danger yet! Still need to continue treatment!"

Teresa didn't look back, she was still looking at Jizi inside through the glass window.Although the speed of Jizi's death has been controlled, the concentration of Houkai energy in her body is still at a dangerous level, and the situation is still not optimistic.

"Let all the healers leave! Leave the rest to me!"

Lin Yu stood up all of a sudden, and Teresa was surprised by what he said.

"Are you kidding? Ji Zi's situation has just been brought under control now, and Ji Zi will be finished if he is not careful!"

Teresa yelled at Lin Yu.She thought that what Lin Yu said just now was completely harming Jizi, so she couldn't control her emotions all at once.

"I know! It's because Jizi's condition has stabilized a little, that's why I said that! I'm sure to cure Jizi!" Lin Yu straightened his hair, relaxed a little, and then looked serious Said to Teresa, "If you believe me, let everyone inside leave!"

"But..." Teresa didn't know what to do.Although she believed in Lin Yu very much, Ji Zi's situation was too dangerous, and she couldn't be rescued if she was not careful.

"Don't worry! Just one hour! I will finish in one hour!" Lin Yu smiled at Teresa, as if he was very confident in himself.

"OK then!"

After thinking about it, Teresa decided to let Lin Yu try it.But she also has a requirement that the emergency personnel must wait outside the door, monitor the data of the equipment, and go in as soon as there is a situation.After thinking about it, Lin Yu finally agreed.

After a while, Teresa asked all the people inside to come out, and Lin Yu was also ready to go in.

"Remember! Don't come in under any circumstances except when I call you!" Lin Yu also repeatedly emphasized the people outside.

"Don't worry! I will watch them! But you have to pay attention to yourself!" Teresa also made a promise, she believed that Lin Yu would not mess around.Even if there is a situation, he will call people in as soon as possible.

"Well! I'll go in first!"

Lin Yu went in with a serious face, and no one noticed that the moment Lin Yu entered, his eyes turned golden, and the Xuanyuan stigmata on his forehead was also looming.

As soon as Lin Yu entered, he covered the glass window, obviously not wanting Teresa and the others to see what happened next.

"This..." Several emergency personnel looked at me and I at you, not knowing what to say.

"Don't worry!" Teresa beckoned.She thought that Lin Yu must have his own reasons for doing this, so she didn't say anything.

emergency room,

Lin Yu looked at Ji Zi lying on the hospital bed. Half of her body was still covered with gray matter, and it seemed that she was in a very bad condition.

"Sorry! Sister Ji Zi, I'll be fine soon!"

After Lin Yu came in, the virus transformed into the power of erosion invaded all the instruments immediately, keeping all the instruments as they were for a period of time.This is also to prevent outsiders from coming in due to data changes for a while.

Afterwards, Lin Yu began to cover Ji Zi's body with filamentous erosion flames, swallowing up the gray matter little by little, so that Ji Zi's body would return to its original state.

"Brother! The dead man's substance has been completely removed! What's left is the Houkai energy in the body!" Fei Yuwan's voice sounded again, and she was helping Lin Yu control the power of erosion from just now.Because in terms of control, Lin Yu is still not as good as Fei Yuwan, a real Herrscher.

"Book of Cangxuan, what should I do next?"

Lin Yu asked about the Cangxuan Book in his hand, except for the last step, other steps required its instructions.

"Master, please guide the Houkai energy out of the patient's body and deal with it. After confirming that the patient's condition is stable, we can proceed to the last step!"

This step is particularly critical, because the collapse can not be so easy to guide, let alone the remnants of the Xuanyuan sword?But this is not too difficult for Lin Yu. After all, the Xuanyuan Sword is in his hands now, and he only needs to use the Xuanyuan Sword to guide the violent collapse energy in Ji Zi's body.

Lin Yu took out the Xuanyuan Sword from Jizo Yuhun, and began to guide the Houkai energy in Jizi's body along the arm according to the instructions of the Cangxuan Book, and finally the Xuanyuan Sword absorbed it all.

The whole process went smoothly, but the last step was the most difficult, because Jizi still had the almost irreversible damage caused by Houkai in his body.If Jizi wanted to continue to be a Valkyrie, these injuries must be healed, otherwise her career as a Valkyrie would be over, and she might spend a long time in a hospital bed.

"Brother! Are you really going to do that next?" Fei Yuwan was very worried about Lin Yu.

"Don't worry! I'll be fine! I still need your help!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong erosion force appeared in Lin Yu's hand, and it began to turn into many silk threads and wind towards his forehead. The target was the Xuanyuan Stigmata there.

Yes!The way Lin Yu rescued Ji Zi was to use stigmata.Stigmata can be used to restore the host's injured body by absorbing Houkai energy, and can also enhance the host's physique and further increase the host's Houkai energy resistance.It's just that the stigmata are bound to the soul. If the host wants to take out the stigmata, it will have to endure incomparable mental pain. Therefore, the general stigmata inheritance family will only do so after the death of the stigmata holder. Take away the stigmata.

But now, what Lin Yu has to do is to take out the Xuanyuan stigmata that has not been fused with him for a long time, and transfer it to Ji Zi.In this way, she can slowly recover under the influence of the stigmata.Generally speaking, the stigmata will completely fuse with the host within 48 hours after transplantation, but only six or seven hours have passed since Lin Yu received the stigmata from Ji Xuanyuan.However, Lin Yu also had to endure strong mental pain in the process of taking out the stigmata, because Xuanyuan stigmata had already merged with him to a very small part, but the pain when separated was still terrible.

"Xiaofei, use the power of erosion to shield my spirit and relieve my pain!"

With Lin Yu's order, Fei Yuwan immediately gritted his teeth, and made up his mind to invade Lin Yu's spirit with the force of erosion, trying to numb his mental pain.It's just that the pain caused by the separation of the stigmata was beyond Lin Yu's imagination.


The severe mental pain caused Lin Yu to hold his head in his arms and scream, and the voice was like heart-piercing.This made Teresa outside the door immediately have the urge to rush in.

"Don't come in!"

As soon as Teresa put her hand on the doorknob, Lin Yu's voice made her stop.

"Now is the most critical time! Don't fall short! Ah——"

Enduring the severe mental pain, Lin Yu said a word with difficulty to stop Teresa, followed by another burst of heart-piercing screams.

"What method is this guy Lin Yu using to save Jizi? He made such a painful cry!"

Lin Yu's cry couldn't help making Teresa worried, don't do something wrong with Ji Zi after being rescued by then.

 Everyone, have you guessed that the protagonist would give up the stigmata he got to save Jizi?Hahaha!How about it?Did it exceed your expectations! PS: There will be two or three chapters until anti-entropy invades, so wait a little longer! (o゜▽゜) o
(End of this chapter)

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