Chapter 71 coma

Lin Yu's screams lasted for two or three minutes, which shows how terrible the mental pain caused by the separation stigmata to Lin Yu.Teresa outside also wanted to go in, but when she thought of what Lin Yu said just now, she held back abruptly.She didn't want Ji Zi's treatment to fall short because of herself.

emergency room,

A golden light group slowly came out from Lin Yu s forehead under the traction of the filaments turned by the erosion force, it was the Xuanyuan Stigmata.


After the stigmata were separated, Lin Yu propped his hands on the ground weakly, panting heavily, and the severe pain in his mind on the other side was also bursting out.

"In the end, all you need to do is integrate the stigmata into Ji Zijie's body!"

Lin Yu endured the severe mental pain, and struggled to control the power of erosion to move the light group of stigmata towards Ji Zi.But the severe mental pain reduced his control a lot, but fortunately there is still Fei Yuwan.

"Brother, just leave the rest to me!"

Higokumaru turned into a petite petite body and flew out from the bracelet transformed by Jizo Yuhun, controlling the power of erosion and slowly moved the light ball of stigmata towards Jizi.

"That's it!"

Seeing the light group of stigmata completely merged into Ji Zi's body, Lin Yu couldn t hold on anymore, and he passed out immediately when his eyes went dark.

"elder brother!"

Seeing this, Fei Yuwan immediately flew to Lin Yu's side in a panic to check Lin Yu's situation.

"Xiao Fei, don't worry! Lin Yu just fainted from mental weakness, just take a rest for a while, nothing happened!"

Novalu passed a message to Fei Yuwan and told her about Lin Yu's situation.Hearing that Lin Yu was fine, Fei Yuwan was relieved.

"That's good! It scared me to death!"

Although the fusion of Xuanyuan Stigmata and Lin Yu is not complete, it is a severe pain in the soul after all, and it will bring some weakness to Lin Yu.However, there are still three stigmata and a Herrscher core on Lin Yu's body. It is still easy for Lin Yu to recover, it just takes some time.

"Make some noise and let the people outside come in!"

Before returning to Jizo Yuhun, Higokumaru knocked down something on the table in the emergency room with the flames of erosion, and made some noises, trying to let people in from outside come in.No way, if Lin Yu was not unconscious, she would not be allowed to call.


Teresa and the first responders who were waiting outside heard voices coming from inside.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Lin Yu, are you okay?"

Teresa knocked on the door and called Lin Yu a few times, trying to confirm the situation inside, but there was no response.


"Lin Yu, are you okay?"

Teresa couldn't take it anymore and broke into the door directly.It's just that as soon as she entered, she saw Lin Yu lying on the ground, and what was even more frightening was that his face was pale and he felt very bad.

"Lin Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Teresa immediately helped Lin Yu up to check his condition, but she couldn t see anything.In the end, Lin Yu was handed over to the emergency personnel to deal with, and he stayed to check Jizi's condition.

"How is this possible? Jizi has fully recovered? The death warrior has been lifted, and the Houkai energy in the body has also returned to normal?"

Teresa, who checked Himeko's condition, couldn't believe the results.She was in a dangerous situation a few minutes ago, but now she has fully recovered, and her body is still getting better.

"Lin Yu, what method did you use to save Jizi?"

Teresa carefully looked at Jizi's inspection report, and soon, a pattern on it caught Teresa's attention.

"Wait! This is..."


In a certain ward of the emergency center, Lin Yu was lying quietly on it, still unconscious.

"Lin Yu is so messed up! Even if the stigmata did not fully merge with him, it would be too risky to do so!" Nova Lu kept complaining to Lin Yu.

"Sister Lulu, calm down! My brother's doing this shows that Teacher Jizi is very important to him!" Fei Yuwan also understood the reason why Lin Yu did this.

"Fortunately, it was the stigmata that hadn't fused well that separated this time, otherwise Lin Yu would have lost half his life!" Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan felt relieved after confirming that Lin Yu was fine.

In any case, Lin Yu's move this time was too dangerous.Especially when the stigmata were separated, the four of them were afraid that something would happen to Lin Yu, and they were almost worried to death, but fortunately nothing happened.

"Lin Yu's consciousness is also in a coma now, and it seems that he will have to wait for a while before he wakes up!" Nuova Lu is also very clear about Lin Yu's current situation.Fortunately, it is not very serious, as long as you rest and rest, you will be fine.


In the dormitory, the four of them sat around the dining table.Although there was a meal cooked by Mei in front of everyone, no one was in the mood to eat it at this time.


Theresa pushed open the dormitory door and walked in, but her face was very gloomy.

"A bad news came from the emergency center just now, Major Jizi, she..."

After listening to Teresa's words, everyone's expressions became even worse, and the atmosphere in the living room instantly became more gloomy.

Qiyana lowered her head in despair, she remembered what Jizi said once.Because she once said that she would protect her students and never let them become dead soldiers.Because she is not the executioner who killed the girl, but a warrior against the collapse.

Mei also remembered the scene where Himeko had lectured her.Because she is the Third Herrscher, an existence that may cause collapse at any time, she has worried many times that she will bring danger to the people around her.But Ji Zi did not abandon her because of this, but let her live well under the premise of planting a bomb in her heart.

Ji Zi once became Mei and Kiyana's spiritual pillar, but now this pillar is about to collapse?How could they accept this!

Thinking of this, Mei and Kiyana felt extremely sad in their hearts, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Ah, ah, ah! I haven't finished my sentence! Major Jizi has passed the danger, and is fine now, why are you crying?"

Teresa had a gloomy look on her face. Before she finished speaking, they were making up a lot of things in their brains.


The four people at the dining table were stunned, they didn't know what to say at all.what's the situation?Isn't it bad news?Isn't it good news that Jizi is safe?what happened?

"Dean, what is going on here?"

Fu Hua came to his senses first, slammed the table and stood up and asked Teresa why.Her shot also woke up the other three, and they also asked Teresa the same question.

"Uh... There is indeed bad news! It is that Jizi is safe, but Lin Yu has passed out!" Teresa shook her head helplessly, spread her hands, and added.

"Lin Yu fainted? How could this be?"

Now it's Mei and Kiana's turn to pat the table.Because it's hard to imagine, how could Lin Yu have passed out after staying in Chi You's body for such a long time?
"I don't know the specific situation. It was Lin Yu who proposed to save Jizi himself! Anyway, I don't know what he did. When we went in, we found that Jizi had recovered, but Lin Yu had already fallen! But don't worry, Lin Yu It's just a coma, and there is no damage to the body!"

Teresa walked to the refrigerator, opened it, took a cup of bitter melon juice from it and drank it down, and continued to explain to the four people.

"No! I have to go and see Lin Yu!" Mei pushed the chair and ran out directly.

"I'm going to have a look too!"

"Bronya is going too!"

Kiana and Bronya then ran out with Mei, and the destination was the academy's emergency center.

"Fu Hua, don't you go to see Lin Yu?"

Teresa looked at the backs of the three running, took another glass of bitter gourd juice, and then looked at Fu Hua standing by the dining table.

"I don't have to go! With Lin Yu's strength, there must be nothing serious!"

Fu Hua recalled the scene of fighting Ji Zi in Jiuyou Cave.In that case, it is estimated that she could not save Ji Zi without hurting Ji Zi, but Lin Yu did it.So judging by his strength, there should be nothing wrong.

Thinking of this, Fu Hua felt relieved, sat down and ate slowly.The rare task is over, let's have a good meal first.

"Oh... so salty!"

As soon as Fu Hua sat down and took a bite of the food, he found that Mei's cooking was much worse than usual.

"It seems that Mei is in a bad mood! Even the dishes I cook don't taste good!"

Teresa smiled.Mei usually cooks delicious food, but this time it must be because of Jizi's incident that caused her to lose concentration when cooking.

"Forget it! I'll make a bowl of noodles by myself!"

Yayi's dishes are made like this and there is no way to eat them, so Fu Hua can only do it himself.

"Put a little more, I want it too!"

Teresa sat at the dining table, beckoning to Fu Hua.After all, she hasn't eaten since she came back.

"Understood!" Fu Hua responded, and began to prepare.

In the emergency center, in Lin Yu's ward,
Mei, Qiyana and Bronya were already sitting in front of the hospital bed.

"Mei, you said that Lin Yu was fine after he came back, why did he pass out?"

Qiyana really didn't understand why Lin Yu fainted.But how many people can understand?

"Didn't the dean say it! Lin Yu passed out to save Sister Ji Zi!" Mei Yi heard what Teresa said, but she didn't know what Lin Yu did to faint.

"Bronya doesn't understand what brother Lin Yu did to save Aunt Jizi!" Even Bronya couldn't analyze anything.

It's not their fault, after all, the method proposed by the Cangxuan Book is from the last era, and it is estimated that there will be no related treatment methods in this era.

Seeing that Lin Yu was fine, the three of Meiyi were relieved, so they left together after looking after them for a while.

"What's the matter with these three people? Why did you come back after seeing Lin Yu for a while?" Cang Xuan heard the voices of the three of them in the stigmata.

"They all care about my brother, okay! Didn't you see that they all took care of my brother for a while!"

Feiyuwan also understood clearly in Jizo Yuhun.Afterwards, Fei Yuwan explained everything he learned to Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan.

"Uh... all the St. Freya College is girls? Lin Yu is the only boy?" Cang Xuan was surprised after hearing Fei Yuwan's introduction.Especially about St. Freya Academy being all girls.

"Isn't there another teacher who is male?" Fei Yuwan was speechless, why did Cang Xuan focus on this.Could it be that Cang Xuan's character is very gossip?
(End of this chapter)

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