Chapter 72 Trial Space
In the star language space,
"When will Lin Yu wake up? If he doesn't wake up, I won't be able to see the situation outside!"

At this time, it was very boring for Nuova to stay alone in the star language space. After all, she relied on Lin Yu's senses to perceive the world.Now Lin Yu is in a coma, so she has no way to perceive the outside situation.Feiyuwan, Danzhu, and Cangxuan can sense the situation outside. Although the range is small, it's better than nothing.But Hiyumaru didn't care at all, because the way she obtained information was by hacking into the emergency center's communication equipment.However, she controlled it very well, and did not damage any equipment except to obtain the external situation.

"Sister Lulu, just be patient! Brother may wake up soon!" Fei Yuwan comforted Nova Lu.

"Let Lin Yu wake up quickly! We are also very boring!"

Danzhu and Cangxuan staying in the stigmata are also similar to Nuovalu, but Nuovalu has a lot of things to pass the time in the astronomical space, but there is nothing in the stigmata!
"Okay, okay! Wait a little longer, everyone! After all, it takes time to recover!"

At this time, Fei Yuwan can only persuade everyone to wait, otherwise what can be done?


In Jizi's ward,

"Yo! Teresa, you are willing to come and see me!"

Sitting on the hospital bed, Ji Zi's eyes lit up when she saw Teresa coming. After all, staying in the ward is very boring.

"I put down a lot of things and didn't deal with it to see you!" Teresa brought the lunch that Mei made for Himeko and put it beside the bed.

"What can you do? I'm afraid you're procrastinating and asking me to help you deal with it!"

Teresa asked Jizi to help with the documents not once or twice, and sometimes Jizi felt that her workload was greater than that of Teresa, the head of the academy.

"Don't worry! You are a patient now, and I won't let a patient help! I'll just go back and deal with those things myself later!"

Teresa opened the lunch box, then picked up the spoon and brought it to Jizi's mouth to feed her.

"That... I'm not yet ready to be fed!" Ji Zi looked at the spoon near his mouth, and rejected Teresa.Then he took the bowl and spoon by himself and began to eat slowly.

"Theresa, where did those brats go? I've been lying here for a whole day, why didn't I see them come to see me!"

After eating, Himeko put the bowl and spoon aside, and then asked Teresa.Although it's summer vacation now, Himeko thinks they won't ignore her.

"You weren't awake when Mei and the others came to see you!" Teresa answered Jizi while packing her things.

"What about Lin Yu? That guy should be very free, right? Why didn't you see him come to see me?"


As soon as Teresa heard this, her hand shook, she didn't hold the bowl that was about to be put into the lunch box, and fell directly to the ground, smashing it into pieces.

"Huh? Teresa, what's wrong with you?" Ji Zi noticed that Teresa's expression seemed a little abnormal, so he immediately asked.

"It's okay! Lin Yu is just resting and has no time to see you! This mission has exhausted him!" Teresa's face returned to normal in an instant, explaining to Ji Zi while cleaning up the debris on the ground road.

"Theresa, are you hiding something from me?"

Ji Zi is a partner who has worked with Teresa for several years, and she can spot Teresa's tricks at a glance, so she is sure that Teresa is hiding something from her.

"Forget it! You are the only injured person in this mission, if you don't believe me, see for yourself!"

In order to change the subject, Teresa took out a mission report from somewhere.Ji Zi took it over and looked at it, and it was indeed as Teresa said.

"Then why do you look so bad?"

After reading the mission report, Ji Zi still felt that Teresa was hiding something from her.Because no matter how well Theresa pretended, she could still see it.

"It's just that some work matters are difficult to deal with! I have to deal with it, so let's go first!"

Without saying anything, Teresa walked out with the lunch box in her hand without looking back.

In the corridor, Teresa leaned against the wall,

"Really! You can't hide anything from Ji Zi! It's just that Lin Yu has been in a coma to save you, how can he tell you such a thing? It will only make you more worried!"

Teresa leaned against the wall to calm down, walked through a few more wards and arrived at Lin Yu s ward.

"How is Lin Yu?"

In front of Lin Yu's hospital bed, Mei and Qiyana were sitting next to each other, and Bronya was also sitting on a chair on the side.

"It's still the same! After checking several times, there is no problem, as if he has fallen into a deep sleep!" Mei looked at Lin Yu who was still unconscious and responded to Teresa.

Strange to say, Lin Yu was in a coma for a day after returning from the mission.During this period, Teresa asked the most professional personnel in the academy to check Lin Yu several times, but the results showed that there was nothing wrong with his body.Even brain waves, heartbeats and other data are the same as normal people.This made them very helpless.

"When will Lin Yu wake up?" Qiyana lay weakly in front of the hospital bed.

"Even the doctor doesn't know this! Lin Yu's condition is very stable at present, and he may wake up in a while, or it may take several days!" Teresa also asked the professionals who checked Lin Yu to come to this conclusion.

"Okay! I'll go back first! Remember to visit Jizi later, but remember not to mention Lin Yu to her. Her body has just recovered, so don't worry her. If she asks, just say Lin Yu It’s fine for Yu to rest because he’s too tired from the task!”

Teresa and Mei went out after talking about a few precautions.No way, who made her the head of the school!There are still many things waiting for her to do!

some mysterious space,
"Where is this place? How long have I been here?"

Lin Yu kept wandering in this space.He didn't know where this place was either, he only remembered that he had separated Xuanyuan Stigmata and fused it with Jizi, and he didn't know anything about it after that.

When he regained consciousness, he was already in this unknown place.What made him even more uneasy was that no matter how much he called Nuova and the others, there was no response.

"What the hell happened?"

Lin Yu is also completely convinced of this place, no matter how he goes, this place seems to have never changed.This all made Lin Yu feel like he was spinning in one place.However, Lin Yu was not discouraged at all, and continued to move forward.He can't be trapped in this place, after all, there are many people waiting for him outside!What's more, he hasn't found Nana yet!How could he stop here!
I don't know how long I walked, but the surrounding scenery still hasn't changed in any way.However, many monsters appeared on the road and attacked Lin Yu.Although he didn't have a weapon, Lin Yu still had the Cunxin Fist that Fu Hua taught him!However, the monsters seem to be infinite. After one batch is beaten, another batch will come, and one batch is stronger than the other, which makes Lin Yu almost desperate.But even though he was scarred, he still didn't give up, and continued to move forward after eliminating the monsters.

"How long have I been walking? How many monsters have I eliminated?"

Covered with scars all over Lin Yu had completely lost the sense of time at this time, and he didn't even know how long he had been gone.One day or ten days?One month or two months, or even a year?How many monsters did he eliminate?A thousand?Two thousand?Or ten thousand?Lin Yu didn't know anything about this, he just continued to fight, and then moved on.


After another unknown time, the scenery around Lin Yu suddenly changed.All the monsters disappeared, and colorful lights appeared in the distance of Lin Yu.This surprised Lin Yu, and immediately walked towards the light.

"Hey! Are you kidding me?"

Lin Yu came to the birthplace of the colorful light, and immediately became very speechless.Because the previous multicolored light was emitted by this multicolored gemstone in front of him.And this gem Lin Yu is no stranger at all, it is the core of the Divine Feather Herrscher he is very familiar with.

"Hey! What's the situation?" Lin Yu vigorously tapped Shen Yu's core in front of him.

Shen Yu's core also flickered a few times, and a flow of information entered Lin Yu's mind along his fingers.

"Huh? Trial? See if I am qualified to use you?" Lin Yu read the information from Shen Yu's core, and he also roughly understood his situation.

In fact, it has been a long time since Lin Yu has been in a coma for several hours because of the separation of the stigmata.It's just that before Lin Yu woke up, Shen Yu's core just happened to generate the final Herrscher power.So Shen Yu's core directly pulled his consciousness into this trial space.The purpose is to test whether Lin Yu has the ability to control the power of the Herrscher, whether he can stand the test of loneliness and despair, and more importantly, whether he can stand the test of time.

If Lin Yu had the idea of ​​giving up during the whole process, it would be counted as a failure in the trial, and he would completely become a monster who only knew how to destroy.

"So, I passed the test?"

Lin Yu also expressed a look of confusion about this, he just kept going, and in the later stage, he was even fighting and advancing entirely by instinct.During the whole process, he didn't feel that anything was about to invade his consciousness, probably because he never had the idea of ​​giving up along the way!


Shen Yu's core also flashed a few times to express his affirmation, and Lin Yu had no intention of giving up during the whole process.Even in the face of infinite monsters and endless loneliness, he never flinched, so Lin Yu is qualified to be the master of Shen Yu's core.

"Uh... If I become a Herrscher, it won't cause collapse, right?"

Lin Yu suddenly remembered the scene of the third Honkai outbreak, which was caused by Mei becoming a Herrscher.Then becoming a Herrscher this time won't be like in Changkong City, right?

Another stream of information came from Shenyu's core, and the amount of data was huge.Lin Yu digested it for a while before accepting it all.

"So that's it! Shenyu's core has nothing to do with Honkai! I'm not the Fourteen Herrschers who destroy the world! That's good! That's good!"

After learning all the information, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that he would not be a Herrscher who destroys mankind!

"Oh? The core of the Herrscher that has nothing to do with the will of the collapse? The fourteen Herrschers that don't belong to the Mieshi? What the hell is this?"

Lin Yu, who had just reacted, suddenly yelled, wanting to get more information from Shen Yu's core.But at this time, Shen Yu's core was completely unresponsive, as if he had completed his mission.No matter how Lin Yu sent ideas to it, there was no change.

 Kukuku!The protagonist is about to wake up as a Herrscher!Please post your guesses about the protagonist's Herrscher power!It will be revealed in the next few chapters! PS: You know the habit of adding more!
(End of this chapter)

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