The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 74 The Power of the Lawyer

Chapter 74 The Power of the Lawyer

In the dormitory, Teresa and the five surrounded Lin Yu in a very serious manner.However, Lin Yu was not nervous at all. Instead, he leisurely picked up a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

"I know you have a lot of questions to ask me, don't worry, ask slowly!"

After taking a few sips of tea, Lin Yu put the teacup on the table, and then slowly said to several people.

"Lin Yu, first tell me how you saved Ji Zi? And why did you faint?" Teresa first asked Lin Yu.

"I don't believe that you haven't checked Sister Ji Zi. You don't know what's wrong with her? Do I need to tell you?"

Lin Yu still believed that other people didn t know about Ji Zi s situation, but only Teresa knew it better than anyone else.So there is no need for Lin Yu to answer this question.

"It's the stigmata, right?"

Teresa took out a report card with a very mysterious pattern on it, which was the pattern of the Xuanyuan stigmata that Lin Yu gave Jizi.

"You know, do you need me to explain?"

Lin Yu looked at Teresa speechlessly, probably she didn t tell others about the stigmata on Ji Zi s body.

"Oh? Stigmata? What kind of stigmata?"

This suddenly aroused the curiosity of other people, and they all cast curious glances at Lin Yu.

So Lin Yu told them the process of obtaining the stigmata, but ignored the matters about Ji Xuanyuan, Dan Zhu and Cangxuan, and directly told them about the battle with Hei Ji Xuanyuan.Of course, there is also the matter of Xuanyuan Sword. Lin Yu is going to give a Xuanyuan Sword to Ji Zi, which happens to be used in conjunction with the experience of using Xuanyuan Sword in Xuanyuan Stigmata.Anyway, he has two Xuanyuan swords in his hand, so it's not a big deal to give one away!

"Here! This is the key weapon of God, the Xuanyuan Sword!" After Lin Yu finished talking about the whole incident, he took out the Xuanyuan Sword from the Ksitigarbha Imperial Soul.

A golden sword was placed on the table by Lin Yu, and everyone looked at it in surprise.But it was Qiyana who reacted the most, because she knew that Ji Zi was controlled by the sword in front of her at that time.Fu Hua's reaction was okay, because she saw that Lin Yu didn t react when he took the Xuanyuan Sword, so she thought that this Xuanyuan Sword should be very safe.

"This is the Xuanyuan Sword used by Ji Xuanyuan in the legend! It doesn't feel very powerful!" Teresa looked at it and wanted to pick up the Xuanyuan Sword.

"Auntie, don't touch it!"

Just when Teresa was about to touch the Xuanyuan Sword, Qiyana suddenly yelled and pushed Teresa violently to prevent her from holding the Xuanyuan Sword.

"Oh! Kiyana, what are you doing?"

Teresa was pushed away by Qiyana's sudden push, and she was furious and ready to settle accounts with Qiyana.

"Ahh! It's not my fault! This sword is very dangerous!"

Kiyana was scurrying around in the dormitory with her head in her arms, while Teresa was chasing her.This made Lin Yu and the others stunned, what are they doing?

"Student Qiyana probably thinks that this Xuanyuan Sword will control others like it controls Major Jizi!"

Anyway, as someone who has experienced it, Fu Hua has no problem understanding it.And Lin Yu also understood, but would he bring such a dangerous thing back?It's all because Qiyana, an idiot, has no brains and has nothing to do with him.

"Okay! This thing is for Sister Ji Zi, I'll put it away first! I'll give it to her when she gets better!"

Speaking of which, Lin Yu took Xuanyuan Sword back under the eyes of everyone.But the others didn't have any objections. After all, none of them used big swords, so it was reasonable to give the Xuanyuan Sword to Ji Zi.

"Okay! Teresa, stop chasing Qiyana!" Lin Yu walked over and picked Theresa up, saving Qiyana's life.

"Let me go down quickly! Lin Yu!"

Theresa kept struggling, but this was of no use to Lin Yu.At present, Lin Yu's physical fitness has been strengthened too much, at least much stronger than before the mission.This is all thanks to the complete formation of Shen Yu's core. After all, Lin Yu is now a real Herrscher.It's just that he hasn't realized what his abilities are.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yu put Teresa down.This made her very angry, and glared at Lin Yu angrily.

"Don't stare at me! Qiyana is for your own good. The God's Key can only be used by approved people, and it's useless for you to pick it up!" Lin Yu forcefully explained.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Teresa picking up the Xuanyuan Sword, it's just that there is no need for it at all.

"Hmph! Forget it! My lord has a lot, so I forgive you!"

Although Teresa is the oldest here, her appearance is really not convincing!Because she looks like a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl!But in order not to cause any trouble, Lin Yu still endured it.

"Okay, okay! Go and talk to Jizi about the stigmata! But the fusion time has not yet reached 48 hours, and the speed at which the stigmata can help Jizi recover will be very slow!" Lin Yu also told Teresa carefully Talk about Xuanyuan Stigmata.

"Don't worry! I'll tell her!"

Then Teresa left the dormitory, ready to go to Jizi.Others went about their business.

Mei was preparing dinner, and because Lin Yu just woke up, he resolutely refused to let him help.Kiyana, Bronya, and Fu Hua played games together when they had nothing to do.As for Lin Yu!Since Mei didn't let him help, he just took advantage of this time to go back to his room to learn about his Herrscher power.

In Lin Yu's room,
"Lin Yu, let's take a look at what your Herrscher's power is? Back then, your core absorbed so much Houkai power, the power born must be terrifying!"

Novalu couldn't wait to know Lin Yu s Herrscher power.Because according to her understanding, the more Houkai energy contained in the Herrscher's core, the more terrifying the Herrscher's power will be.You know, Shen Yu's core absorbed more than [-]% of the Honkai energy in Chi You's heart at the beginning!That's already more than twice the core of the Herrscher in Ksitigarbha Yuhun!
"Don't worry! I'll investigate first!"

Then Lin Yu closed his eyes, calmed down, and began to quietly feel the power of the Herrscher core in his body.

This time the contact between Lin Yu's consciousness and Shen Yu's core is no longer as difficult as before, but it seems to be very smooth.After all, Shen Yu's core has recognized Lin Yu as the master, so this is also expected.

As the consciousness penetrated into the core of the Herrscher, Lin Yu understood it more and more, and finally understood it together with the power of the Herrscher.


Lin Yu slowly opened his eyes, with a weird expression.He did know the power of his Herrscher, but his power is a little different from those Herrschers such as Hiyumaru!

"Brother, what is your Herrscher's power?" Fei Yuwan couldn't wait to run out of Jizo Yuhun, wanting to know Lin Yu's Herrscher's power.

"That's right! Don't be silly! Say it quickly!" Even Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan ran out of the stigmata and began to urge Lin Yu.

"Don't worry! I'll demonstrate it and you will know!"

With that said, Lin Yu took Xuanyuan Sword out of Jizang Yuhun.Lin Yu's move made Nova Lu and the others a little confused.

"Xiao Fei, use the power of erosion to create a barrier, otherwise it will be over if the Herrscher's fluctuation is accidentally detected!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Fei Yuwan immediately obediently covered Lin Yu's room with erosive power, so that even if Lin Yu used the power of the Herrscher, he would not be afraid of being detected by the academy's detectors.

"Then, let's begin!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yu's eyes immediately turned a touch of gold.The Xuanyuan Sword in front of him seemed to become transparent directly, and all Lin Yu saw was the one-thousandth core of the Herrscher inside.

"Confirmation of the Herrscher's core! Re-engraving begins!"

Then the same miniature herrscher core appeared in Lin Yu's pupils, but it only existed for a moment and then disappeared.At the same time, the faint golden light in Lin Yu's eyes also dissipated.

"Okay! This is my Herrscher's power!" Lin Yu spread his hands, indicating that he had finished demonstrating.


Nuovalu, Feiyuwan, Danzhu, and Cangxuan expressed their expressions in bewilderment. What did Lin Yu do just now?Nothing to do with it!That's the end of the demo?
"What did you demonstrate? We saw you holding Xuanyuan Sword in a daze!" Dan Zhu expressed his dissatisfaction.

"That's right! Don't tell me that your Herrscher's power is to be in a daze!" Nuo Valu was also very angry.Obviously it was to ask Lin Yu to use the power of the Lawrence, but it ended after a daze?
"I did feel a very strange energy, but it appeared for a moment! Brother, wouldn't that be your Herrscher power?"

As a real Corrupt Herrscher, Hiyumaru is very sensitive to the energy fluctuations of the Herrscher's power.It is estimated that she was the only one who felt Lin Yu's power just now.

"So, what exactly is your Herrscher's power?" Cang Xuan couldn't wait.

Lin Yu had no choice but to act like he was in a daze just now.It seems that I have to explain it to them in detail in the future!

"Here! You can see!"

Lin Yu took a right hand, and a golden gem appeared in his hand.Now it was the turn of Danzhu, Cangxuan, Feiyuwan and Nuovalu to be speechless.Because the gem that appeared in Lin Yu's hands is the core of a Herrscher, okay!
"The Herrscher... Herrscher core? Where did you get it?"

Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan panicked when they saw the gem in Lin Yu s hand.Because this gem is a Herrscher's core without any protective measures, it will cause collapse if you are not careful!

"Calm down! This thing is indeed the core of Herrscher, but it doesn't release the Honkai energy outside!"

Lin Yu's words made the two of them react.really!Obviously the core of Herrscher is right in front of him, but the strength of the nearby Houkai energy has not changed at all.

"Lin Yu, what's going on?" Novalu asked.

"This is my Herrscher's power, which can reproduce the core power of any Herrscher!" Lin Yu smiled, and explained his Herrscher's power to the four.


This is just great!The four of them seemed to have been struck by lightning, and they were so shocked by Lin Yu's words that they couldn't even speak a word.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?" Nuova Lu and the others suddenly stopped talking, which made Lin Yu suddenly didn't know what to say.

"you sure?"

Novalu seemed a little disbelieving in Lin Yu's power and wanted to verify it further.

"Otherwise! This gem is the power of the Herrscher's core in the Xuanyuan Sword I copied just now! It's just that it is only one-thousandth of the real Herrscher's power, so I can copy it faster! If it is a complete Herrscher's core, It will probably take some time!"

Don't forget, there are a thousand keys to domination!What Lin Yu copied was just one of them, and the speed was naturally very fast.And the power consumed is negligible.

"This a bit scary!"

Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan were also completely convinced by Lin Yu's power.Because they can imagine what would happen if Lin Yu used this power to the extreme.

 Everyone!Has anyone guessed the protagonist's Herrscher power?Isn't it unexpected!Although this chapter is not very clear, but the next chapter will spend a little time to explain it carefully!

(End of this chapter)

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