The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 75 No matter how important it is, it is not important to you

Chapter 75 No matter how important it is, it is not important to you
"Okay! Alright! Now that you know the power of my Herrscher, you don't need to ask any more!"

As soon as Lin Yu held his hand, the gem disappeared.

"Lin Yu, can you copy all Herrscher's abilities as long as you want?"

"Yes! But copying requires the same amount of Houkai energy! And there will be a certain cooling time after each use!"

Upon hearing this, Nuova felt that it made sense.What a terrifying power the Herrscher's power is, how could it be copied casually?But just paying some Honkai energy, this price should not be a big deal to Lin Yu, after all, the Honkai energy content in his core is two or three times that of a normal Herrscher!

"Brother, how long was the interval between the two uses?" Fei Yuwan also questioned the cooling time of Lin Yu's ability.

"It will take longer to use for the first time, it should be about a month! It will gradually shorten after that! But the demonstration just now has no effect at all, after all, the core in Xuanyuan Sword is not complete!"

All right!Nuovalu and the others are speechless, a month is not a long time!Besides, the conditions for the birth of a Herrscher are very strict, okay?There won't be one Herrscher a month, right?If this is the case, the earth is waiting to be destroyed!

"Let's try the full ability now!"

As for who is it used for?There are currently three Herrscher cores around Lin Yu, namely the erosion core of Jizo Yuhun, the empty core in the evolving astrology, and the death core in the astrology space.However, the core of death cannot be taken out due to the evolution of the star language, and the core of the sky is also unavailable, so it can only be the erosion core of the Ksitigarbha Yuhun.

So Lin Yu took the Ksitigarbha Yuhun in his hand, and prepared to reproduce the power that eroded the core.

"Is brother trying to copy the power that erodes the core?" Fei Yuwan's petite figure flew to Lin Yu's side and sat on Lin Yu's shoulder.

"Yeah! Copy it first! After the star language evolution is complete, you can also copy the power of the other two cores!"

"Brother, after copying the power of erosion, will you not be able to use Xiao Fei anymore?"

Fei Yuwan was worried that after Lin Yu controlled the power of erosion, he would no longer be able to help Lin Yu as before, so he was useless?

"Little fool, what are you thinking?"

Lin Yu nodded Fei Yuwan's small head with his finger.He didn't know why Fei Yuwan had such an idea, it was completely unnecessary, okay!

"How could I not want you! Even if I copied the power of erosion, I can't compare to you, the real Herrscher of erosion! There are still many places that need your help! What's more, you also need a weapon , after I copied the power of erosion, Jizo Yuhun is your exclusive weapon!"

The power of erosion copied by Lin Yu is mainly used to fight against Houkai, and he can't use the power of erosion so naturally in all aspects like Fei Yuwan.So some things are still inseparable from Fei Yuwan.

"Hmm!" Sitting on Lin Yu's shoulder, Fei Yuwan smiled happily after hearing this.

"Then, the engraving begins!"

Lin Yu once again used the power of the Herrscher, and after confirming the core of the Ksitigarborg Yuhun, the light gold in his eyes suddenly turned into a bright bright gold.Obviously, this re-enactment is completely different from just now, Lin Yu must use far more power than before.

Seeing this, Fei Yuwan immediately left Lin Yu's shoulders, because she was afraid of disturbing Lin Yu's engraving again.

About ten minutes later, a black gem phantom formed in Lin Yu s pupils, and then the golden light slowly dissipated.

"Hoo~ I'm exhausted!"

As soon as the engraving was over, Lin Yu immediately called out.It seems that it is still very difficult to reproduce the core of the real Herrscher, but fortunately it succeeded.

If you can see the core of Lin Yu's Shenyu, you will find that there is a small gemstone surrounding it, and there is also a smaller gemstone in the symmetrical place.That is the core of erosion and core of domination that Lin Yu engraved before.Since the dominating core is only one-thousandth, its volume is naturally smaller.But as long as there is the cultivation of Shen Yu's core, as long as the time is long enough, it can also become the real dominating core.

However, there is a very important question, that is, if Lin Yu replicates too much power in the future, will it lead to unskilled use of multiple powers?So what Lin Yu has to do next is to work hard and practice more in order to adapt to the various powers he possesses.

The practice of the power of erosion needs to be guided by Fei Yuwan, and the ice, thunder and fire elements possessed by the stigmata need to be guided by Danzhu and Cangxuan.

"Verbal guidance is difficult to have any obvious effect. Is there any way to instruct in person?" Cang Xuan was very dissatisfied with the method of telepathic guidance, because the efficiency was too low.

"That's right! It would be great if we could think of a way to actually fight!" Dan Zhu also took a positive attitude towards her sister's complaint.

This is embarrassing for Lin Yu, why does he let himself and Cang Xuan fight in person!

"Ugh?and many more!It seems that there is really a way to make myself fight Cangxuan and the others! 』

Lin Yu seemed to have suddenly remembered something. What he gained from this mission was not only the formed Shen Yu core, but also a surprise gain!
"I have a solution for actual combat! Let's practice like this in the next few days!" Lin Yu assured everyone.

Is it really possible to achieve actual combat?Although Lin Yu looked very confident, the four of them still had some doubts.

"Hmph!Just wait! 』

Since Lin Yu said it, he will definitely do it.He's not going to say some unsure words to fool them.They just wait for the huge surprise that Lin Yu will give them!

dinner time,

"Mei's craftsmanship is always so good!"

Kiyana rubbed her swollen stomach and kept praising her.After all, due to Lin Yu's coma before, Mei was not in the state when cooking, which caused the few people to eat poorly in the past two days.But now that Lin Yu is fine, Mei's cooking skills will naturally return to its original level.

"Mei, are Teresa and Himeko's share ready? I'll deliver it to them later!"

Teresa hasn't come back since she went out, probably because she has too many things to deal with.So Lin Yu and the others started eating directly, but Mei had already packed it for them.So Lin Yu volunteered to deliver meals to them.

"Of course it's ready! It's there!"

Following the direction of Mei's fingers, Lin Yu saw two lunch boxes, one large and one small.You don't need to guess, the big one belongs to Teresa, and the small one belongs to Jizi.

After that, Lin Yu went to the hospital alone. As for the people in the dormitory?They can do whatever they want!Anyway, it's still summer vacation, and I don't need to go to class tomorrow.

Coming to the corridor of the hospital, Lin Yu quickly came to Ji Zi's ward.But before Lin Yu opened the door, the door was pushed open by a man in uniform, and Teresa was dragging behind.

what's the situation?Why was Teresa dragged by Lieutenant Xili?Lin Yu was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Ah! It's classmate Lin Yu!" Adjutant Xili pushed his glasses and looked at Lin Yu who came to deliver the food.

Lin Yu, save me quickly Teresa saw Lin Yu as if she had seen a savior.

Lieutenant Xili, what is the situation Lin Yu looked at Teresa who was dragged behind by Xili.

Yuli is Jizi's adjutant and also Teresa's adjutant, usually helping them deal with various incidents at St. Freya Academy.But luckily now, Jizi is hospitalized, and she is in charge of the entire Huberian matter.Just after dealing with Huberian's affairs, Xili saw piles of documents upon returning to Teresa's office.And Teresa left piles of documents in the office and came here to chat with Jizi at this time, which made her really angry.That's why the scene where Lin Yu saw her dragging Teresa away appeared.

Lin Yu is also speechless about this, after all, Teresa has fished in troubled waters at work not once or twice.

"This is Teresa's dinner, remember to give it to her!" Lin Yu directly handed the big lunch box in his hand to Xi Li, as for how to use it?It's all up to Lieutenant Xili to decide.

"That's just right! Dean Teresa will have nothing to eat until he finishes his work!" Xili took the lunch box in a friendly manner, and then looked at Teresa very "kindly".


Ignoring Teresa's screams, Xi Li directly dragged Theresa away.

"Sister Ji Zi, how do you feel?" Lin Yu put the lunch box beside the bed, and then filled Ji Zi with a bowl of porridge.After all, Jizi is a sick person and can only eat light food.At this point, Mei is well prepared.

"How am I recovering? Don't you know?" Ji Zi took the bowl from Lin Yu and began to drink slowly.

"It looks like Teresa has already told you!"

Since Jizi would say that, it means that Teresa has told her everything about the stigmata.Even the matter of Lin Yu's coma is probably explained almost.

"Lin Yu, why did you give me the stigmata you finally got? Do you want to know how much that thing will help you in the future?"

Ji Zi still didn't understand that it was the legendary Ji Xuanyuan's stigmata!Lin Yu gave her such an important thing so casually?

"No matter how important the stigmata is, it's not as important as you!"

Hearing Lin Yu s words, Ji Zi was taken aback for a moment, blushed, and then turned his head away.

"Is this really good? My body can't last long! Is it really not a waste to give me the stigmata?"

Ji Zi turned her head, her face had returned to normal, but there was a hint of sadness in her tone.

"What the hell? Didn't Teresa tell you?" Ji Zi's words also stunned Lin Yu. Could it be that Teresa didn't tell Ji Zi what the stigmata does.

"Tell me what? Theresa came to me to sleep in the afternoon, and she didn't talk to me for a long time!"

All right!Lin Yu was completely speechless to Teresa.She didn't tell Jizi about the important role of the stigmata, which made her worry for so long in vain.

"Sister Jizi, don't worry! You will work under Teresa for a long, long time!" Lin Yu helped Jizi fill a bowl of soup again, and handed it to her with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Ji Zi took the soup in a daze, and it took a while to realize it.

"what do you mean……"

"It's about the same as you guessed! Xuanyuan Stigmata is already helping you recover the traces of Houkai erosion in your body. After it is completely fused with you, the dark wounds caused by those artificial stigmata will also be repaired by it, and it will still It can automatically strengthen your body and increase resistance to Houkai. After a long time, even becoming an S-rank Valkyrie is not impossible!"

Lin Yu was very happy when he explained, because he was happy for Ji Zi.Because Jizi no longer has to feel sad because of her body.

Then Lin Yu and Ji Zi chatted for a while, and it can be seen that after hearing what Lin Yu said just now, Ji Zi was also much more cheerful.After all, the problem that has troubled her for many years has been completely solved, and she no longer has to worry about it in the future.

Not long after, Lin Yu saw that it was late, so he stopped disturbing Ji Zi.

"Sister Jizi, I'm leaving! Have a good rest!"


Looking at Lin Yu's leaving back, Ji Zi recalled Lin Yu's words in his mind: No matter how important the stigmata is, it is not as important as you!
 There should be a few more chapters to be written if anti-entropy invades the academy, so don't worry!The content of the past few days tends to be daily, which can be regarded as paving the way for the anti-entropy invasion! PS: If there is no accident, Chlorina should make its debut in these few days!
(End of this chapter)

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