Chapter 76 Training
In the following days, Jizi's condition got better and better, which made everyone very happy.Lin Yu also gave Ji Zi the Xuanyuan Sword the next day after Ji Zi completely fused with the stigmata, but Ji Zi's reaction at that time was very strange.

After all, it was controlled by Xuanyuanjian, so Ji Zi was inevitably worried about Xuanyuanjian.However, under Lin Yu's explanation, Ji Zi finally accepted it, and there is nothing wrong with holding Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

This is all within Lin Yu's expectation. Ji Zi has Ji Xuanyuan's stigmata on her body. Her aura is somewhat similar to Ji Xuanyuan's at present, so Xuanyuan Sword will naturally not be different.In the future, Ji Zi only needs to practice using Xuanyuan Sword a lot and deepen his connection with it, so he won't have any problems anymore.

After handing Xuanyuan Sword to Ji Zi, Lin Yu started his own business-improving his proficiency in various powers.For this reason, Lin Yu deliberately applied to Teresa to use the Valkyrie training room, and the training level is completely open.This means that if Lin Yu is willing, he can directly challenge the emperor-level Honkai.But this is impossible, Lin Yu is not yet familiar with his own power, he will not be stupid enough to "send to death".

Valkyrie training room,
"What level of Houkai beast do you use as your training object this time?"

Now that you start training, you must first decide the level of challenge.Novalu also wanted to see what level of Houkai Beast Lin Yu first challenged after becoming Herrscher.

"Let's start with ordinary sickle warriors!"

Lin Yu tapped the screen in front of him a few times to set up a training process.Now he is controlling the training system through the connection of the Cangxuan Book, so he has to delete all his training records, but all these can be handed over to the Cangxuan Book.

"Huh? Start with the dead? Are you kidding me?" Novalu couldn't believe it. She thought that Lin Yu would directly challenge the Honkai Emperor or even the emperor-level Honkai Beast!I didn't expect him to start as a dead man, it's really unpredictable!

"Why are you so surprised? I'm going to fight before the knight-level Honkai Beast without Honkai Neng, and see how far I can fight the Honkai Beast with my physical fitness?"

This is Lin Yu's real idea, to fight without using the Honkai power.After all, the basis of fighting is still your own body. If you can become stronger without using the Honkai energy, then you will become even more powerful after using the Honkai energy.

"It makes sense! This is a preparation for defeating Herrscher!"

Novalu naturally knew the benefits of Lin Yu's doing this, because she had experienced the feeling of being unable to use the Honkai power to fight.

That was her battle with the No.11 Herrscher at that time, whose ability was to nullify all attacks with Houkai energy.This ability can be said to be very annoying. You must know that the main method to fight the Herrscher is to use the Houkai Energy. If the Houkai Energy is invalid, then what else can be used to fight the Herrscher?It was under such circumstances that Novalu learned the sword attack, a powerful attack method that does not rely on Honkai's power at all.At its peak, Novalu can even eliminate the weaker Honkai Emperor without relying on Honkai power.This was also the key to successfully defeating the Tenth Herrscher at that time.

"Let me see how far you can do it without using the Houkai energy?"

The training began, and groups of dead soldiers rushed towards Lin Yu.However, ordinary sickle soldiers are very slow, so Lin Yu is still very easy to deal with.Soon, a group of about thirty dead men was dealt with by Lin Yu with Sakura Blowing Snow.

No way, Lin Yu's exclusive weapon Astrology is still evolving.According to Novalu's deduction, the evolution time of the astrology this time should be about ten days, but now only six or seven days have passed, so there is no way to change into a weapon form.There is also the Ksitigarbha Yuhun, Lin Yu has decided to exercise the use of the power of erosion by himself, if he uses the Ksitigarbha Yuhun, he will not be able to complete the goal.Because if you use the Ksitigarbha Yuhun, Lin Yu's control over the power of erosion will also be greatly improved.Based on the above decision, it is better for Lin Yu to use Ying Fuxue who has no ability.But even so, Ying Chuixue has a promoting effect on sword energy, so Lin Yu has to control himself not to use Ying Chuixue's sword energy.

"The Book of Cangxuan, start training for the next level! The Queen of Scythes is a unit of five, a total of five games!"

After the battle with ordinary dead men, Lin Yu only took a few breaths, and let Cangxuanzhishu start the next level of training.

The Queen of Scythes is an evolutionary question of the Scythe Slayer, and the speed deficiency has been made up for, basically no different from normal people.The attack has also been strengthened a lot, and the more important thing is that they can chop continuously. If they can't be interrupted, the consequences will be very serious.

"Huh ~ continue!"

Looking at the five sickle queens who came out, Lin Yu rushed over without the slightest hesitation.He set it himself that if it is not resolved within the specified time, the next batch will come out.In other words, if you are not careful, you will face the infinite combo of 25 sickle queens. At that time, Lin Yu may not be able to handle it!

But Lin Yu's attack method is not only swordsmanship, but also Cunxinquan!Cooperating with the Suzaku Treading Cloud movement, Lin Yu can freely walk between the attacks of several sickle queens.Coupled with the Luoying Swordsmanship and He Tianyu's Nine Styles, this level of training has passed.

Then Lin Yu asked Cangxuanzhishu to start the training of the advance level Honkai beast and the knight level Honkai beast.Lin Yu can cope with the advance level Honkai beast group, after all, they are prepared for a second or two before attacking, Lin Yu only needs to avoid them in this gap or take the opportunity to attack them.But the knight-level Honkai beasts are different. They attack completely rampantly, which makes Lin Yu helpless for a while, but Lin Yu still insists on not using the Honkai energy to deal with them.Fortunately, in the end Lin Yu figured out a way to deal with them. Facing their attacks, Lin Yu would use Sakura Blowing Snow to deflect the attack trajectory of their long spears, and then quickly approach them with Cun Xin Fist.

It's just that it takes time to solve them, but Lin Yu persisted and solved them.

"I'll go! The knight-level Honkai Beast is already the limit of what you can fight without Honkai!"

Yiji Cunjin·Kaitian got rid of the last knight-level Honkai Beast, and Lin Yu began to complain.He didn't expect that he could only achieve this level without using the Honkai energy.

"It's okay! I did similar training back then, and at the beginning I could only deal with the advance-level Honkai beast! Compared with me, you are much better!" Novalu told her past experience.

"Lulu, then what level of Houkai beast can you solve without using Houkai later?" Lin Yu couldn't help becoming interested when he heard that Novalu had a similar experience.Anyway, the current training has reached the limit, so let's take a rest for a while and prepare to use the Houkai to fight.

"My limit is the general Honkai Emperor. If I meet a stronger Honkai Emperor, I can't help it!" Novalu also told her actual situation.

"Then how long did you train to achieve it?"

Lin Yu wanted to know the time it would take for Novalu to solve the Honkai Emperor, which could be regarded as an incentive for himself.

"Three years! It took me three years to get to that level!"

Novalu also told the truth.Before she met the Tenth Herrscher, she was almost able to fight against the chariot-level Honkai without using the Honkai ability, but that was all under the premise of melee combat!The Herrscher would not foolishly let you fight him in close quarters, that's why Novalu further comprehended the sword attack.Otherwise, even if Novalu can beat the emperor-level Honkai beast in melee, Herrscher can use Honkai to blow you to death without letting you get close.

"Three years! It looks like I have to work hard!"

Taking Novalu's time as an example, Lin Yu also set a goal, which is to be at least similar to Novalu.He still needs to put in a lot of effort for this!
After enough rest, Lin Yu was ready to start training using the Houkai energy.

"Book of Cangxuan! Go directly to the king-level Honkai beast!"

After being able to use the Honkai power, Lin Yu would no longer fight so progressively.He went directly to the most difficult training, and the number gradually increased.It means that if Lin Yu solves the first emperor-level Honkai, then he will face two next, and then three, and so on, until Lin Yu can't deal with it.


When the training started, a huge white figure appeared and let out a fierce roar.Lin Yu and Novalu couldn't be more familiar with that appearance. The terrifying two fangs, the strange lines on the body, and the amazing momentum are exactly the Ganesha that Lin Yu encountered because of a machine failure.

"What are you yelling! Watch me get rid of you!"

Lin Yu directly activated the erosion inflammation, and the black inflammation immediately covered the entire training ground.But fortunately, Lin Yu controlled the power, otherwise even the training ground made of special metal would not be able to withstand the long-term roasting of Hei Yan.Afterwards, Lin Yu waved Ying Chuixue covered in black flames and rushed towards Ganesha.

Just use it to vent your anger!Lin Yu just fought with the knight-level Honkai beast for a long time because he didn't use the Honkai energy, and he was full of anger!It just so happens that all of it is vented on this Ganesha now.

"The first training session is complete! Please prepare for the second training session!"

About three or four minutes later, a huge sword energy composed of black flames split Ganesha in half.The Book of Cangxuan also executed the previously set procedures, and started the next training session.

"The second training session begins! The target, Ganesha! Quantity, two!"

Anyway, Lin Yu s schedule today is training, so there is nothing to hesitate, just go straight!


"I'm going! I can't do it! I can't hold on anymore! Cangxuan Book, stop the training program!"

Lin Yu struggled to get rid of the last Ganesha in this round, and then told Cangxuanzhishu not to proceed with the next round!

"Received! A total of eleven training sessions have been completed, and a total of 66 Ganeshas have been eliminated! Congratulations to the master for exceeding the predetermined target of 55!"

After the training, Cangxuanzhishu congratulated Lin Yu for overcompleting the training.

"Okay! It's getting late, Xiexie should go back!"

Lin Yu didn t say anything else, he just lay on the ground and rested for a while.It is impossible for him to go back with his tired and dying body!

After enough rest, Lin Yu closed the training room and left.


On the way back, Lin Yu felt some strange feelings in his mind.

"Okay, okay! Wait for a while! I'll let you out, don't worry!"

Lin Yu said something inexplicably.

Lin Yu, who are you talking to Nuo Walu was puzzled when he saw Lin Yu suddenly say something.

Just a very naughty guy Lin Yu just smiled, and didn't elaborate on who it was with Novalu.

"Naughty guy? Is it Xiaofei? Or Danzhu and Cangxuan?"

These three people are the only ones Nuo Valu can think of, and there is no one else besides them!But Lin Yu didn t answer her, he still just smiled.

Lin Yu's reaction made Nova Lu feel very puzzled, who is it?

(End of this chapter)

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