Chapter 79 Surprise
In a mysterious space,

"The place without any decoration is really desolate!" Lin Yu looked around, and there was only darkness, except darkness.

This is the mysterious place Lin Yu said, a place that even Nuovalu and the others don't know.But Lin Yu didn't deliberately hide it from them, because he wanted to surprise them.

"Let's sort out the collected information first!"

With a wave of Lin Yu's hand, a lot of light screens immediately appeared in front of him. The records on them were either text or pictures, and they were specially marked by Lin Yu.

"This one belongs to Nuovalu, this one belongs to Hiyumaru, and this one belongs to Danzhu and Cangxuan!"

Lin Yu carefully dealt with the light screen in front of him, separating them one by one.In fact, these are all the information collected by Lin Yu about Novalu and the others' favorite architectural styles and decorative items.

Where Lin Yu is now is the stigmata space, which is an independent space different from Danzhu stigmata and Cangxuan stigmata.This stigmata was re-formed after the core of Shenyu took shape from the once-disappeared stigmata.Lin Yu only discovered this stigmata when he used the power of the Herrscher.

According to some of the information Lin Yu has learned so far, the current main power of this stigmata is protection, and it can provide Lin Yu with a Houkai energy shield under Lin Yu's urging.And this shield is indestructible in a sense, because the source of the shield's power is Lin Yu, unless Lin Yu's energy is exhausted, the shield will not be destroyed.

It's a pity that the shield has a time limit, five seconds, the protection time that the shield can provide is only five seconds.Within five seconds, if Lin Yu's energy is not exhausted, then this shield is an "absolute defense" in the true sense, an absolutely indestructible barrier.

"Why is the ability possessed by such a powerful stigmata defensive?"

Lin Yu was complaining about the function of this stigmata while sorting out the information.For this reason, Lin Yu named it Zhongyan.As for why this name was chosen, it was purely because of Lin Yu's interest.

After calculating that the information was almost sorted out, Lin Yu started to get down to business.

"The basic shape has been formed in my mind! Then, start generating!"

With Lin Yu's order, this space that was originally full of darkness suddenly became completely new.

This is the surprise that Lin Yu wanted to give Novalu and the others, a stigmata space where they could live.This space has been completely remodeled by Lin Yu according to their preferences. The main shape is based on Yae Village, and the Taoist buildings requested by Danzhu and Cangxuan have been added.As for Novalu's requirements, it was mainly about the interior decoration, so let her figure out the details.

"that's it!"

Standing under the cherry blossom tree, Lin Yu looked at the area he created with satisfaction.That's the extent of what he can do so far, almost meeting everyone's requirements.The rest is waiting for them to come over and transform it by themselves!


On the same day, a little earlier,
Anti-entropy, between the arks,
Several square rocks covered with light blue lines float in this space, as if weightless.

Several anti-entropy figures are on the rock, and the one standing on the top is Cocolia, whom Teresa has always called the female fox.

"Everyone! According to my information, the Third Herrscher is currently being imprisoned in St. Freya Academy. After the Chi You battle before, the main force of St. Freya Academy, Wuliang Ta Jizi, has been injured. Now it is time to regain the third Herrscher." The best time for the Herrscher! Now, let me introduce the plan to regain the third Herrscher!"

Cocolia, who was wearing a green military uniform, stood there with her left hand on her hip, and her right hand was playing with her long chestnut hair.

"Wait a minute!" A girl wearing glasses and wearing two red ponytails said at this time, "The leader said before that all plans related to Herrscher must be approved by him. Did he approve the plan?"

"If you're talking about the leader, isn't he sitting next to me?" Cocolia looked at the chair beside her, on which sat a man who hid himself under a hat.

"The premise is that he must be the real leader. In recent years, he has been elusive and constantly changing his appearance and identity. How can you convince me that you are by your side..."

"Mr. Tesla, are you doubting me?"

Before Tesla could finish speaking, the man interrupted her, then stretched out his right hand, and a black sphere appeared in his hand.The moment the sphere appeared, a force that overwhelmed everyone suddenly appeared in this space.

Everyone collapsed on the ground, unable to move.This is indeed the power of the leader in their cognition.

"In this case, please continue to explain the action plan, Mr. Cocolia!" The man snapped his fingers, dispelling the force that crushed everyone, and signaled Cocolia to continue talking.

"As ordered!"


At the same time, the St. Freya College Detention Center,

At this moment, Xing Maer was making noise.

"Hey! You guys dare to treat my uncle like this, you will be finished when I go out!"

"Hey! Come on! I'm hungry, hurry up and bring the delicious food to me!"

"Hey! Is anyone here?"

No matter how noisy Xing Maer was, no one paid attention to her, which made her very annoyed.She has been staying here since she woke up, and she is a little confused about the situation.Although there are people bringing food here every day, this quiet and deadly place is driving her crazy.

Until today, a small robot in the shape of a spider came in through the vent and climbed onto Xing Maer's hand, which made her quiet.But Xing Maer, who had calmed down, showed a terrifying smile.

It's time to get out of here!

A new day, this is another busy day for Lin Yu.After all, the holiday is only half over, and he still has to continue training when he has nothing to do.He also asked Qiyana and Mei if they would go to training, but the result was as Lin Yu expected.

in the training room,

"Lulu, how long will it take for the star language to evolve successfully?"

Lin Yu has been using Sakura Blowing Snow for training recently, and he is afraid that he will forget the star language after waiting for a long time.

"Come on! There's still about a day left!"

Novalu has been paying attention to the evolution of Star Language all the time, after all, it is the God's Key made with her Herrscher core!

"Oh! By the way! Lin Yu, after the evolution of Star Language is completed, it will have a new form. I suggest you design it yourself!"

"New form?"

Lin Yu didn't understand. Didn't the last time Xingyu evolved just because of a change in appearance.How much will it change this time?
"I suggest you design it early, otherwise, when the shape is fixed, it will be too late for you to regret it!"

Lin Yu listened to Nuovalu's tone very seriously, and it seemed that she was not joking.

"Okay! Today I will end my training early! Then I will start designing a new form of Star Language!"

Then Lin Yu started combat training without Honkai power.Perhaps it was because of the need to design a new form for Xingyu, Lin Yu's battle pace this time was very fast.The tank-level Honkai beast training, which usually takes about nine to ten minutes to complete, actually took only seven to ten minutes to complete this time.

"Okay! The training is over, and we're starting to design a new form for Xingyu!"

As soon as the training of the chariot-level Honkai Beast was over, Lin Yu asked the Cangxuan Book to stop, and then sat on the ground and began to design it with the Cangxuan Book.

"Since the God's Key is made with the core of the sky, the main body should be silver, and then add some other colors for embellishment!"

Lin Yu's fingers kept drawing and drawing on the screen in front of him, while he kept mumbling.

Soon, a basic model of a silver tachi came out.However, Lin Yu was not satisfied with this, and he was still revising.

You must know that Lin Yu designed a lot of Taidao before the third Houkai broke out, so this kind of thing is still very simple for Lin Yu.

Therefore, Lin Yu invested a long time in designing, and even the next training using Honkai Energy was completely forgotten.

Finally, Lin Yu completed the design of Xingyu.It's just that the time has exceeded the usual training time.

"It's done! Leave the rest to the Cangxuan Book and import the information into the Star Language!"

Lin Yu didn t go to training after finishing the design, because Novalu still had something to say.

"Lin Yu, now that the new form of Xingyu has been designed! Do you want to design a few other weapon forms?"

"Huh? Why do I design so many?"

Lin Yu is very strange about this, it is enough to have one form, why do you have to design so many?

"I'm just preparing for the future. Xingyu has the ability to integrate multiple Herrscher cores. If possible, I want each core to have a form!"


What the hell?Integrate multiple Herrscher cores?A normal God's Key has one Herrscher core is already very powerful, but if there are multiple Herrscher cores, it will be fine!I have to say that Lin Yu was frightened by Novalu's words.

"Then what are you waiting for! Keep going!"

Lin Yu became excited immediately, and was about to start designing the next form of Xingyu.But this time, Novalu stopped her.

"Why are you in a hurry? Just take your time! You have time to design, there is no need to finish it all at once."

Novalu is right. At present, there are only two Herrscher Cores that can be fused with Star Language, namely the Core of Space that is about to be fused and the Core of Death that is still in the Space of Star Language.Now the weapon form of the core of the sky has been completed, and then it is only necessary to design the weapon form of the core of checkmate.

"Okay! That's it for today! Go back!" Lin Yu is also preparing to leave the training room. After all, high-intensity training also takes time to ease.Since you spent some time on design today, why not just rest today!

"Almost forgot! I have a surprise for you today! Pay attention!"

Lin Yu's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Brother, what's the surprise?"

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter?"

"Lin Yu, tell me if you have anything!"

Everyone was a little surprised after hearing Lin Yu's voice, and then urged Lin Yu to hurry up and talk about something.

"Everyone close their eyes first and prepare to follow my lead!"

Although Lin Yu's words made everyone feel strange, they still followed suit.Because they also wanted to know what surprise Lin Yu was talking about.


"Then, the surprise will be revealed soon!"

Then Lin Yu relied on his own strength to safely transfer the consciousness of everyone in the Star Language and the Stigmata to the final stigmata space at one time.

After the transfer was over, Lin Yu also spoke.

"Okay! Everyone can open their eyes!"

When everyone opened their eyes, they saw the flying cherry blossoms and green grass, and everyone gathered together.

"This is……"

Everyone was suddenly speechless by the scene in front of them.

"How is it? This is the surprise I prepared for you, do you like it?"

 With this magical stigmata space, the protagonist will be able to bear it in the future!In the future, you will never be afraid of having no opponents in training! PS: Everyone can help to think about what form of weapon each Herrscher core of Star Language can correspond to. If it is better than my arrangement, I will adopt it.I'll post my schedule in the comment section shortly!

(End of this chapter)

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