The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 80 Little Hair Thief?

Chapter 80 Little Hair Thief?
"Xiaoyu, where is this place?"

Yae Sakura looked around and found that it was similar to Yae Village, but it was a little different.She has lived in Yae Village for a long time, and is very familiar with everything there, so she immediately discovered that although it looks like Yae Village, it is not Yae Village.

"This is the stigmata space. I created this place based on Yae Village! How about it?"

Then Lin Yu told them in detail what he had done these days.This surprised them very much. It turned out that Lin Yu had done so much for them!

"Just familiarize yourself with this place yourself! If there is anything you want to transform, you can do it yourself. I have already opened up most of the permissions here to you!"

All Lin Yu can do is to create this area. It is impossible for him to meet everyone's requirements.So if they have any other requirements, they should do it themselves!

"Oye! That's great! Sister, let's go shopping here!"

As soon as Danzhu heard that the place could be remodeled by himself, he immediately dragged Cangxuan to the residential area happily, and it seemed that he was going to do a big job.

"Do the rest yourself! I have to go back!"

Lin Yu just sneaked part of his consciousness here, and he couldn't stay here for too long.So he still has to pay attention to the situation outside.

“This place is nice! But we will make it better!”

Others seemed to be full of energy, Lin Yu reckoned that there would be great changes when he came here next time!

On the same day, a little earlier,

Teresa's dedicated training room,
"Qiana, didn't Lin Yu ask you to train with him! Why do you insist on coming to me?"

Teresa looked at the Qiyana in front of her with some doubts.Because Qiyana hurried to her after Lin Yu left, yelling to become stronger.Even if Theresa refused several times, it was useless, so I had to bring her here.

"Lin Yu's training intensity is too terrifying, I can't accept it, so I can only come to you, auntie!"

As for why Qiyana suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to become stronger, it was because she had a nightmare last night, dreaming that they met a very powerful enemy, even Teresa and the others couldn't deal with it.In the dream, Qiyana watched so many people die in front of her, but she couldn't do anything.It is also for this reason that Qiyana has the idea of ​​becoming stronger.

"I really can't do anything about you! Let me train you! As long as you use the Valkyrie armor on your body skillfully, your combat effectiveness will be greatly improved!"

Teresa began to speak seriously.But Qiyana seemed a little unconvinced!After all, the Bailian armor on her body was just a tights, so there was really no way for her to believe it!
"Let me tell you, don't underestimate this suit of armor. Even an A-rank Valkyrie will need three months to use it proficiently! So this is also a big challenge for you!"

Teresa saw Kiana's suspicious eyes at a glance.In order to dispel her thoughts, Teresa explained to her the armor on her body in detail.

"I said that I want to become stronger quickly, but will three months..." Qiyana seemed a little dissatisfied, because she felt that three months was still too long, and it would be great if she could go faster .

"I understand! Otherwise, why would I bring you to this training room!" Teresa patted the console beside her, and said proudly, "This training is exclusively for me, and I would not give it to ordinary people. Yes, I will make an exception for you to use it once today. This training room will automatically read your brain waves, then search for a strong enemy from your memory, and then use your memory fragments and the technology of Destiny to simulate that opponent to fight with you !"

As Teresa spoke, she pressed a button on the console.

"Huh? What you said just now is almost the same as a sbeam game!" Kiyana folded her hands on her chest, with an expression of "I'm afraid you're kidding me".It seems that she not only has no confidence in the Valkyrie armor, but also has no confidence in this training device!
In the next second, a figure gradually appeared in front of Qiyana.It's just that the people who appeared surprised both Qiyana and Teresa!
"I'll go! How could it be Lin Yu?"

That's right!The opponent who appeared in front of Qiyana was Lin Yu, but this Lin Yu had no expression when facing Qiyana, and directly drew his sword and swung a few sword qi towards Qiyana.

"Oh my god! Don't play like this!"

Qiyana was in a daze for a moment and forgot to avoid Lin Yu's attack.This made Teresa speechless, thinking how strong Lin Yu was in Qiyana's heart!It made her lose the will to fight!
Before Qiyana could react, the simulated Lin Yu directly used the Luoying swordsmanship, beating up Qiyana was miserable!Fortunately, this is just a simulation, and Qiyana will not be injured, but the pain is perfectly reproduced by the system.So Qiyana was beaten to death, but there was no injury on her body.

Fortunately, Teresa turned off the training system in time, otherwise Qiyana would have to be beaten by the simulated Lin Yu for a while!
"Ahh! What happened just now doesn't count! I want to do it all over again!"

Qiyana said that she was dissatisfied. She was beaten like that because she didn't react at first, but she didn't have a chance to make a move later.

"Didn't I tell you? This will simulate a very strong person in your memory. Although the strength of the simulated person is far less than the main body, the destructive power should not be underestimated! Don't be stunned by the pain of the system synchronization It's over!"

"Having fainted? How is it possible? I was just a little surprised just now, but this time I am ready! No matter who appears, I will defeat him! Just wait! Teresa!"

At this time, Qiyana believed in the power of this training system.But it's just a small matter, she won't stop there, because she is determined to become an S-rank Valkyrie!
"Then, Kiyana! Training begins again!"

Teresa looked at Qiyana's extremely determined eyes, and there was no reason to refuse, so she pressed the training button again.

And this time the training opponent is still Lin Yu, but this time Qiyana took the lead in launching the attack.

"Come on! Let Miss Ben beat you!"


In the dormitory, as soon as Lin Yu came in, he saw Mei playing a fighting game with Bronya.It's just that Mei seems to be at a disadvantage and has been beaten.

"I've been playing for so long, and I haven't beaten Bronya once! I really want to win once!" Mei put the game controller on her head, looking desperate.

At this moment, Bronya secretly reached out and pressed a button on Mei's game controller.The character controlled by Mei on the TV screen suddenly launched a kill, which directly emptied the HP bar of the character controlled by Bronya.


Two big letters appeared on the TV screen, indicating that Mei had won.

"Yeah! Win!"

Mei happily raised her hand and cheered.

"But it's really strange! How did I use the ultimate kill just now?" Mei was puzzled after cheering, because she didn't know how she won.

But Lin Yu saw all this in his eyes!Of course he knew the kill that Bronya used to help Mei.

Lin Yu looked at Mei Yi and smiled, then looked at Bronya.Bronya also saw Lin Yu looking at her, so he knew that he had seen all the actions just now.So she nodded to Lin Yu, and then the corner of her mouth showed a subtle arc under Lin Yu's surprised eyes.

"I go!what did i seeBronya laughed? 』

Although the curvature of the corner of Bronya's mouth was not obvious just now, Lin Yu can be sure that Bronya just smiled.This is a big discovery, after all, Lin Yu has never seen Bronya have any happy expression so far!
Um!This is a memorable picture!Therefore, Lin Yu remembered the moment Bronya laughed just now.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Huh? Is it Kiyana or Teresa at this time?"

It's already dark, and if nothing else, it should be Kiyana or Teresa who is back!
It's just that when Mei opened the door, a man hiding his figure under a black cloak appeared.

"Sorry to interrupt you! I am the newly appointed secretary of Dean Teresa. Dean Teresa needs Ms. Mei to go to her office."

The man acted like a gentleman, extending his hand to invite Mei.

"Bronya is going too!"

Bronya stood up suddenly and asked himself to go with Mei.But Lin Yu didn t say anything, and looked at the man with interest.

"Oh... this is embarrassing. Principal Teresa only summoned Ms. Mei!"

"Then ask Bronya to call the dean to ask about it!" Bronya looked very vigilant, because she felt that there was a problem with this person.

"Tsk... What a suspicious little brat! You won't get hurt if you're obedient!"

The man suddenly grabbed Mei's wrist with both hands, making it impossible for Mei to escape.

"I had no choice but to forcefully take her away!" As he said that, a black sphere appeared in the man's hand, which was about to make Mei faint.

"Let go of sister Mei!"

Bronya is about to summon the reloaded Bunny 19C to fight.

"Cun Jin · Yan Po!"

Lin Yu's figure appeared in front of the man in an instant, his left hand directly pulled Mei from the man's hand, and his right hand punched him unceremoniously.


The terrifying explosive force directly knocked the man away, and the door of the dormitory was damaged, and the damaged ones disappeared without a trace.

"Please! I found you before I came back. I wanted to see what you were up to, but I didn't expect you to come and kidnap Mei!"

While holding Mei Yi, Lin Yu looked at the man who was blown away with his punch.It's just that Lin Yu's momentum rose a little at this time, and his eyes became sharper.

"Who gave you such courage? You little thief!"

 The anti-entropy invasion has officially begun!The poor Walter clone was directly blown away by the protagonist!I guess I'm about to go crazy! ╭( ̄▽ ̄)╮

(End of this chapter)

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