Chapter 81 Invasion
The man who was blown away by Lin Yu's punch stood up with difficulty.He didn't expect Lin Yu to attack suddenly, which really made him very angry.

"I just wanted to take away the Third Herrscher, but I didn't expect to be attacked. If that's the case, ants, are you ready to die in the hands of my uncle? You can die in the hands of my First Herrscher, Walter." It is your honor!"

The man's tone seemed very cold, and even his expression looked like he wanted to kill Lin Yu.Afterwards, many faint blue balls of light appeared around him again.Lin Yu could feel that with the appearance of those light spheres, the gravity here began to be a little abnormal.

"First Herrscher? Will the Herrscher kidnap people?"

A faint golden light appeared in Lin Yu s eyes, and his eyes were firmly locked on the man who claimed to be the first Herrscher Walter.

"Die! Ants!"

As soon as Walter waved his hand, many gravels floated on the ground, and then shot towards Lin Yu at high speed.

Lin Yu's first feeling from those gravel was danger, so Lin Yu immediately ran away with his arms in his arms.

"Mei, you hide with Bronya first, and leave this guy to me!"

Lin Yu put Mei down after confirming her safety, and then asked her and Bronya to hide quickly, and let him deal with the so-called First Herrscher.

"Don't hide, ants! It's useless to hide in front of my uncle!"

What Walter said was that Lin Yu was surprised to find that that guy was floating in the air like those gravel.

"Is your ability to control gravity?"

Lin Yu has already analyzed the ability of the first herrscher in front of him by relying on his own Herrscher's power.

"That's right! I have the ability to control gravity. As long as it is something in my field of vision, I can change the gravity it receives. So from now on, no matter how strong your attack is, it will be nothing in front of me! "

Walter looked down at Lin Yu in the air with a proud face, as if looking at ants.

"Really? I already know the shortcomings of your abilities, so you won't have a chance in the future!"

Lin Yu's Herrscher's power has fully figured out the ability of this first Herrscher.But when Lin Yu figured out his ability, he was also confused.Because according to the information he has learned, controlling gravity is the ability of the Ninth Herrscher of the last era!And the ability of the first Herrscher in this era is creation!So what's going on with this guy who calls himself the First Herrscher?

"Forget it, don't care! Anyway, this guy is very dangerous, let's talk about it after we get rid of it!"

Lin Yu directly summoned the Jizo Yuhun. In this case, it is better to make a quick decision, so the Jizo Yuhun is the best choice.

As soon as he held Jizo Yuhun with his hand, Lin Yu's figure disappeared from Walter's sight in an instant.The next moment, the pitch-black blade burning with black flames came in front of Walter.

"how come……"

The blade of Jizo Yuhun continued to enlarge in Walter's eyes, which made his heart beat faster at this moment, because he could feel the terrifying power contained in the blade.If he was hit, he would definitely die.

Walter immediately controlled the gravity around him, allowing himself to soar up a certain height just before being hit by Jizo Yuhun.Only then did Lin Yu barely dodge this blow.

Walter was panting heavily in the air, as if he still had lingering fears from Lin Yu s blow just now.

"Oh? Run away?" Lin Yu was a little surprised to see that his blow missed Walter.Although I didn't have the power to mobilize too much Cangxuan Stigmata, but the speed just now was already very fast.Even so, he was still avoided by this Walter. It seems that this guy is still a bit technical.

"Hey! Aren't you the First Herrscher? How can you escape faster than a rabbit!"

Lin Yu raised his head and looked at Walter who was panting heavily in the air with a speechless expression.Aren't lawyers all proud enough to go to heaven?Aren't they all shouting to destroy mankind?Why do you feel that this guy doesn't have a little bit?

Uh... It seems that this so-called First Herrscher has indeed ascended to heaven!And Mei's Herrscher personality didn't shout to destroy human beings!

All right!Maybe these two Herrschers are special cases.

"Damn it, how dare you underestimate me! Let me show you the power of God!"

Lin Yu's words just now seemed to have stimulated Walter. He roared, and immediately a strange line appeared on his forehead, piercing his eyes, forming a strange left-right symmetrical pattern, and a diamond-shaped icon also appeared in the center of his forehead.

"Pay for fooling God!"

The nearby rubble and collapsed walls floated in the air like weightlessness. With Walter's wave of his hand, those things seemed to have turned into shells, and they all rushed towards Lin Yu below.

"Is this guy really a Herrscher?"

Lin Yu hid Yuhun with a wave, and black flames burned the gravel to nothingness.How should I put it, Lin Yu felt that this guy was too weak as a Herrscher.The Herrscher he knew could destroy the existence of a city with a wave of his hand!But Lin Yu felt that it would be difficult for this guy to destroy a house.

After stopping Walter's attack, Lin Yu also launched a counterattack.While waving Jizo Yuhun continuously, multiple streams of black flame sword energy rushed towards the First Herrscher.

When Walter saw this, he didn't care. When the sword qi flew in front of him, he couldn't move forward half a step, as if there was a barrier blocking the sword qi.

"Using gravity to form a barrier around it? What a nuisance!"

Lin Yu saw the defense method of the First Herrscher at a glance.Why does Lin Yu always feel that the guy in the air is completely incompatible with Herrscher!

"Cun Jin · Open the sky!"


I saw a figure suddenly appearing behind Walter, punching him violently.This made Walter immediately alert.


It's a pity that this punch hit the invisible barrier and didn't hit Walter.

"Yo! Squad leader, you're here!"

The figure that suddenly appeared was none other than Fu Hua.She was awakened by the sound of Lin Yu's punch before, so she came to take a look.I didn't expect to see Lin Yu fighting that Walter as soon as he came.

"Lin Yu, what's the situation?"

Fu Hua assumed a fighting posture, looking at the First Herrscher in the air very seriously.

This guy wanted to take Mei away, so I beat him up Lin Yu said this casually, as if he didn't pay attention to Walter at all.

"It turned out to be a person against entropy. What? Is a person against entropy interested in being a thief?" Fu Hua guessed Walter's origin all at once.

Anti-entropy again?This reminded Lin Yu of the girl named Xing Maer whom he met in Jiuyou Cave before.She also seems to be an anti-entropy person.

"Not bad! Valkyrie! You can guess the origin of my uncle, and report your name!"

Walter also expressed his surprise that Fu Hua could guess his origin, so he let Fu Hua report his name.

"Fu Hua, the A-level Valkyrie Goddess of the Far Eastern Branch. Mr. Thief, please be obedient and capture her!"


In Teresa's dedicated training room,


With a loud bang, Qiyana once again defeated the simulated opponent.

"It's already the seventh! I only defeated three opponents in the first time! I really deserve to be a descendant of the Kaslana family. Kiyana's ability in fighting is amazing! Your daughter is getting more and more powerful! Like you, Cecilia!"

Seeing Kiyana fighting, Teresa couldn't help thinking of her former good friend, that is, Kiyana's mother, Cecilia.She was the most powerful Valkyrie ever, so it is reasonable for Qiyana to have such combat power.However, although Qiyana is excellent in combat, her theoretical knowledge is really unsightly!Thinking of this, Teresa felt so tired!

"How is it? Do you want to take a break, Kiyana?" Teresa saw that Kiyana seemed a little tired, so she asked her if she needed a rest.

"Are you kidding! Miss Ben still has strength! Next! Next!"

Kiyana had no intention of resting at all, and urged Teresa to hurry up for the next training session.So Teresa didn't say anything, and started the last training directly.There is no way, there are only eight training sessions in the program settings.

nourish - nourish -

Purple lightning flashed, and a figure appeared in front of Qiyana.This person is very familiar to Qiyana, because it is Mei, and she is also Mei who has turned into a Herrscher.

"Oh? Is this the final boss? Even if it's Mei, I won't show mercy!"

Looking at the simulated Herrscher Mei in front of her, Qiyana didn't feel at all unable to fight because her opponent was Mei, but was full of fighting spirit.

"Qiana, let me be your opponent in this last battle!"

Just when Kiana was about to start, the simulated Mei suddenly disappeared, and an extremely familiar voice sounded from her ears.

"This is it possible? The person Qiyana fears the most in the depths of her consciousness is him? No, the training must be stopped immediately!"

Teresa is also very familiar with people who appear suddenly, so she immediately wants to stop training.It's just that no matter what Theresa does, what appears on the screen is an error.This shows that she has no way to stop this last battle.

In the dormitory, Lin Yu and Fu Hua are preparing to join forces to deal with the first Herrscher.At this time, Fei Yuwan's voice suddenly appeared.

"Brother, I found out that the system of the training room where Theresa is located has been invaded by someone else!"

Hiyumaru secretly invaded the academy's system when he was free, and used it to collect various information, but did not take any action.Therefore, except for a very few systems that are not used by Higokumaru that have not been invaded, Higokumaru can know everything that happened in the academy system in the first time.

"Track the ID of the intruder immediately!"

"It has been traced! The ID of the intruder is Siegfried Kaslana! Oh? Why is this name so familiar?"

For the virtual online world, Hiyumaru is the king there, so this kind of trivial matter is done easily.It's just that the traced ID of the intruder made Hiyumaru feel as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Just dodging the flying stone attack launched by the First Herrscher, Lin Yu was stunned when he heard Fei Yuwan's words.

"I'm going! What's going on? Isn't Siegfried Kaslana her father? Why did he invade the academy's system?"

(End of this chapter)

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