Chapter 83 Name
I have no memory of before the age of eight.

My dad once told me that I had a serious head injury in an accident.So I don't remember anything from the past.

I have asked my dad many times what my name is, but he would always be silent for a while, and then tell me...

"Your name is...forget doesn't matter what you call it. You just need to are my daughter. Knowing that is enough."

Dad hasn't told me yet that I was born into the Kaslana family.My mother died when I was two years old.

Then my dad took me away from the family and started living in a small remote village.

Dad is very good to me, no matter what I want, he will bring me.But I'm not happy... because Dad never smiled at me, and never celebrated my birthday.

Every time it's my birthday, he gets really drunk.Then he collapsed on the ground, chanting two names.



Such a father is really irresponsible!But I also know that such a father is a hero who protects mankind.

But all I can do is take care of my drunk stinky dad, that's all!

After leaving Tianming, Dad became alone.But he still insisted on using his own strength to continue to fight against Honkai.

But every time after returning from the battle, there will always be new wounds on Dad's body.

"Why do you want to protect others at this point?"

I have asked my dad this many times when I was dressing his wound, but my dad always smiled and said to me:

"It may be that the blood of the Kaslana family in my body will boil when I see someone who has been hurt by the Honkai!"

Dad looked very serious at that time, and I also deeply reflected these words in my mind.Since then, I have made up my mind to become a warrior of the Kaslana family who can protect others at all costs.

After my repeated requests, my father began to teach me the spear fighting skills of the Kaslana family, but he never allowed me to fight the Houkai beast.Whenever I ask him why, his answer is always the same:
"There's no need for that..."

Until that winter when I was 11 years old,
That day, Dad walked back with a weak body.I knew Dad was wounded again in the battle, so I bandaged his wounds and put him in bed to rest.

However, not long after I bandaged Dad's wound, Dad's communicator issued an alarm, indicating that there was a Houkai beast reaction nearby.

I looked at the weapon my dad had put on the table, picked it up with determination, turned around and walked out.

I can't let my wounded dad keep fighting.I want to prove to my dad that I too can be a fighter on my own.

However, when I actually faced Honkai Beast, I realized that the opponent was too strong, and I couldn't use my father's weapon.This caused me not only to fail to repel the Honkai Beast, but also to put myself in danger.

When the Honkai Beast attacked me, I was so scared that I closed my eyes.But I found that I didn't feel any pain.

When I opened my eyes, I found that it was my father who blocked the attack of the Honkai Beast.I still remember my father's words at that time:
"What do you want to do to my daughter!"

After Dad solved the Houkai Beast, I thought I would be scolded by Dad.However…

"I'm sorry... Dad... I just don't want to see you hurt anymore... I... want to protect you too!"

I lowered my head, and my voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end even I didn't know if I could hear it.

Dad was taken aback after hearing what I said, and instead of blaming me, he hugged me all of a sudden.

"By the way... Today is your birthday, right? I haven't celebrated it properly for you all this time. I'm such an incompetent father... Go buy a big cake and celebrate it!"

"Let's go! Kiyana...My proud daughter, Kiyana Kaslana!"

On that day, I got the best birthday present from my dad—my name, Kiana Kaslana.

On that day, I made an appointment with my dad.No matter how the world changes, as long as it is to protect the person I love the most, I must give everything I have.Because this is the responsibility that the person who inherits the name of Kaslana must bear.

Dad has been a different man since the day I got my name back.Even though she doesn't know how to do housework at all, she insists on learning to cook, saying that she wants her daughter to taste the taste of home.However, what was made was a horrible dark dish, and there was no way to eat it.

Sometimes he would force me to drink, saying that when I learned how to drink, he would teach me how to flirt with men...

I know... Dad loves me the way he does.Although clumsy, it is warm.

But what makes me the happiest is that I can finally fight with my dad to protect others.

I still remember the handsome figure of my dad, and I want to be like protect the person I love most at all costs...

But... I don't know why... One day after a year... such a father... suddenly disappeared.

"Where is this? Have I been here before?"

I knelt down on the ground in despair, looking at the snowfield that had turned into a sea of ​​flames at some point.

In the distance, a figure came over, it was Dad.Just why did his left hand disappear?
Dad came to my side, touched my head, hugged me with his still intact right hand, and whispered in my ear:
"We made an agreement, right? No matter what price the Kaslana family pays... they must protect the one they love the most!"

"I have fulfilled my promise. Now it is your turn, my daughter!"

Hearing those words of my father, for some reason, I felt my body trembling constantly.



In Santa Freya Academy, Teresa's exclusive training room, Qiyana sat on the ground weakly, her body trembling constantly, and she kept chanting "no", as if she was afraid of something.

"Forget it! Forget it! I don't want to think about it! No one will know the truth! Forget it!"

There was a voice in Kiana's head that kept telling her to forget things.

"...What happened just now...I seem to remember something...but...I don't remember anything..."

Kiyana stared blankly at her hands, completely unaware of what had happened before.

"Qiana, have you made up your mind?" Siegfried came to Kiyana, pointed at Kiyana with the Holy Inquisitor of Skyfire, and said again severely, "Give up the third Herrscher! I won't talk about the third Over and over again! Even if you saved her today, one day you will still kill her yourself. This is the fate of the Kaslana family!"

"I'll kill Mei? No, don't even think about it!" Kiana yelled at Siegfried.

"My useless stupid daughter! Since you are obsessed with your obsession, die here!"

Siegfried's eyes suddenly became very sharp, and the two spears in his hands were combined by him, forming a huge flaming sword.

"That' could it be?" Teresa looked at Siegfried in disbelief, "Are you crazy, Siegfried! You actually broke the seal of the Holy Order of Heaven Fire here!"

In the form of the Great Sword of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, the Honkai energy in the core crystal is completely released and turned into the form of the flaming giant sword.According to the records of the Destiny Organization, the completely liberated Skyfire Sword once reduced the entire city to ashes with a single blow.However... the person who pulls out this sword will also be backlashed by the Houkai energy, burning his own life.It is a great sword that can only be used once in a lifetime.

"Qiana has already seen this sword? Could it be... Siegfried has already..." Teresa seemed to think of something, but she couldn't believe it.


Where I fought the First Herrscher,

"Brother, it's not good! Kiyana's father used the Holy Fire Judgment! And it's still in the form of a great sword! It seems to kill Qiyana!"

This is when Lin Yugang used his sword and shield to defend against the all-round stone bomb attack of the First Herrscher, Fei Yuwan suddenly yelled.


Countless stones directly buried Lin Yu.This made Lin Yu very angry.

"Xiaofei, you'd better explain the reason to me! Otherwise, you're doomed!"

It's all because of Fei Yuwan's sudden yell, which made Lin Yu's sword and shield defense incomplete, causing him to be buried directly by countless stones.Fortunately, Lin Yu still had a barrier formed by erosive inflammation on his body, so he was not injured.

Because of the need to understand the situation, Lin Yu did not immediately break through the stone pile that buried him.So Fei Yuwan simply explained to Lin Yu what she had learned from Teresa's training room.

"What? Kiyana's father holds the Seventh God's Key? It's no wonder that Qiyana can beat it!"

Lin Yu was also stunned after hearing what Fei Yuwan said.Is that Siegfried actually Kiyana's own father?He even took the Skyfire Great Sword to attack his own daughter.

"Hi! Lulu, are you there?"

"Ah? I'm here! What's wrong?"

Novalu could hear that Lin Yu's tone was very angry, and something bad might happen!

"Call out a set of God-killing armor data obtained earlier, and ask Xiao Fei to pass it on to Qiyana! Go and blast her dead father to pieces!"

Obviously, Lin Yu couldn t stand Siegfried s actions anymore.Let Novalu and Hiyumaru help Qiyana, I hope they can help her!
"My anger that has no place to rest needs to be vented!"

Lin Yu has never seen such a father before, so he is also very angry.Now that you are angry, it is natural to vent.

As for who to vent to?Isn't there a ready-made vent object outside the stone pile!
 (It will be late to add more! The old rules!) Most of the above are descriptions of the comics!Although I have also considered omitting these, but without these, it seems a bit difficult to develop the following plot!So I did it anyway! PS: Without the above description, there will be no armor appearance, and the Moon Shadow Chapter will be a bit embarrassing later! ┐(-`)┌ (The current starting point tickets are pitifully small, only four!)

(End of this chapter)

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