Chapter 84 Moonlight

A pillar of flame formed entirely of black flames erupted from the stone pile.This surprised Fu Hua and First Herrscher who were fighting.

"What terrifying energy!"

Fu Hua looked at the place where the black flame pillar erupted, and couldn't help sighing.She could feel the terrifying power contained in the flame.

"What? That kid can still move?"

Walter was equally shocked, he thought Lin Yu had been seriously injured by the blow he had just had!Unexpectedly, not only was he not injured, but his combat effectiveness had also improved.

"Squad leader, can you give this guy to me? I'm so angry now!"

Lin Yu, who was burning with black flames all over his body, came out and asked Fu Hua.

"Okay! I'll leave it to you, I'll protect Mei and Bronya!"

Fu Hua didn't ask Lin Yu the reason for doing this either. She guessed that Lin Yu was buried in the attack of the First Herrscher just now that made him so angry!So she simply withdrew from the battle and went to protect Mei and Bronya.

"Please don't die before my anger subsides!"

Lin Yu pointed at the First Herrscher with Jizo Yuhun, his face was very gloomy.There is no way, after all, there is an idiot father who is bullying his daughter.The problem is that the daughter obviously misses her father very much, but this father wants to kill her daughter! .

When he knew that Siegfried treated his daughter like this, he was so angry!How could there be such a father?So he had no choice but to vent his anger on the First Herrscher in front of him.


In Teresa's special training room,

Kiyana knelt on the ground, screaming in a trembling voice.

At this moment, a voice emerged from Qiyana's mind.

"Are you giving up now? Kiyana! Didn't you make an agreement with me? No matter what the price is, you must protect the person you love the most?"

"That's right! Whether it's a Herrscher or a human being, it doesn't matter! I have made an agreement with my father that I will do everything to protect the person I love the most!" After hearing the voice in her mind, Qiyana suddenly He cheered up, took out his weapon and yelled at Siegfried, "The real dad won't stop me from saving Mei! Get the hell out of here, you fake!"

"Yo! Not bad, Kiyana! This performance is commendable! To encourage you, I will give you the power to deal with that impostor!"

Another mysterious voice sounded.It's just that this voice didn't appear in Qiyana's mind, but rang in her ears.

Needless to say, the voice must belong to Higyomaru.She came to give Qiyana the god-killing armor that Lin Yu mentioned just now.

"Prototype fourth-generation Valkyrie god-killing armor, White Knight Moonlight! Activate!"

With a command sounded, a white light shone on Kiyana's body.When the light gradually dissipated, a pair of light wings appeared behind Kiyana, and the white armor on her body became a set of pure white armor. The majestic Kiyana was like a real knight at this time .

"The armor has been given to you, the rest is up to you!"

After Hiyumaru reminded Qiyana again, he continued to hide in the system and watch the battle.

Kiana looked at the White Knight Moonlight Armor on her body in surprise, and clenched her fists.She can feel that her strength is multiplied by this suit of armor. If she is her current self, she will definitely be able to defeat her current stinky dad!

Thinking so, Qiyana jumped up, and the anti-military automatic positioning gamma ray system built into the Moonlight Armor was activated.

Countless rays shoot out from the light wings behind the armor, and there is only one target, that is Siegfried standing on the ground.

"Hey, hey! What's going on here?"

Siegfried also looked at Qiyana in the air with a dazed expression, and the countless rays shooting towards him.Helpless, he had no choice but to block it with the Skyfire Great Sword.


All the gamma rays hit the Skyfire sword in Siegfried's hands, smashing it to pieces.There is no way, after all, this is something simulated by the system, and its quality is definitely not as good as the real God's Key.

"I finally made a choice, Kiyana!" Siegfried looked relieved at this moment.

"What's going on? Siegfried gave up fighting, what does he want to do?" Teresa at the console was confused by Siegfried's behavior.

Siegfried came to Kiyana, and said to Kiyana very gently:

"I haven't seen you in four years, you've grown up! You're no longer that little girl who needs my protection. Believe in your choice, Kiyana!"

"Like your father, become a fool who gave up the mission of the Kaslana family in order to protect the one you love the most! It's time to say goodbye, Kiyana. Let me give you a hug at the end..."

Speaking of which, Siegfried gently hugged Kiyana, and Kiyana didn't resist at all.Because at this time Siegfried is the stinky dad she is most familiar with.

"You inherit the reason I fought! My proud daughter! Kiana Kaslana!"

Then Siegfried stood up and said to Teresa on the console, "Hey! Teresa, long time no see! Did you see my heart beat faster?"

"You... what nonsense are you talking about! I haven't settled with you yet for taking Cecilia away! I hate you the most!" Teresa replied in a panic.

"You really haven't changed at all! Then I will trouble you to continue to guide my Qiyana in the future! Although she is just a little fool now, one day she will become an excellent fighter!"

Speaking of which, Siegfried looked up at the top of the training room, shook his head and said, "Speaking of which, this place seems to be underground. Such a structure is really incomprehensible, and the moonlight can't shine in at all!"

At this moment, Siegfried seemed to have thought of something.

"Every time I meet the most important person, it's under the beautiful moonlight! Teresa... Cecilia... Kiyana... the moonlight... so beautiful! But it's enough to see the cutest daughter ! Kiyana, you are my most beautiful moonlight! It's great to see you again!"

When Siegfried finished speaking these words, his body had already begun to dissipate.Before disappearing completely, Siegfried hugged Qiyana again.

"Take care...bye..."

Siegfried's body gradually dissipated while holding Kiana.Also dissipated was the Moonlight Armor transmitted by Hiyumaru to Kiana.In the end, only Qiyana sat blankly on the ground, watching the light spots that dissipated before her eyes.

"Qiana, what's going on here?"

Now that Siegfried had disappeared, the system naturally returned to normal, so Teresa entered the training room immediately.All she saw was Qiyana sitting on the ground in a daze.

"Theresa...I'm sorry...I...can't remember anything."

Yes, Kiyana can't remember anything about the experience just now.

"If you can't remember it, don't think about it! Now hurry up and save Mei with me! Go to the equipment warehouse with me, I'm going to get Judas!"

It's fine if you can't remember it, and Teresa didn't care anyway.The first task now is to save Mei. Although she knows that Lin Yu is also in the dormitory, the intruder is the one who claims to be the first Herrscher!Teresa was always a little worried.

"What's going on? Siegfried didn't intend to use the God's Key to attack Qiyana at all! It made my brother angry for nothing! It's just that this Qiyana feels a little strange!"

Hiyumaru hid in the system and watched the whole process.Although she was surprised that Siegfried didn't attack Kiyana, that wasn't the point.What surprised her the most was Qiyana's previous state, which always gave her a strong sense of strangeness.It's just that the strange feeling disappeared after the training, which really puzzled Hiyumaru.

Just when she was about to leave here, she suddenly discovered that there was a separate communication with Theresa.So I stayed for a while.


Here in the dormitory, the battle is still going on.It's just that at this time Lin Yu had already crushed the First Herrscher.Even if he has a gravity barrier, Lin Yu just used the force of erosion to break it open.

"Hey! Is this the only thing the First Herrscher can do? You're not a fake, are you?"

Lin Yu stepped on Walter's back with one foot, and Jizo Yuhun pointed at his head on the other side.It can be said that this Walter can't escape.

I have to say that Walter, who called himself the first herrscher, really disappointed Lin Yu!Lin Yu can be sure that this guy is definitely not the number one Herrscher, because how can there be such a weak Herrscher!Even the black concubine Xuanyuan who met in Chi Youli was somewhat stronger than this guy.

"Don't underestimate the power of God! Just go and repent under this hundred times the gravity!"

Walter was almost crazy, and the lines on his face released this strong light.From that moment, Lin Yu felt his own gravity suddenly increased by more than ten times, and his whole body was directly pressed to the ground by a hundred times the gravity.Even if Walter used ten times the gravity just now, Lin Yu didn t feel so uncomfortable.

It seems that the previous ten times the gravity is not the limit of this Walter's ability. I am afraid that the current one hundred times the gravity is his full strength.

"Hahaha! I finally caught you this time! Just stay here and watch how I destroyed this place!" Walter stood up with a smirk on his face, his eyes filled with the pleasure of fighting back.

"Why? Lin Yu..."

The three of Mei, who watched Lin Yu fighting from a distance, couldn't help worrying about Lin Yu who was lying on the ground.

Just when Walter turned around and walked towards the place where Mei and the others were, the words ringing in his ears filled him with panic.

"Let's go! Our battle is not over yet!"

"How come, I've already—"

Before Walter could finish speaking, a black sword light flashed past, even if he wanted to hide, he couldn't dodge it, and the sword light hit him directly.Immediately afterwards, Walter's right hand was completely cut off, fell to the ground and was burned to ashes by the flames of erosion.

"Suppress me with gravity? You think too much!"

How could Lin Yu be suppressed by his hundred times gravity!Lying there is not his body at all, okay!
"Let you die to understand!"

Lin Yu snapped his fingers, and the "Lin Yu" who was pressed by a hundred times the gravity turned into fragments and dissipated as if broken.

The fifth form of Tianyu swordsmanship, learn about Huanyu clone.At the beginning, Novalu used this trick to gain an advantage in the battle with Hei Ji Xuanyuan, thus winning.It's just that Lin Yu is not proficient in using it now, but fortunately he has the ability of Danzhu Stigma to assist him.The name of this ability is puppetry.

Lin Yu didn't know how long he complained when he learned about Dan Zhu's stigmata ability, but he didn't know until he asked Dan Zhu later.

It turns out that Danzhu used to like to make dolls out of clay, which is what is now called figurines.You must know that the highest-level puppet made by Danzhu can speak and dance, which is almost the same as a real person.It's just that Lin Yu was not interested in this ability, so he used it in combination with the move of Phantom Feather Clone, and the effect seemed to be pretty good.

"Okay! It's time to end!"

The black flames around Lin Yu suddenly burned more violently, because Lin Yu would not give Walter any chance to escape.

"Ksitigarbha Yuhun, the first rated power is released!"

 The anti-entropy invasion chapter is almost over this week!The Shadow of the Moon is coming, but I'll write something else before then!For example, it's time for the queen to appear! \(≧▽≦)/Of course, not appearing in reality, but appearing in other ways! PS: There are so few votes and comments recently!There were only four starting yesterday! ! /(ㄒoㄒ)/
(End of this chapter)

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