The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 85 Repel the Intruders

Chapter 85 Repel the Intruders

The first rated power of the Ksitigarbha Soul removes some of the restrictions on the erosion core of the weapon, and can summon the ghosts and gods of the Ksitigarbha Soul to assist in combat.

A suffocating terrifying power came, a huge black figure, blood red eyes, and double blades burning with black flames.Just like a demon god who came into the world, the ghost warrior Jizo Yuhun was summoned by Lin Yu in reality for the first time.

"What is that? Why can't I help but tremble?"

In the distance, Mei and Bronya seemed extremely terrified after the ghost warrior appeared.Although they knew that it was something Lin Yu summoned and would not cause harm to them, the oppressive feeling in this area still made them tremble.

But Fu Hua didn't seem to have any reaction to this, as if he didn't feel the oppression brought by the ghost warrior's arrival.

"It's over!"

Lin Yu's sword pointed directly at Walter, and the summoned ghost warrior also swung the double blades in his hand and slashed at the first herrscher.

"Not good! Escape! You must escape from here!"

After seeing the ghost warrior summoned by Lin Yu, Walter felt a strong breath of death.He had a hunch that if he didn't leave here, he might be here forever.


The ghost samurai's double blades slammed towards Walter, and at the same time as the hit, a terrifying force erupted, directly razing this area to the ground.

After a while, when the smoke cleared, there was no sign of Walter in this area.

"Cut! Did you try your best to escape!"

Lin Yu felt it. When the ghost warrior's double blades were about to hit Walter, he exploded with a strong force and distorted the surrounding space, forming an existence similar to a black hole.It was this existence that blocked most of the power of the blow, allowing Walter to escape.But Lin Yu also knew that he was the last eruption in a desperate situation, and he had no strength after that.

Since the other party has fled, there is no need to chase him.Anyway, that guy suffered such a serious injury, it is impossible to invade the academy again in a short time.So Lin Yu took back the Ksitigarborg Yuhun, and the ghost warrior behind him also dissipated.

"It seems that the destruction here is a bit too cruel!"

Then Lin Yu looked at the venue caused by his battle with the First Herrscher, it seemed that it was a bit ruthlessly destroyed!
"never mind!Let Teresa handle it! Lin Yu thought so.Anyway, he destroyed the place like this to protect Mei and the others, Teresa shouldn't blame him, right?
Without thinking about these things any more, Lin Yu ran over to see how Mei and the others were doing.


Church under the College of St. Freya,

"Hey! Anti-entropy bitch, your plans come to an end! Capture them now!"

Teresa, dressed in a nun's attire, came to the church with Judas' oath on her back, preparing to stop the two who were cracking the church's database.

"You didn't go to save the Third Herrscher, but came here. It seems that the things here are more important than the Third Herrscher!" Cocolia looked at Teresa who was exuding a powerful aura with interest, Not at all moved by it.

"Let me tell you, the system here will take seven hours to crack even with the computer of Tianming Headquarters. Don't try to steal anything from here!"

Teresa patted Judas, and Judas unfolded immediately, and a golden light-spotted spear popped out from inside and landed in Teresa's hand.

"Sorry! Ms. Teresa, the password has been successfully cracked!"

As soon as Teresa finished speaking, the blue short-haired girl cracked the system here, and she was really slapping Teresa in the face!
"How is it possible?" Teresa couldn't believe that someone would crack the encryption system here in such a short period of time.

"Indeed, cracking takes a long time, it's just that I have gone through the backdoor program I left behind. Fortunately, Otto hasn't discovered it in the past 60 years!"

The girl with short blue hair looked very plain, as if she didn't pay attention to this system, which is the most encrypted system of Destiny, at all.

"60 years? Could it be that you are..." Teresa's eyes widened suddenly, and she couldn't believe it.Because that person has been confirmed dead, and it is still recorded in Tianming.

But Teresa has no time to think about these, the most important thing now is to prevent them from getting the information here.

"Titan Mecha A2304, the observation system is shifted, and the quantum state is released!" Following Cocolia's order, three dark blue Titan Mechas suddenly appeared and surrounded Teresa.

"It turns out that entities are condensed from the quantum state. Has anti-entropy realized this technology that only exists in theory?"

Teresa was very surprised when she saw these mechas, but for her, an S-rank Valkyrie, they were not a threat at all.

"Don't think that my Judas can't fight except to weaken the Houkai. Let me teach you how to use Judas!"

As Teresa said, she threw Judas towards a mecha, smashing that mecha to pieces.

"Next is the second one!"

Before the other two mechas could react, Teresa inserted the spear in her hand into the other mecha, crippling it again.

When the third remaining mecha was about to fight back, Teresa pulled out the spear and threw it, destroying the last mecha.

"Mother fox, the game is over!"

Teresa pointed the golden spear in her hand at Cocolia after finishing the three mechas.

"Hehe... Sure enough, the three mechas brought in are unable to deal with the hero who participated in the Second Herrscher Crusade!"

Cocolia was not surprised that Teresa could easily deal with the three mechas. After all, the title of S-rank Valkyrie is not for decoration.

"However, since I dare to break into this place, I will naturally be prepared to let me retreat unscathed!"


Teresa was a little confused about this, she didn't believe that Cocolia could escape from under her nose.

"Ms. Teresa, please take a look around the experimental cabin. I believe that as long as you know what's in there, you must understand that we are not the enemy."

The girl with short blue hair spoke suddenly at this moment.At the same time, the surrounding experimental cabins were opened, revealing the people inside.

"I already knew about Sirin's plan! If you are here for the Second Herrscher, I will not let you go..."

"That's not the case." Before Teresa finished speaking, the girl spoke again, "Look carefully! Those things really don't remind you of anything?"

Teresa looked at the experimental cabins with a shocked expression on her face.Obviously, what was inside exceeded her expectations.

"Let's make a deal now! I've blocked the communication here, and Otto won't know what's going on here! Let's have a good talk, in order to protect our loved ones..."

The girl came to Teresa and whispered in her ear.

"Let Dr. Einstein explain the next plan!"

Cocolia is too lazy to say too much, anyway, their main goal this time has been achieved, so she doesn't care about the rest.


"Mei, are you alright?"

This is Qiyana who came over in a hurry. When she saw the destruction of the dormitory, she immediately cried out.

"Don't worry, I'm fine! Lin Yu has repelled the invaders!"

Mei patted Kiyana who rushed over and hugged her, which made Kiyana calm down.

"Why are you panicking? Are you afraid that something will happen to Mei when I'm here?"

At this time Lin Yu was sitting at the table drinking tea leisurely, not at all like someone who had experienced a fierce battle.

"Who made you come back late from training every day! What if Mei is captured?"

Qiyana also knows Lin Yu's usual training time. It stands to reason that Lin Yu should have just come back at this time, but it seems to be a lot earlier today.

"Hehe! I can't give myself a vacation!"

Although Lin Yu said so, he was still surprised that Qiyana could remember her training schedule for the past few days.Who made Kiyana an idiot!
But Lin Yu really hoped that he could come back early today, otherwise Mei would really be taken away.After all, that guy is too proficient in playing with gravity. If he didn't rely on the power of erosion, he probably wouldn't be able to handle him so easily.

"Qiana, where's Headmaster Teresa?"

Fu Hua saw that only Qiyana rushed over, but did not see Teresa, so he asked her.

"My aunt said there was another intruder in the academy, so she took Judas to deal with them!" Kiyana said truthfully.

"That's nothing to worry about! After all, Teresa is an S-rank Valkyrie, so she must be able to get rid of those intruders!"

After hearing that Theresa had gone to deal with the intruders in another place, Fu Hua felt relieved, she had enough confidence in Theresa.

And Lin Yu!He saw that Fu Hua had so much confidence in Teresa, so he didn't care about it.Anyway, Teresa will get rid of those intruders, so he doesn't need to make any more moves.

"Okay! Now that Theresa is going to deal with the remaining intruders, let's clean up this place first! Otherwise, Theresa will get angry again!"

really!Although Lin Yu repelled the intruders, but the place was destroyed like this, they must have a lesson after Teresa came back.So it's better to clean up here anyway, it can alleviate some of it!

"Why? Miss Ben just came here! It's none of Miss Ben's business here!"

As soon as Kiyana heard that she was going to clean up the ruined yard in front of her, she immediately started to shirk.She's only just here!Why do you have to work as soon as you get here!

"Qiana, Lin Yu also made this place to protect us! Let's be together!" Mei also persuaded Qiyana, wanting her to help together.

"Okay! Miss Ben will help Lin Yu reluctantly!"

If it weren't for Mei's face, Lin Yu was sure that Qiyana would never help.

"Then I really want to thank you!"

Lin Yu looked at Qiyana speechlessly, and she didn't think about it, he made this place like this to protect someone.Without him, would she be able to act like a baby in Mei's arms now?
 Ladies and gentlemen, is it that I am a little dissatisfied when I used part of the content to describe the comics?That's why there are no recommended tickets for these two days!If so, please tell me!I will change it!Otherwise I don't know!In addition, any other opinions can be put forward together! PS: Please don't mention about update speed!This is already the limit!


(End of this chapter)

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