Chapter 86 Finale
Late at night, in the forest east of St. Freya College,
A figure suddenly came out of the woods, it was the first Herrscher Walter who had successfully escaped after fighting Lin Yu before.It's just that he was covering the wound on his right side, looking extremely embarrassed.

" can I die here! One day I will make those bastards pay the price!"

Walter roared as he ran away.Obviously, he was full of strong hatred for Lin Yu who defeated him.

Perhaps because he was busy running away, the First Herrscher didn't pay attention to the front, and bumped into a person who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You are……"

This person is none other than Walter Young, a history teacher at St. Freya College.It's just that no one knows why he appeared here at this time.

"Cut! I thought it was someone, it turned out to be a teacher. Although I don't know why you appear here, but you are unlucky to meet me, disappear under a hundred times the gravity for me!"

Walter the First Herrscher didn't pay attention to Mr. Walter Yang at all, and condensed a faint blue sphere when he stretched out his hand, which was a hundred times the gravity that was only used to deal with Lin Yu.

"Mr. Walter, do you need help?"

"Who is there?"

The sudden appearance of the voice startled the First Herrscher, and he suddenly turned around to realize that he was very familiar. It was Dr. Einstein who had negotiated with Teresa in the church before.

"Oh! It turned out to be Mr. Einstein! You came at the right time. When I get rid of this guy in the store, you should send me back to Anti-Entropy immediately!"

Seeing that it was Einstein, Walter was relieved, and re-prepared to deal with Walter Young.

"No, I'll do it myself!"

Walter Yang, who was sitting on the ground, stood up with one hand, and then slowly walked to Walter the First Herrscher.It's just that the First Herrscher couldn't move at all for some reason at this time.

"what are you saying?"

Seeing Walter Yang approaching him gradually, he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

Walter Yang lightly put his hand on the First Herrscher's shoulder, and a very familiar faint blue energy suddenly appeared, which made the First Herrscher very afraid.Because he could feel that that power was hundreds of times greater than the power he possessed.

"What... what!"

"Did you know that under ten thousand times the gravity, even the light will disappear!"

Walter Yang watched the person in front of him being swallowed by the black hole formed by ten thousand times the gravity without emotion.

"Cough cough!"

Looking at the huge crater formed by ten thousand times the gravity in front of him, Walter Yang coughed violently.He looked at the blood in his hand helplessly, and said, "I didn't expect the clone to be so complete, that fellow Cocolia..."

"Please pay attention to your body, you can't die before fulfilling that person's wish!"

Einstein came to Walter Yang's side and gently supported him, but when she said these words, her expression was a little inexplicably sad.

"Sorry... If it wasn't for saving me, he wouldn't..." Walter Yang also had a slightly sad expression at this time.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you inherit the power and will of that person. And... don't use your abilities casually anymore, your life is running out!"

Einstein turned his head subconsciously to avoid Walter Yang's gaze.In fact, she knew why Walter Yang was always so guilty.Although she had enlightened him many times, the effect was not very good.

"I see. By the way, Einstein..."

"Please call me Ai Yin like that person!"

"...Ai Yin," Walter Yang changed his address under Einstein's gaze, "Cocolia must be plotting something, and she must not be trusted."

Walter Young's expression was very serious.Although he has not been at the anti-entropy headquarters, he is very clear about what Cocolia has done.So even though Cocolia was one of the anti-entropy veterans, he did not have absolute trust in her.

"Don't worry, we have made an agreement with Teresa. Everything is in my plan... for his and Anti-Entropy's ambition... But this kind of character that loves to worry about others is really the same as that person! It hurts me again Thinking of him..."

When Einstein was speaking, a purple light lit up on Einstein's body, and then her legs began to gradually disappear, and when they were about to disappear, she even made a tongue-sticking expression to Walter Young, which made people She has a little more of a real girl's breath.

After watching Einstein disappear completely, Walter Young clenched his fist.

"It's almost time..."

At this moment, Walter Yang suddenly reached out and grabbed the moon in the sky,
"The Moonlight Throne must be completed quickly for her!"


Here in the dormitory, Lin Yu and the others finally removed most of the traces of the battle, and at this time Teresa came back.

"Uh... Teresa doesn't know how to be a lion and asks me for compensation!" 』

Lin Yu became nervous immediately after seeing Teresa come back.You must know that his deposit is not too much, and it will definitely not be enough if it is used for compensation.So he could only pray in his heart that Teresa would never settle accounts with him.

"Okay! The matter is settled! Don't do it! Let the people from the academy do it tomorrow!"

With just such an order, Teresa didn't say anything, and went back to her room directly.

"Huh? What's wrong with Teresa? This doesn't look like her style?"

Seeing Teresa change her usual style, this made Lin Yu and the others a little confused.It stands to reason that Teresa should teach them a lesson?How can it be like nothing happened?

"Qiana, did something happen to the dean?" Mei asked the only person who had been with Teresa before.

"I don't know anything! I rushed over as soon as I finished training, and my aunt went to deal with the intruders in another place."

After all, this is the truth, and Qiyana didn't go to the Central Church with Teresa, how could she know what happened there!
"Don't worry, everyone! Since Head Teresa has dealt with the intruder, there is nothing to worry about!"

Fu Hua also did not have any doubts about this.In her opinion, it's good that nothing happens in the academy.

"Alright then! Let's go back and rest!"

Lin Yu was also a little sleepy at this time, and he was all to blame for the First Herrscher. It stands to reason that he should have rested at this time.But this is great. At this time, it seems that tomorrow's training will have to be slightly adjusted.

Back in the dormitory, Lin Yu immediately submerged his consciousness into the final place.He was going to ask Higomaru Teresa what happened there.

"Um... I just left for a few hours, why is there such a big change here?"

As soon as he entered the stigmata space, Lin Yu was stunned by the changes here.

The place where the cherry blossom tree was originally located was changed to the top of a hill, from which you can see all the scenery below.And the layout of the residence seems to have changed a lot at a glance.

"Forget it! Anyway, this is where they live, so let them do whatever they want!"

Lin Yu didn t care about these either.But to be honest, it would be nice to change the cherry tree to the top of the hill.

"Lulu, do you know where Xiao Fei is?"

After all, this is his own stigmata space, so Lin Yu can teleport to a certain place or perceive where the people are here with just a thought.Lin Yu didn t perceive Fei Yuwan at first, so he came directly to where Lulu was.

"Xiaofei? I don't know! Doesn't she live with Sakura and the others?"

When Lin Yu came to the place where Novalu was, Novalu was transforming the style of his residence.After all, this is where she wants to live, so it must be remodeled.

"Uh...Okay! I'll go ask Sakura and the others!"

Without disturbing Novalu's renovation work, Lin Yu went directly to where Sakura and Rin were.

"It seems that Sakura and Rin haven't remodeled this place too much!"

Lin Yu came to the shrine here and found that it had not been changed too much, but only a small change.After all, Lin Yu built this place according to the style of the previous Yae Shrine, so Sakura and Rin are still very satisfied.

"Feiyuwan? She came back before, but she seems to have left in a hurry with Jizo Yuhun!"

Yae Rin knelt on a cushion and drank the tea brought by Yae Sakura.Seeing these Lin Yu is also convinced, I didn't expect to be able to make food here!

"Xiao Yu, is there anything you can do with Higokumaru?" Yae Sakura sat down after bringing over a plate of rice balls.

"It's nothing! Just ask her what happened to Teresa!"

Lin Yu took a rice ball by hand, took a bite, and was stunned.This taste is the same as the one he ate in Changkong City before.

"Ugh?Am I not ideological?How can you taste it? Lin Yu who reacted was dumbfounded.

"This space is very special, we can make anything we know! Whether it is shape or taste, it can be perfectly reproduced!" Yae Sakura explained to Lin Yu.

"That's a good thing!"

With Lin Yu doing this, there is no need to worry that they will be bored in this space.And Novalu seems to be able to satisfy her wish, after all, she has never eaten before.

"Speaking of ideology, will you be full if you eat? A question suddenly popped up in Lin Yu's mind.But he was quickly thrown aside by him, as long as they are happy, there is no need to worry about other things.

"Ah! Brother, why are you here?"

Just when Lin Yu was wondering, Fei Yuwan suddenly came back, and he also brought Jizo Yuhun with him!
"Xiao Fei, what did you do with the Ksitigarbha Yuhun just now?"

Although it has been a long time since Lin Yu ended the battle, and he will not be able to use the Jizo Yuhun for the time being, he still has doubts about Fei Yuwan suddenly taking the Jizo Yuhun out.

"Brother, I discovered a big thing!"

As soon as he saw Lin Yu coming, Fei Yuwan yelled. It seemed that what he had discovered was very important.

"What makes you so flustered?"

Seeing Fei Yuwan's flustered look, Lin Yu was not curious about what Fei Yuwan had discovered.This matter probably has something to do with bringing out the Ksitigarbha Yuhun!

"I am here……"

Then Fei Yuwan told Lin Yu everything he knew.

 The protagonist who knows everything will definitely make a big move!Guess what it will be? PS: Yesterday's starting ticket broke the record to 19, which is the most so far.The day before yesterday was the lowest, yesterday was the highest, the contrast is so big!I can't stand it! (ー_ー)!!
(End of this chapter)

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