The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 87 Evolution Completed

Chapter 87 Evolution Completed
In the morning, Lin Yu got up early as usual, but he no longer did morning exercises during the summer vacation.Because he had to go to the training room for training after breakfast, Lin Yu felt that there was no need to exercise in the morning.

"Mei! Good morning!"

As soon as Lin Yu came out, he saw that Mei had already brought the prepared breakfast to the table.It's just that Lin Yu has no appetite at all at this time, his mind is full of what Fei Yuwan said to him last night.

『What exactly is that Otto guy trying to do?To do such a thing! 』

After sitting at the table, Lin Yu has been in a daze, thinking about what happened last night.It's just that Lin Yu currently has too little information, and there is no way to see Otto's intentions.

"No matter what his reason is, I can't let him hurt the people around me! 』

Lin Yu silently made up his mind, but now his strength is too weak, and he needs to become stronger!

After eating some casually, Lin Yu told Mei that he would visit Jizi in the afternoon, and then he went to the training room.

"How do you feel that Lin Yu is weird today!"

Mei noticed that Lin Yu seemed a little different from usual, but she really couldn't describe what was different.


Valkyrie training room,
Lin Yu stood quietly on the field without any training.Because now he has more important things to do, and that is to summon the star language that has completed evolution and has become the God's Key level.

"Come on! Star language!"

Following Lin Yu's thoughts, the star language bracelet on his right hand suddenly turned into silver light particles, and then turned into a silver Taidao in front of Lin Yu.

Pulling out the star language, you can see that this form is mainly silver, with a little bit of light shining on the blade, and other colors dotted on the hilt, so that the color is not so monotonous.This is the form after the evolution of Star Language.

"Let's try it out first! Cangxuan Book, generate a Thor-level Honkai beast!"

It was just to try the feel. Lin Yu did not choose the emperor-level Honkai beast, but chose the Leishen Honkai beast, which was a stronger lower-rank Honkai beast.


The huge Thunder God Honkai Beast appeared, lifting up the large shield that seemed to be able to defend against everything.

"Let's try to see if we can break its shield without using the Honkai power!"

Lin Yu approached Thunder God Honkai Beast with the help of Suzaku's stepping on the cloud technique, while constantly avoiding its attacks.

"watch out!"

Lin Yu jumped to avoid the attack of Honkai Beast, pulled out Xingyu with his right hand, and swung a silver-white sword aura violently.This is a real sword aura, and it is the first time that Lin Yu has not used the sword aura that Honkai can use.


The sword energy hit Thunder God Honkai Beast's big shield, and in an instant the big shield was full of cracks, as if it was about to split open.

"One more blow!"

It was another silver-white sword qi, and this time the attack smashed the large shield held by the Honkai Beast.

"Falling Cherry Slash—Dazzling Blade!"

Although Lin Yu used the Luoying sword technique next, he did not use the Honkai energy.It can be said that this is a battle against the Houkai Beast relying entirely on sword energy.


After spending a while with Leishen Honkai Beast, Lin Yu used another Luoying swordsmanship, and dozens of sword qi finally solved Leishen Honkai Beast.

"It seems that the power of the star language has been greatly improved after it has evolved into the God's Key!"

Novalu also saw Lin Yu's appearance when he was using astronomical language in the stigmata space, and she could also feel that the power of astronomical language was much stronger than before.

"I feel that my brother's star language is as strong as Jizo Yuhun!" Hiyumaru can also see the change of star language.Moreover, Xingyu gave her the same feeling as Jizo Yuhun, even faintly superior to it.

"This is just normal power, and there are three levels of limited power that are useless!"

Lin Yu knows very well that weapons of the God's Key level normally have three levels of restrictions to control their terrifying power.But this is dispensable to Lin Yu, because Lin Yu himself is a Herrscher, and he can completely control this level of power.

"Lin Yu, what do you plan to set the next form of Xingyu?"

Now that the evolution of the astrology is complete, it's time to consider what weapon the core of the Herrscher of Death should be.So Novalu reminded Lin Yu.

"Why are you in a hurry? Let's talk about it after I get familiar with the current astronomical language!" Lin Yu looked at it carefully with the astronomical language, as if he was thinking about something.

The star language has now evolved, but the star language will have other forms in the future.So should we give each of the various forms of the astronomical language a name?

Then Lin Yu mentioned this idea to Nuovalu and the others.And they also agree with this idea very much, otherwise it will be difficult to distinguish when there are more forms of astrology in the future!
After discussing with Nuovalu and the others, Lin Yu named the star language in the form of a sword Tianyun Blade of the Void, and the name in the future will be similar to this.

"Okay, it's almost time for me to train!"

It took some time to get familiar with the new form of star language, and it was time for Lin Yu to train.

"Xingyu, change back to normal form!"

That's right, even if the star language has a new form, it can still change back to its previous form.This is also a kind of camouflage!

Afterwards, Lin Yu started his daily training: two kinds of training with Honkai Neng and without Honkai Neng.


Near noon, Lin Yu returned to the dormitory after two rounds of training.

"Xingyu's sky cloud form is really powerful, I can barely deal with Ganesha's No. 13 attack!"

Back in the dormitory, Lin Yu was still recalling the previous combat training.This time can be said to be his best result in the past few days, because this time Lin Yu has successfully solved the knight-level Houkai beast without using the Houkai energy. I was able to pass Ganesha's No.13 training with barely success.

"Ah! Brother Lin Yu, you are back!"

Bronya, who was opening the refrigerator to get a drink, saw Lin Yu coming back, and immediately said hello.

"Well! I'm back!"

Lin Yu responded to Bronya, and took a bottle of drink from the refrigerator by himself.

"Bronya, come quickly! I can't hold on alone!"

At this moment, Qiyana's voice suddenly came.Lin Yu followed the sound and found that guy Qiyana was playing a game with a game controller!And it seems that it is still surrounded by the enemy.

"Bronya said that she will wait until the idiot Kiyana is killed! This will reduce the difficulty of the game!"

Bronya still thinks that the meaning of Kiyana's playing games is to increase the difficulty for her, so generally speaking, except for one or two occasional times, she does not play with Kiyana.

Seeing this, Lin Yu felt a little sympathetic to Qiyana in his heart, but suddenly he remembered the information that Fei Yuwan had obtained last night.The next moment, the way Lin Yu looked at Qiyana changed a little, it was a slightly sad look.Fortunately, Lin Yu hid it well and did not let others find out.

"Don't worry!I will not let anyone around me suffer any harm! 』

Immediately, Lin Yu's eyes became extremely firm, and he drank a bottle of drink in one gulp.

"Bronya! Kiyana! What do you want to eat at noon, if there are ingredients, I will make it for you!"

Lin Yu also cheered up and walked to the kitchen to prepare for cooking.At this time, Mei should be chatting with Himeko. After all, the hospital is very boring, so Mei often stays with Himeko.While Teresa and Fu Hua were still investigating the anti-entropy invasion last night, they probably wouldn't be back at noon.So at noon, there were only Bronya and Kiyana in the dormitory.

"Yes, yes! The tofu and diced chicken you made two days ago are very delicious!"

"Bronya said that as long as Lin Yu's brother can do it!"

Qiyana was naturally referring to the two Chinese dishes that Dan Zhu taught Lin Yu to cook before, Mapo Tofu and Kung Pao Chicken.It seems that Qiyana still likes Chinese cuisine.

No, it seems that as long as it is delicious, there is nothing Kiyana doesn't like.

Forget it, Lin Yu looked at the ingredients in the kitchen, only tofu!It seems that I can only make mapo tofu, and I can't make another dish.But it should be able to satisfy Qiyana, the big deal is to do more.

Just do it, Lin Yu immediately got busy in the kitchen.


In the end,
"Sister, you said that Lin Yu knew about such a big thing, why is he still so calm?"

Danzhu also knew what happened last night.But when she found out, she was also very angry.

"It doesn't matter if he gets angry! Now he doesn't have the ability to deal with an organization as big as Destiny!"

Cang Xuan naturally knew that Lin Yu was also very angry about that incident, but he didn't have the strength to stop it now.So she thinks that Lin Yu is waiting now, waiting for him to have the power to stop all this.

On the other side, Novalu's residence,

"Sister Lulu, what do you think of this body?" Higokumaru pointed to a white-haired figure projected from Jizo Yuhun.

"It looks pretty good! But I still need to use the core of death to adjust it!"

The conversation between Novalu and Higokumaru was entirely because of a person that Higokumaru used Jizo Yuhun to get out of St. Freya's Central Church.That is to say, those clones in the experimental cabin, Hiyumaru found the one with the highest Houkai resistance and brought them out, preparing to use it as a carrier of consciousness for Novalu.

It's just that there is no way to take it out in the stigmata space, so she can only use the Jizo Yuhun to project its appearance.Moreover, Nuova still seems to be very satisfied with it, but she needs to make some adjustments with the core of the Herrscher of Death before she feels perfect.

"Sure! I'll put the Jizo Yuhun here first. Sister Lulu, take your time!"

Saying that, Higokumaru changed Jizo Yuhun from a bracelet into a sword form, and then let it float quietly beside Novalu.

"Then I'll go ahead and adjust!"

After speaking, Novalu took the core of death into the space of Jizo Yushun, and began to make some adjustments for her carrier.

Higokumaru put Jizo Yuhun in Novaru's residence and left to go to the shrine to find Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.It's just that Hiyumaru seems to have remembered something on the way.

"Oops! I seem to have forgotten to tell my brother about this last night!"

 Who is the clone experience brought out by Higokumaru?In addition, in one or two more chapters, Novalu's exclusive weapon will appear! PS: The name of Xingyu Taidao is only tentative, please give me your ideas!Those who are satisfied are adopted by me, and will be updated the next day!Please give more, as few people responded to the call for names last time! ╮( ̄▽ ̄“)╭

(End of this chapter)

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