The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 95 Conversation in the Alley

Chapter 95 Conversation in the Alley

In the bar, Fu Hua was watching the information silently, while Wraith took out his makeup box and put on makeup for himself.

" acted so roughly that you scratched the makeup on other people's faces."

While talking, Wraith quickly put on makeup, but Fu Hua didn't respond at all, and was still watching the information.


"That's it!"

Wraith had already finished her makeup at this time, but she made herself into Ji Zi, and from the outside, she was no different from Ji Zi.

"How about this? Does it look good?" Wraith leaned directly in front of Fu Hua, and then continued, "After the explosion last night, the Singapore government and Tianming have lost contact, and the police have also started searching for you."

"The anti-entropic female fox, Cocolia, seems to have made some kind of deal with the Singapore government. And she left the "gem" in this city. What exactly is she trying to do? "

After reading the information given by Wraith, Fu Hua thought about it.Then she seemed to think of something, and asked Wraith: "By the way, is there any news from Otto? Since the Singapore government is no longer neutral, then Destiny can also send support troops over!"

"The Archbishop?"

Wraith changed his appearance at some point, and this appearance was none other than Otto, the Bishop of Destiny.Then she said to Fu Hua in Otto's manner: "Ten minutes ago, the archbishop sent a contact saying that the Tianming headquarters will not send support troops over, and the mission originally assigned to you will continue to be carried out!"

"Continue to execute?" Fu Hua was a little confused.

At this time Wraith jumped up and sat on the bar, and her appearance magically changed into that of Theresa.

"That's right! The archbishop also said that if you fail, things will become more interesting. He is looking forward to the next development!"

"Let him give up! My mission will not fail." Fu Hua also finished understanding the information, got up and was about to leave.

"Cut! After talking for so long, don't you have any interest in other people's wonderful transformation technique?"

At this time, Wraith suddenly enlarged his breasts, and then proudly said to Fu Hua: "Look, look, a pair of big breasts grew out of the principal~"

"Hey! Stop playing! Quickly investigate the whereabouts of "Gem" and where Kiyana is now. "

Fu Hua looked at Wraith as if he wanted to kill her, which made Wraith very scared, and silently changed back.

"Qiana? Is this the Valkyrie trainee who came with you?" Wraith changed into Kiyana's appearance in an instant, and hugged Fu Hua's arm, saying, "The first time I saw You care about things other than mission goals. Could it be that you like her?"

Fu Hua broke away from Wraith at once, pushed his glasses, and explained: "She's just an idiot, but if she's not here, it will be a little troublesome!"

"Understand! Understand!"

Wraith finally understood it, and changed back to his original appearance.He also asked Fu Hua to change a piece of clothing while she was sorting out the information.

Fu Hua's battle suit was made of carbon fiber, and its defense was very good.It's just that for Fu Hua, defense doesn't matter, anyway, she is confident that she won't be hit by the enemy's attack.

When Fu Hua changed her clothes and was about to receive the information compiled by Wraith, she suddenly became alert.

"someone is coming!"

"What? Why would someone come? What about the alarm system at the door?"

Wraith panicked for a moment, because it stands to reason that if someone comes here, she should know the first time.And now the alarm system at the door did not respond.

Just when Wraith was about to get up, a foot had already stepped into the door of the bar.


In a room on the upper floor of the Empress Hotel, Kiyana suddenly woke up from the bed.

"Are you awake? Little girl!"

Qiyana turned her head and saw an old man sitting by the window, watching her quietly.The old man was Dr. Mackey.

When Qiyana just got out of bed and wanted to take a few steps, she suddenly felt dizzy and sat on the ground weakly.

"Here...where is it? Why am I here...I have no strength at all..."

Qiyana sat on the ground weakly, supported her dizzy head with her hand and said.

"Don't worry, little girl! This sense of powerlessness is only temporary!" Dr. Markey stood up at this moment, and explained to Kiyana, "I injected you with a medicine that can neutralize the collapse in your body. Houkai can repair body tissues damaged by Houkai. As long as you continue to inject this medicine, it will clear the Houkai from your body and turn you back into an ordinary girl!"

"Can Zhonghe Honkai... turn back into an ordinary girl?" Kiyana was stunned after hearing what Dr. Mackey said.Then she reacted and shouted: "Wouldn't I be unable to fight against Honkai?"

"Fight against Honkai?"

Dr. Mackey was very angry when he heard that Kiyana had taken the initiative to fight against Honkai, and his expression became very scary, and then he said: "Why do you girls risk your lives to fight against Honkai? I I have obeyed Otto's orders for more than 40 years, transformed countless girls into Valkyries and sent them to the battlefield. They sacrificed one by one, and finally even my granddaughter died in front of me."

"That's when I realized how evil what I had done! So I developed this potion and stole the gem. I will use everything I have to stop Otto from persecuting you girls!"

"This is my redemption!"

The more Dr. Markey spoke, the louder he was, and in the end he almost roared out.


On the other side, Lin Yu, who was looking for the whereabouts of the "Quiet Gem", came to an inexplicable alley.

"Strange! The information clearly says that there is an intelligence collection office of destiny! Why can't I find it!"

Lin Yu jumped onto a roof, widened his vision a little, and kept looking around.

Yes!Lin Yu had learned through Fei Yuwan that there was an intelligence office nearby that could contact the headquarters of Tianming, so he wondered if he could get some information about "gems" from there.

And the intelligence office that Lin Yu was looking for was either somewhere else, or the bar where Fu Hua and Wraith were before!Of course, Lin Yu would not go directly to Wraith for information, but used his erosive power to invade the system there through the Cangxuan Book, so as to get the information he wanted.

"Ah! Found it!"

The Book of Cangxuan suddenly succeeded in finding the system of the Intelligence Department. Although Lin Yu still didn't know where it was, the most important thing was to be able to collect information.


Lin Yu suddenly found two people in the alley under the house where he was.

"I'm going! You have to hide yourself quickly!"

Lin Yu suddenly covered his body with a layer of erosive force, completely hiding his aura.

Because the one in the alley was none other than Fu Hua.Another person Lin Yu has also heard of is Kiana's father, Siegfried Kaslana.

"How did the two of them meet? Let me hear what they are talking about?"

Lin Yu lay on the roof, concentrating on listening to what Fu Hua and Siegfried were talking about.

But before Lin Yu listened for a minute, Siegfried in the alley suddenly shot at the roof.And this shot almost brushed Lin Yu's arm.

"I'm going! It's all been discovered!"

Lin Yu fled there without saying a word.Anyway, the Cangxuan Book has obtained the necessary information.

It's just that Siegfried's vigilance is too high!Lin Yu covered himself with the power of erosion, can this be discovered?If it weren't for the protection of erosive power, even if Lin Yu hadn't been hit by that shot, his arm would have been injured.After all, that is the Seventh God's Key, the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment!

"strangeness!Why did Siegfried appear here?And the monitor, why did she meet Siegfried?Didn't she obey Otto? 』

While learning about Xilin's plan before, Lin Yu also knew something about Fu Hua.It can be said that Fu Hua and Xilin's plan are inseparable, so Lin Yu rushed here as soon as Fu Hua brought Qiyana to perform the mission.

"Forget it! I'll think about these things later, let's find the "gem" first! "

Lin Yu doesn't have so much time to think about this now. Finding the "Quiet Gem" is the primary goal. He doesn't want Singapore to repeat the mistakes of Changkong City.

But what Lin Yu didn't expect was that anti-entropy would hide the "gem" in that place.Although there were many people in that place, Lin Yu did not expect Anti Entropy to do that.And that place is the basement of the Queen Hotel, right under Lin Yu's nose!

After Lin Yu withdrew, in the alley,
"Has the person just now run away?"

Fu Hua leaned against the wall and looked at Siegfried who was drinking with a bottle of wine after putting away the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order.

"Haha! That's right! But he was shot by the Heavenly Fire Sage, so he must have been injured a little bit!" Siegfried took a sip of his wine, then looked at Fu Hua, and said, "It's so delicious! Help me Thank you friend!"

"No! I think she's glad you didn't tear down her bar right now!"

In the bar, a certain Wraith sneezed inexplicably.

"Why did you appear here, Siegfried Kaslana?" Fu Hua still leaned against the wall, and said calmly, "You must know that you are one of the three most wanted targets by Otto himself. , your head is quite valuable!"

"What? Are you going to take me back? Beautiful lady!" Siegfried said with a smile while holding the wine bottle.

"Your actions have been unknown since four years ago. There are reports that you are dead! There are also reports that you were seriously injured, lost half of your body, and your combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, so you had to hide."

After finishing speaking, Fu Hua glanced at Siegfried's empty left sleeve.

"So, do you want to try it?"

Siegfried's expression suddenly became serious, and he had already pressed his right hand on the Heavenly Fire Sacred Cut at his waist.He can fight whenever he wants.

"Forget it! I'm just an A-level Valkyrie. I don't have the confidence to fight you here who once had the strength of an S-level Valkyrie. Besides, you have the God's Key, the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge. I don't even have a [-]% chance of winning." No."

Fu Hua pushed his glasses, directly denying Siegfried's suggestion.She is an A-level Valkyrie fighting him with S-level strength, and she knows the result without even thinking about it.

"Since we're not going to fight, let's talk about business! Where do we start?"

Siegfried's expression suddenly changed from serious to smiling again.

"By the way, let's start with Cocolia's plan!"

 All right!Since the record was indeed broken yesterday, let's send the second update!There are no special circumstances, I basically update every day! PS: For the convenience of explanation, I created a group, and those who are interested can join it!Lawyer Assembly Number: 1136694052
(End of this chapter)

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