Chapter 96 Crazy
In the alley, Fu Hua looked at Siegfried's leaving back and didn't know what to say.

She had already chatted with Siegfried just now, and she also knew what that bitch Cocolia wanted to do.And Siegfried has actually been paying attention to Kiyana, so he gave Fu Hua a mysterious soul steel box, because he believed that Fu Hua was a kind Valkyrie and would definitely make the right choice.

Faced with Ziegfei's trust, Fu Hua also sighed in his heart:
"As expected of Kiyana's father!"

Afterwards, Fu Hua returned to Wraith's bar and asked her to help him retrieve the gem and rescue Qiyana.


In the Empress Hotel, Novalu and Higyomaru are looking for Kiana's whereabouts.It's just that as soon as they arrived at the upper floor of the hotel, they faintly heard a very strange voice.

"Damn Valkyrie! How dare you cut off my uncle's tongue. Next time we meet, I will make her pay it back tenfold!"

The voice that Novalu and Hiyumaru heard was very strange. It didn't feel like a human voice, but an electronic synthesized sound.But before they could pay attention to this, the voice came again.

"Stop complaining! Remember you are on an important mission right now. Has the Gem been placed where it should be? "

"Well, everything is according to plan. That old guy didn't find out about our plan at all!"

"Hehe! That's good. By the way, since the gem has been obtained, that old guy is useless!"

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Just when Nuovalu and Hiyumaru wanted to continue listening, they suddenly heard the door open with a "bang".

It was none other than the mysterious man who opened the door, and Lin Yu and the others were familiar with his appearance, because he was the Walter who called himself the First Herrscher.And his severed tongue was not done by others, it was done by Fu Hua before the explosion happened last night.

"Doctor, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby. You brought this Valkyrie chick back. Let me play with it too. Coincidentally, I also have some debts to recover from these Valkyrie."

Looking at Qiyana and Dr. Mackey in the room, Walter opened his hand and a few dark purple energy balls appeared beside him.

"Don't mess around! This lady is my guest. If you hurt her, my cooperation with Cocolia will come to an end!" Dr. Mackey suddenly blocked Qiyana who was sitting on the ground weakly, Said, "Don't forget, to unlock the secret of gems, my skills are necessary!"

"Hahaha... that's right! We still need your skills! How can we offend you, a VIP..."

Walter burst out laughing, which relieved Dr. Mackey a little.

"That's weird!"

When Dr. Mackey was not paying attention, Walter suddenly shot through the doctor's right foot with an energy ball under Kiana's surprised gaze.

"Old man, you are useless!"

At this time, Walter's eyes were full of killing intent, and it seemed that he wanted to kill Dr. Mackey.

Not far from the corner in the corridor,

"Sister Lulu, what are we going to do? Inside the room are Kiyana and Dr. Markey."

Higokumaru also secretly monitored the distant room, and asked Novalu what to do.

"Hey! Let's make some noise to help them escape!"

Nuovalu had a weird smile on his face at this time, as if he had some bad thoughts.Just when Hiyumaru had an ominous premonition, Novalu had already made a move.

"Wind Blade!"

Nova showed his hands mercilessly, and swung a light blue wind blade at the room where Walter was.


The sudden attack made Walter hurriedly control the energy ball to defend, but he still couldn't completely block it, causing an explosion.

"OK! Xiaofei, let's go!"

After swiping a few more wind blades, Walter was completely stopped, and then Novalu took Hiyumaru to evacuate this floor.

Novalu doesn't need to fight Walter at all, she just needs to get Walter's attention and give Kiana and the others time to escape.And her goal has been successfully achieved.

"Damn! Who is it?"

When the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, Walter found that Kiana and Dr. Mackey had disappeared, leaving only a long pool of blood.Don't think about it, it must be left by Dr. Mackey.

"Cut! Did you let them escape? Forget it! It doesn't matter anymore! There is only a little time left before the plan starts! Anyway, they can't escape this building."

Why is Walter so confident?Because the downstairs has been surrounded by countless men in black and multiple Titan mechs.

"However, who was the one who launched the attack just now? Could it be someone sent by destiny?"

What Walter cared most about was the person who attacked just now, because if he hadn't defended in time just now, he might have died directly.


The basement of the Queen's Hotel,

"Anti-entropy really knows how to hide things! They even hid the "gem" in the basement of the hotel! "

The ghost knows how Lin Yu avoided so many people and ran to the basement of the hotel.But now he could already feel the energy fluctuations from the "gem".Although it was very faint, he could be sure that this was just the calm before the storm.

On the other side, Novalu also got in touch with Lin Yu.

"Lin Yu, what's the matter? Did you find the gem?" Novalu asked using the communicator worn on his ear.

"Yeah! I found it! It's in the basement of the Empress Hotel!"

"Huh? Right under our feet?"

Novalu was very surprised, she never thought that anti-entropy would put the "gem" in such a place.

"I was also surprised at first! By the way, did you rescue Kiyana?"

When Lin Yu first learned of the whereabouts of the "gem", why wasn't he so surprised!But what he was most concerned about at this time was Qiyana's situation.

"Oh! Qiyana is fine. She was hunted down with that doctor, but she escaped under my cover!"

"That idiot is fine! But you have to pay more attention!"

"Don't worry! Just wait, Xiaofei and I will come to your place in a while!"

Although the plan to stop anti-entropy is important, it is also important to ensure Qiyana's safety.

Then Lin Yu used the Book of Cangxuan to check the surveillance in the hotel to see where Kiyana had gone.

"Er...the direction of their escape is not towards the basement? What's going on?"

Looking at the escape route that Kiyana took Dr. Mackey, Lin Yu was speechless.This is good, if this continues, he will have to meet Qiyana.But he didn't want Qiyana to know that he was here!What should I do?

"Oh! I have it!"

An idea suddenly popped up in Lin Yu's mind, it should be possible to prevent Qiyana from recognizing herself.

In a certain stairwell, Walter also noticed the escape route of Kiana and the others.

"So you're going to the basement floor! It looks like that old fool hasn't noticed our plan yet! Anyway, let me walk over slowly, and appreciate that old fool's desperate expression!"

Walter had a cat-and-mouse expression on his face, completely ignoring the escaped two.

"Thank you for telling me about Kiyana's whereabouts, I won't bother you to find them! I'll go for you!"

A voice suddenly appeared behind Walter, which made him look back immediately.The one who appeared behind him was none other than Fu Hua who rushed over.

"Hahaha! Today is really my lucky day! I didn't expect that I would get revenge soon!"

Walter looked at Fu Hua sitting on the stairs with a look of excitement, as if he had seen his own revenge.

"I don't think you have the ability to take revenge. If you don't want to suffer, please surrender obediently, and I don't want to waste time on you."

Fu Hua stood up slowly, facing Walter's excited face, there was no wave in her heart.

"Don't be so proud! I was just attacked by you last time! I don't know how many A-level Valkyries like you have killed me!"

Seeing Fu Hua's expressionless face, Walter almost roared.Then he directly controlled the purple energy ball to attack Fu Hua.

A big battle is about to break out!

basement one,
Dr. Mackey has already arrived here with the help of Kiana, and successfully opened the safe room where the "gem" is placed.

"Great! I didn't expect to get the gems so easily. Grandpa, let's go in!"

Seeing that Dr. Mackey opened the door at once, Kiyana immediately became excited.

"Something's wrong. Since Cocolia doesn't believe me, why didn't she change the password of the safe room?"

Dr. Mackey rubbed his head weakly. He lost a lot of blood because of the injury just now.


At this moment, there was a strange fluctuation in the safe room.

"Anti-entropy really wants to make trouble!"

Lin Yu, who was hiding in the distance, clearly felt this fluctuation, and he also understood what it meant.

"Lin Yu (brother), do you feel it?"

Novalu and Hiyumaru, who had just arrived in the basement and had not had time to join Lin Yu, also felt the fluctuations from the "gem" in the safe room.

"This is...Honkai energy crystallization? Why are these things placed here!"

As soon as he entered the safe room, Dr. Mackey was shocked to find that there were many purple crystals around the "gem".At the same time, he also found that his hand had already turned gray.That is a sign of being corroded by the Houkai energy and about to turn into a dead soldier.

"Grandpa, the gem is here! Let's take it away!" Qiyana pointed to the gem floating quietly in front of her eyes, and then turned to look at Dr. Mackey.

"Something's wrong! There are so many guards outside the building, but there is none of the most critical safe room!"


Just when Dr. Mackey was doubting something, he suddenly found a Houkai energy intensity detector behind him, and the value displayed on it was 3086HW, and the value was still increasing.

"I understand!"

At this moment, Dr. Mackey completely understood what Cocolia wanted to do.

She soaked the gemstone in a high concentration of Houkai energy, causing a chain reaction. , thus artificially creating a large artificial collapse in this city.If there is a qualified person in this city, then she will become the new Herrscher.Just like in Changkong City before, the Third Herrscher was artificially created at the cost of millions of lives.

"Why did I just now realize that Cocolia is a more dangerous lunatic than Otto! She must be laughing somewhere now!"

After fully understanding what Cocolia did, Dr. Mackey immediately grabbed Kiana, prevented her from getting close to the gem, and then planned to take her out of here.As long as you are far enough away, there is still hope for survival.

However, before he could leave here with Qiyana, a voice came from the door.

"Although I don't know what crazy things they have done, I only know that this thing is destined to fail!"

Dr. Mackey and Qiyana followed the prestige and found that three masked people appeared at the door of the safe room at some time.And the person who spoke was the white-haired masked man standing in the middle.

 There are two or three more chapters, and the person you are looking forward to will appear!However, it is impossible to recognize the protagonist, and the details need to be kept secret! PS: I created a group account yesterday, but no one added it!Should I disband the group?Post it again, the Herrscher assembly group number: 1136694052, if there are less than fifteen people who will update the forward group tomorrow, I'll disband it! ╮( ̄▽ ̄“)╭

(End of this chapter)

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