Chapter 97 Trading
Dr. Mackey and Qiyana were a little shocked, and looked at the three mysterious people wearing masks who appeared at the door of the safe room.Because they suspect that these three people are either destiny or anti-entropy people.

"Don't worry! I'm not a man of fate and anti-entropy, I'm just here to prevent this impending disaster!"

The white-haired masked man saw what Dr. Mackey was worried about at a glance, so he explained it.


A few minutes ago, outside the vault,
"Lin Yu, what should we do? Are you going to stop the "gem" riot? "

After meeting Lin Yu, Novalu immediately asked what to do.

"I think we have to stop it! Otherwise, once the collapse breaks out, the city will turn into a dead city!"

Fei Yuwan directly said what Lin Yu wanted to say, who told her to read Lin Yu's memories!She knows all of Lin Yu's experiences in Changkong City.

"Of course we have to stop it! But before that, we have to pretend!"

If she didn't pretend, Qiyana would have recognized Lin Yu at once, okay?After that, things will become more troublesome. If the news reaches Tianming, then he will be completely finished.So he took out three masks from the Xingyu space, one for each person, and changed his hair color a bit.

After confirming that the three of them had completely concealed their identities, Lin Yu took Novalu and Fei Yuwan into the insurance room.

"who are you?"

Dr. Markey once again protected Qiyana behind him, looking at Lin Yu and the three of them warily.

"Don't worry! I'm only here to stop the "Gem" riot!Will not do anything else! "

The next moment, Lin Yu walked towards the shining gemstone under the shocked gaze of Dr. Mackey.

"Don't get any closer! The Honkai energy in the gem will erode you!"

It's just that Lin Yu completely ignored Dr. Markey's words, and came directly to the gemstone, which is the place with the most terrifying concentration of Honkai energy in this area.

"What are you doing? Don't stop your companions from approaching the gem!"

Seeing that Lin Yu didn t listen to Dr. Maji at all, Kiyana immediately turned to Novalu and Hiyumaru, hoping that they would prevent Lin Yu from approaching the gem.It's just that Novalu and Hiyumaru didn't care about it.

Will Lin Yu be eroded by that Herrscher gem?is it possible?He himself has a herrscher core, and the star language is also a god key with a double herrscher core. It would be good if he didn't destroy that "gem".

"Do you think he looks like he has been eroded by Honkai?" Novalu calmly looked at Dr. Mackey with a worried expression, and then glanced at Lin Yu standing next to the "gem".


Dr. Markey and Kiyana noticed that Lin Yu standing next to the "gem" looked very calm, and there was no sign of being corroded by Honkai at all.

Lin Yu seemed a little hesitant looking at the "Quiet Gem" that was constantly gathering Honkai energy around him.Because there is one thing he needs to be covered by a very high-strength Houkai energy, otherwise he will definitely be discovered by Destiny and Anti-Entropy, and the present opportunity seems very suitable!But in this case, he couldn't do that, so he had to give up.

Then Lin Yu slowly stretched out his hand towards the gemstone under the shocked gazes of Dr. Mackey and Kiyana.

Probably sensing that someone had taken it away, the gem immediately emitted countless tiny silver electric lights and rushed towards Lin Yu's hand that stretched out.At this moment, the safe room was illuminated by a silver-white light.

Dr. Markey also noticed that at this moment, the intensity of the Houkai energy was close to 4000HW, and the Houkai energy was about to explode.


In a certain base of anti-entropy, Cocolia has been paying attention to the situation in Singapore.Looking at the Honkai energy intensity of Singapore that has exceeded 3000HW, Cocolia smiled.

Because in a few hours, she will know whether the collapse caused at the expense of Singapore can give birth to a Herrscher.But she is also very careful about this, because the power of the Herrscher who is about to be born is still unknown, and she still needs to beware of the actions of destiny.

"The troops waiting around Singapore are all ready. If the Herrscher is born, Otto will definitely send troops to snatch it. This time, the Herrscher must not fall into the hands of destiny!"

Out of a series of considerations, Cocolia still issued the most stringent order.


Somewhere in Destiny's headquarters,

"My lord, there is a powerful Houkai reaction in the center of Singapore. Cocolia's plan is indeed to trigger a large-scale artificial Houkai!"

Amber reported the monitored situation to Otto beside him.

"Cocolia must have ambushed her troops to snatch the power of the Herrscher. But she is still too young, I have already laid an excellent chess piece!" Otto looked at the screen in front of him, not caring about Cocolia's words at all. action, and then he asked Amber to issue an order for him.

"Let the S-rank Valkyrie Youlandal go to stop the anti-entropy troops and buy time for Fu Hua!"


In the underground vault of the Empress Hotel, Singapore,

"It's all over!"

With a Honkai energy intensity close to 4000HW, it is almost certain that a Rishi will be born, and the price will be the lives of millions of people in Singapore.

When Dr. Mackey thought that everything was irreparable, he found that he was still alive, and the collapse he imagined did not break out.

At this time, Dr. Markey was surprised to find that the "Quiet Gem" was being held tightly in Lin Yu's hands, and the intensity of the Honkai energy would no longer increase, but the electric glow formed by the Honkai energy was constantly spreading in Lin Yu wrapped around his arms.

"If you don't want to be destroyed, just be quiet!"

Lin Yu yelled coldly at the gemstone in his hand.Then a surprising thing happened. The surrounding rioting Honkai Energy became extremely calm at this moment, and the value displayed on the Honkai Energy Strength Meter also dropped rapidly.

Seeing this, Dr. Mackey was completely dumbfounded.what did he seeA person quelled the Honkai power of the riot just by holding the "gem" in his hand, and also prevented the Honkai from erupting?
How terrifying is this person's resistance to Houkai, and he seems to have suppressed the "gem" without much effort.

Is this really something humans can do?

This scene completely overturned Makibo's cognition.At this time, he seemed to see countless possibilities for human beings on the road to fighting against the collapse.

"What's the situation! This is the end!"

Lin Yu looked at the "Quiet Gem" lying quietly in his hand, and even he felt that the matter was over too soon!I thought it would take a little effort, but I didn't expect it to be so fast!

In fact, if Lin Yu could feel the emotions of the "Quiet Gem", he would find that the "Quiet Gem" was already trembling at this time.Because there are three herrscher cores suppressing it, and one of them is the most terrifying, even surpassing the combined suppression power of the other two.And that core is nothing but the core of Shenyu in Lin Yu's body.

"Oh! I missed this opportunity, so I can only use other methods to get that little guy out! I have to let him stay there for a while!"

Although Lin Yu had prevented the outbreak of Houkai, he still stood there quietly, thinking about other things in his heart.

At this moment, Fei Yuwan suddenly called him, which made Lin Yu react.

"Brother, this idiot has fainted!"

Lin Yu knew that Qiyana had fainted as soon as he heard it, so he immediately went over to check the situation.

"Dr. Markey, do you know what happened to her?" In this case, you have to find an expert!Fortunately, Dr. Markey is an expert in this area.Lin Yu could only ask him.

"This little girl is fine! She just passed out after being hit by the high concentration of Honkai just now!"

After checking Kiana's situation, Dr. Mackey quickly came to a conclusion.Then he took out two reagents from his pocket and injected one into Kiyana.

"This is the Honkai energy antibody reagent I researched, and I have already injected one into her!" Immediately afterwards, Dr. Markey threw the other reagent to Lin Yu, and said, "Take this little girl out of here Now! Wait until you are in a safe place before injecting her with half of the reagent!"

Lin Yu took the reagent thrown by Dr. Markey, froze for a moment, and said, "Do you trust me that much?"

"I can feel that although you don't want to reveal your identity, you are really worried about this little girl! That's why I can safely hand her over to you!"

"You are really amazing!"

Dr. Markey can even feel this, which makes Lin Yu have to admire.

"Lulu, take this idiot!" Lin Yu handed Kiyana to Novalu, and then turned to Dr. Mackey, "Doctor, won't you go with us?"

"No need! My old bones have been corroded by Hoonkai energy before!" Dr. Markey lifted up his sleeves, exposing his grayed arms, and said, "Hurry up! If I'm still conscious It’s time to destroy the Honkai Reactor here. Otherwise, the city will still be polluted by the Honkai Energy.”

"In that case, Doctor! How about we make a deal?"

"Deal? What deal?"

"It's very simple! I'm here to destroy the Honkai Reactor here, and I'll heal you and take you out of Singapore! And you just need to give me the formula of this reagent! How about it?"

Lin Yu glanced at the reagent in his hand, then he looked at Dr. Markey and offered the conditions.

"it is good!"

Almost without much thought, Dr. Mackey directly agreed to Lin Yu s conditions.In addition, as one of the characters in this incident, he also has an unshirkable responsibility.If it weren't for the three of Lin Yu who suddenly appeared, Singapore Prime Minister would definitely be reduced to ruins under the outbreak of Honkai!So it was regarded as using this precious reagent in exchange for the safety of going to Singapore, and he believed that with Lin Yu's personality, the reagent would play a greater role in his hands.

"Then, the deal is established!"

Then Lin Yu controlled the black silk formed by the force of erosion to restore the dead part of Dr. Mackey's body to its original state.After all, he is different from Ji Zi back then. He was only recently corroded, so he was saved.What's more, the power of Jizo Yuhun was very weak at that time, and Lin Yu hadn't become a Herrscher, so it was impossible to get Jizi!
Soon after Dr. Mackey was cured, Lin Yu arranged for Novalu and Fei Yuwan to do things.

"Lulu, I'm here to destroy this place! Take Qiyana and leave! Xiaofei will take the doctor to a safe place first, and then join us!"

After arranging these things, Lin Yu and the others evacuated here immediately.The next thing is the real part, because they have to avoid the searches of the two organizations of Destiny and Anti-Entropy at the same time!How many people have to worry about this!

 What happens next, you know!The characters you want to appear are coming soon! PS: Is no one joining the group?There are currently only eight people in the group!If you want to add it, add it quickly!It will be easier to announce something later!
(End of this chapter)

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