Chapter 98 Mutation
When everyone else left, only Lin Yu was left in the insurance room.

"Time to work!"

If the Honkai Energy Reactor is directly destroyed, it will also pollute this small area, but Lin Yu doesn't want to cause any pollution.So before he destroyed the reactor, he needed to absorb the Hoonkai energy in the reactor, which was nothing more than a trivial matter to him.

Lin Yu's method was very simple. He directly inserted the star language that had become a Taidao into the reactor, absorbed the Honkai energy inside cleanly, and then destroyed the reactor casually.

"It's time to meet Lulu!"

After all this was over, Lin Yu left here without saying a word, and headed for the direction where Novalu evacuated.


On the roof of a tall building far from the Empress Hotel,

"Lin Yu should have arrived soon! That kind of trivial matter won't take long!"

Novalu sat leisurely on the edge of the roof looking in the direction of the Empress Hotel, and behind her was the unconscious Qiyana.

"I remember that this idiot's family has a high resistance to the Houkai! How could he be knocked out by the Houkai!"

Noir still knows a lot about the Kaslana family that Kiyana belongs to.Kiana's mother, Cecilia, the user of the Sixth God's Key, Black Abyss and White Flower; her father, Siegfried, the user of the Seventh God's Key, the Holy Order of Heaven and Fire. The two of them are resistant to Houkai It's almost approaching Herrscher, logically speaking, it's impossible for their daughter to be fainted by Honkai!Regarding this situation, Nuo Valu was a little confused about the situation, so she could only put her there and watch.

"Lulu, how is it? Is Qiyana okay?" Lin Yu asked Novalu about Kiyana's situation as soon as he arrived.

"Don't worry! She just fainted! It's nothing serious!"

Novalu also checked Qiyana's condition before, and everything is normal, so there is no need to worry too much.Lin Yu was relieved when he heard that Qiyana was fine.

"What are you going to do with that "gem" in your hand? Novalu pointed to the "Quiet Gem" in Lin Yu's hand.After all, this thing is too dangerous, it is better to deal with it as soon as possible.

"Let's take Qiyana to avoid the search of Destiny and Anti-Entropy before deciding!" Lin Yu didn't have time to deal with the "Quiet Gem" at this point, it was more important to hide first.

Then Lin Yu put the "gem" into his jacket pocket casually, then picked up Qiyana, and prepared to evacuate here with Novalu.

It's just that before Lin Yu started to act, a sense of crisis came to his mind.And the source of the sense of crisis was Qiyana he was holding.

"Huh? Not good!"

Before Lin Yu let go of his hand, a fist hit his chest directly.Because the distance was too close, and he was still hugging Qiyana, he couldn't completely avoid the punch.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing?"

Although Lin Yu couldn t completely dodge the punch, the remaining strength couldn t do him any harm, at most it made him feel a little pain.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Novalu, who was following Lin Yu, was a little puzzled when she saw this scene. Why did Qiyana suddenly attack Lin Yu?Although he is now wearing a mask and has changed the color of his hair, he is still her savior!Isn't she a little too human for doing this!

"Lulu be careful! She's not Kiyana!"

While Lin Yu felt a sense of crisis, he also felt that the seal he had imposed on Qiyana was broken.I'm afraid the current Qiyana has been controlled by Sirin's consciousness.

"Hmph! Very flexible!"

Qiyana's eyes had turned golden at this time, and it was obvious that she was controlled by Sirin.

"It's not Kiyana? It looks like it's Sirin, after all, this "gem" was once one of her cores! "

Novalu carefully looked at 'Qiana' who had turned into golden pupils.However, she didn't feel a little panic about it, on the contrary she was very interested.After all, she used to be the Herrscher of the Void, and Sirin is the Herrscher of the Void in this era.

"How do you know this name?"

Although Sirin's consciousness was suppressed by Qiyana, she knew very well that not many people knew about this plan.At least the two people in front of me are not among them.

"Really! Why did you come out to make trouble at this time! If I knew it earlier, I would have made the seal stronger!"

Lin Yu was speechless. He didn't expect that the too strong Honkai power could also help Xilin break free from the seal he set. It seems that the seal needs to be strengthened this time.

"Huh? What did you say? You set up that hateful seal? It turns out that the guy who appeared in my domain last time was you!"

Sirin now remembered what happened in the dream space some time ago.It turned out that the guy in front of her sealed herself, so she would never let him go.

"Okay, okay! Have you finished talking? Go back and sleep after you've finished speaking! Don't let me hit you hard!"

If it was the real Herrscher of the Sky, Lin Yu might still be a little scared, but the guy in front of him just appeared temporarily with the help of Qiyana's body.What's more, he didn't feel any signs of the Herrscher of the Sky core being active in Kiyana's body, so he wasn't afraid of her at all.

"Pay for what you did before!"

Xilin rushed towards Lin Yu directly, and punched him fiercely.

It's just that Sirin is using Kiyana's body, and her speed is not very good.Lin Yu dodged easily!
"Think it's okay?"

Only then did Lin Yu realize that his clothes were covered with a lot of black mist, and it was still corroding his clothes.

"The ability of the Herrscher of Death? What's the situation? Isn't the gem here with me?"

Just as Lin Yu reached out to check the gems in his pocket, he found that the gems had disappeared at some point.

"Are you looking for this?"

Sirin spread out her right hand, revealing the gem in her hand.It seems that Lin Yu was taken away by her when she was holding Qiyana before.

"Really! Stop playing, okay?"

Lin Yu patted the black mist on his clothes casually, and immediately dispersed the black mist.Sirin was taken aback by this.

What did Sirin see?A person casually scattered the corrosive black mist generated by the core of the Herrscher of Death?What are you kidding?

"How is it possible? This is the power of God! How could you not be affected?"

Sirin didn't seem to believe what she saw.That is the power of the Herrscher of Death!Even a lawyer wouldn't dare to do this!

"I'm coming or are you coming?"

Lin Yu ignored Xilin directly, but looked at Novalu.

The ability of the Herrscher of Death is invalid for him, that's because the star language has integrated the core of the Herrscher of Death, and Lin Yu can already use the same ability!However, the former Novalu also fought against the Herrscher of Death, so she should have a way to deal with this ability!So Lin Yu wanted to ask her if she wanted to try it.

"Okay! I'll get her back!"

Although Novalu has not recovered to her peak period now, isn't Sirin the same!She has nothing to fear!As for the power of the Herrscher of Death, she also has a way to deal with it.

"Come on! Come on! Let me test how much strength you have now!"

When Lin Yu stepped aside silently, Nuovalu walked over, ready to face Xilin directly.

"Stop looking down on people!"

At this moment, Sirin was completely angry.Lin Yu and Novalu didn't pay attention to her at all, okay!That being the case, don't blame her for being rude!

Then Sirin put the "gem" on her chest, and then a strange mark appeared.At the same time, there are still a lot of Honkai that can be transformed into black mist by "gems". Yes, Sirin has pushed the power of "gems" to the extreme.

"Look at the trick!"

A large black mist rushed towards Novalu under the urging of Sirin, and she herself took the opportunity to fly into the sky.

"This is far worse than the Herrscher of Death I met before! That guy won't run away!"

With a wave of Nuovalu's hand, a strong wind immediately swept all the black mist into the sky, and then dispersed.

Novalu's ability comes from the black and white bracelet on her right hand, because it is her exclusive weapon - black sky and white feather.And the wind just now came from the power of the core fragment of the Herrscher of Wind contained in the black sky.

"Human, you are too arrogant!"

Hearing the sound, Nuova immediately looked up.She was surprised to find that Sirin was already wearing a white Valkyrie armor at this time, and the light wings on her back were also very conspicuous.

"Sure enough! This form can exert more power! Fortunately, I secretly remembered its structure when Qiyana used it before. Now I can also construct similar substances with the power of the "Gem of Tranquility"! "

Seeing Sirin flying in the sky, Nuova didn't know what to say anymore.Because isn't what Xilin is wearing now is the trial version of the fourth-generation Valkyrie God-killing Armor White Knight Moonlight that Lin Yu asked her to send to Kiana to help her defeat Siegfried!She seemed to have been tricked by Lin Yu!

Nuovalu looked at Lin Yu fiercely, and Lin Yu avoided her gaze a little embarrassed.Because it was indeed him who asked Novalu to give Qiyana the armor, but he never thought that such a day would come!

"I shouldn't have asked Xiao Fei to give Qiyana this armor!"

Novalu regretted listening to Lin Yu's words at the beginning, otherwise the current situation would not be like this.

"Brother, there are dozens of mechas coming here from the border of Singapore! Do you want to stop it?"

At this moment, Hiyumaru's voice came from the communication headset.It seems that anti-entropy has started to act.

"Uh... Lulu, why don't I take care of her?"

At this time Lin Yu was about to make a move himself, but Nuova Lu stopped her.This is her first battle of merging her body!How can you give up?
Although Sirin is now wearing the Godslayer Armor, whether she can use it is still a question.And she knows this armor very well, so she can cope with this situation.

"You can rest assured to stop those mechs! Leave her to me!"

Even if Nuovalu doesn't have the strength of her peak period, she still needs to let Sirin know that she is more than enough to deal with her half-baked Herrscher now.

"Then be careful! Don't hurt Qiyana too badly!"

Although it was Sirin who appeared in front of them now, her body belonged to Qiyana!So Lin Yu dared to leave with peace of mind after repeatedly telling Novalu.

"Then, let me have a good fight with you next!"

Novalu looked at Sirin in the sky with high fighting spirit, and purple lightning and blue whirlwind appeared around her body at the same time.

 The main character has left!It is about to confront the mechs on the border!The ones you are looking forward to are coming out!Two chapters must debut! PS: The plot may disappoint you a bit, please forgive me!Book friends who want to join the group can join the group, I have changed the way of entering the group to verification!
(End of this chapter)

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