Chapter 113 Did the black fans fight with me today (16)

The rest of the time is the time for the two to talk to each other.

There is no such thing as inappropriate for children, only long-lasting affection and love like tides.

Lian Qiao sniffed.

Tsk, I'm a little touched.

"Crying?" Gu Qingran gave Lian Qiao a sympathetic look. "That's right, you can cry if you get cheated on."

"Shut up!" Lian Qiao didn't want to watch anymore, picked up her bag and planned to leave.

"Leave now? Without saying thank you?"

Anyway, he also invited her to watch a show... Let's broadcast it live.

"Tsk, throw it away when you're done using it, it's really heartless." Gu Qingran laughed, and continued to send people to look for the little white rabbit that appeared in the bar yesterday.

It was exactly nine fifty when Lian Qiao came home.

Lian Xinmei was sitting in the living room watching TV after taking a shower, and when she saw her come back, she asked, "Qiaoqiao, where did you go?"

"I went to play with Gu Qingran at night."

Originally, Lian Xinmei just asked casually, but she didn't expect to hear such an answer. "Ah? Didn't you guys have a bad relationship since you were young?"

She remembered that Gu Qingran was always black and pretty.

Lian Qiao changed her shoes, ran over and hugged Lian Xinmei's neck. "Mom, what do you think of Gu Qingran?"

"Him? I can't tell. Anyway, your father and his father don't have a good relationship. When you were young, your father was hot-tempered, and his father was gentle. Then your father always bullied him. Later, when they got married and started businesses, the two families got closer. not enough."

While talking, Lian Xinmei frowned, and said to Lian Qiao: "Your father really exploded like a powder keg when he was young, but he is much better now."

Lian Qiao inexplicably took another mouthful of dog food.

Although it has only been a few days since she came to this plane, she knows that Gu Qingran's father is as gentle as jade, and his mother is beautiful and intelligent.And the original owner's father was a bit irritable and dark-bellied, as for Lian Xinmei...

This is a woman who has been doted on by Gu Tianming for decades.

Even though she is over 40 years old, she is still as innocent as a child.

Her eyes are so clear, and her smile is like the warm sun in spring.So warm and so genial.

Alas, a little envious.

Think about Gu Qingran again...

Tsk, let's wash up and sleep.

At 58:[-], Lian Xinmei's pretty brows frowned. "Why hasn't your sister come back? It's almost ten o'clock."

In the Gu family, Gu Tianming will not mention it, but Lian Xinmei treats the two daughters equally.So as for the access control, Lian Qiao must abide by it, and Gu Xinxin must also abide by it.

Lian Qiao guessed that Gu Xinxin was still with Mu Ke, so she persuaded Lian Xinmei: "Mom, my sister is already an adult, she will be fine. Besides, she hasn't come home after staying outside for so long, maybe she forgot It's about access control."

"Aren't I worried?" Lian Xinmei put down the remote control and got up to go to the study. "I have to tell your dad."

Lian Qiao wanted to laugh.

If you are not sure about anything, ask your husband, and not only will your husband not get impatient, but he will help her handle the matter properly.For Lian Xinmei, Gu Tianming is an almighty little angel.

After a while, Lian Xinmei came downstairs.

"Your father said don't worry, your sister said hello to him before she left." Lian Xinmei sighed again, "This child, even if he told his father, he should tell me, otherwise it will be too late. Worry."

Did you say hello?

Lian Qiao didn't think much of it.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Gu Tianming called Lian Xinmei into the study behind his back.

"Your sister..." Gu Tianming hesitated to speak.

How should I put it, you can't say that your sister is with your fiance tonight.


(End of this chapter)

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