Chapter 114 Did the black fans fight with me today (17)

What should he do as a father, take someone to the scene to catch him?

Isn't this slapping the two families in the face?


After organizing his language a bit, Gu Tianming finally said, "Qiaoqiao, although your sister is smarter than you, more motivated than you, and has better grades than you."

Lian Qiao: "..." Needless to say, she doesn't want to lose face.

"But, you are my father's biological daughter." Gu Tianming touched his nose, feeling quite emotional: "It was your mother who adopted Xinxin because of her soft heart. To be honest, my father felt that I owed you a lot. Don't think that my father I'm cruel, anyway, I think mom and dad could give you all the love, but now they have to be divided into two."

Maybe everyone's thoughts are different, but even though Gu Tianming has such thoughts, he can feel his conscience and say that he has not treated Gu Xinxin badly for so many years.

"Qiaoqiao, tell Dad the truth, do you want to marry Mu Ke?"

"You only need to nod your head today, and Dad will push Mu Ke and you to get the certificate tomorrow!"

He was so mad, no matter what the relationship between Gu Xinxin and Mu Ke is, but the engagement is still there, Mu Ke is Qiao Qiao's fiancé, Qiao Qiao is wronged!

Gu Tianming doesn't want to care what the outside world thinks now, he just has a partiality, what's the matter, he wants to protect his precious daughter today!
Seeing that Gu Tianming's emotions became more and more excited, Lian Qiao quickly waved her hands: "No need, no need, no need!"

Although Gu Qingran deserves a beating, he is him, and she doesn't want Mu Ke no matter how good he is.

"Really don't want it?" Although Gu Tianming asked so, he was actually not very surprised.After all, he has urged so many marriages, and his precious daughter can hide as far as she can.

This is also one of the reasons why he didn't make too drastic moves tonight knowing that Mu Ke and Gu Xinxin were together.

Lian Qiao nodded firmly. "No, I don't like Brother Mu Ke."

After getting this affirmative answer, Gu Tianming heaved a sigh of relief. "Okay, Dad knows. I'm not afraid to tell you now that your sister may have emotional entanglements with Mu Ke. Since you don't like Mu Ke, then Dad doesn't worry about you being sad."

For the rest, it's up to the Mu family to get angry.

On this point, Gu Tianming agrees with Lian Qiao.Whether to expose or help, depends entirely on how Mu Ke, Gu Xinxin and even the Mu family handle this matter.

Tsk, they're all pretty black-bellied.

"Okay, let's go back and rest early." Gu Tianming rubbed Lianqiao's head, and then said: "Don't tell your mother about this, I'm afraid she won't be able to accept it."

Lian Qiao was fed another mouthful of dog food, but she could only nod obediently: "Good dad!"

It was already eleven o'clock when we returned to the room, and Gu Xinxin hadn't come back yet, even Qiao reckoned that she would not come back tonight.

At a quarter past eleven, she received a private message from Gu Qingran: [Miss, you are really cheated on. ]
Because Mu Ke and Gu Xinxin have already gone to the opposite side.

In fact, such things as being green are born once and familiarized twice.She remembered being green once in the first plane.

It's only when you are emotional that you will be sad, and it's okay that her mind is not on the male lead.

But Gu Qingran didn't think so.

What he's thinking now is: Gu Lianqiao is too miserable. She was crushed by her sister since she was a child, not to mention her fiancé was snatched away.

It's too awful.

Otherwise, let's not black her out tomorrow.

Lian Qiao thought of Gu Qingran's sympathetic eyes at night, and immediately became interested.She thought about it, and sent a small aggrieved expression to the other party.

Gu Qingran: "..."

What, what are you doing!It's not his green her!


(End of this chapter)

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