Chapter 115 Did the black fans fight with me today (18)

Gu Qingran is a typical person who eats the soft but not the hard.

He can fight with Lian Qiao for [-] rounds online, and he can also be made restless by Lian Qiao's small expression.

In the middle of the night, Gu Qingran inexplicably felt dry mouth.

what does it mean?What does this aggrieved little expression mean! !
Seeing that there was no response from Gu Qingran, Lian Qiao turned off the phone and went to sleep.

That night, Mu Ke and Gu Xinxin lingered deeply, Lian Qiao slept soundly on the big bed at home, and Gu Qingran...

It's okay to suffer from insomnia until four o'clock in the morning, and the image of Lian Qiao crying out of makeup always pops up in my mind.

A little ugly and a little pathetic.

At 04:30 in the morning, Gu Qingran finally felt a little drowsy. Unexpectedly, the mobile phone next to the pillow vibrated like crazy.

He narrowed his narrow eyes.

How dare you send him a message after twelve o'clock in the evening, want to die?
Lu Qingran simply got up and leaned on the bed, with one leg bent and the other straight. In a fit of rage, he lit a cigarette, thinking that he wanted to quit smoking, so he just smelled the smoke and let it light up in the air. Did he not take a puff? .

There are many people in Hei Lianqiao, so they simply built a dozen large groups.In addition to these dozen large groups, there are countless small groups.

But no matter how many people there are in Hei Lianqiao, the person with the most prominent status must be Gu Qingran.So over time, this name has almost become an official certification. Which group has Gu Qingran, it means that this group is very successful!

It's just that although Gu Qingran is a mascot in the group, he is usually the one who dives all year round and doesn't bubble up.Just kidding, he, Hei Lianqiao, needs the support of his group of friends?

He alone can be worth a thousand troops.

At this time, it was the group leader of one of the large groups who sent a message to Gu Qingran, whose online name is Feiyu, and whose real name is Xiong Feiyu.

Gu Qingran glanced at the n messages sent by Xiong Feiyu, didn't bother to read them, and made a voice call. [Speak clearly in half a minute, or you will die. ]
The other person was shivering, and took the time to explain: [Mr. Gu, it’s like this. Now a video about Gu Lianqiao appeared on the Internet for no reason. In it, she was messing around with a dozen men. exploded! ]
Lu Qingran frowned: [Is there any technical means to cheat? ]

[No, many professionals have already checked it. In addition to integrating several clips together, each clip is almost shot to the end. It is shot directly on the person, and the face and body are shot at the same time. There is no borrowing or double , This time it must be a stone hammer! ]
Originally, Lian Qiao was a sexy actress, but there were many rumors about her, but she didn't have a stone hammer, which made people think about it at best.The biggest scandal should be from Gu Qingran, which generally means that she is pampered and likes to bully others.But as soon as this video came out, it was tantamount to putting Lian Qiao on the pillar of shame.

Gu Qingran put the cigarette into his mouth subconsciously, and then thought of quitting smoking, so he snuffed it out very agitatedly. [Send the video to me and notify other group owners to arrange to control public opinion. ]
Xiong Feiyu replied confidently: [Don't worry, Young Master Gu, we will work hard to make Gu Lianqiao black like no one before or after! ]

Gu Qingran: [...It's for you to control public opinion, you blackmailed me! ]
[But we are also Gu Lianqiao's black fans. ]
Gu Qingran: [Such a big piece of black material didn't come out of my hands, I don't care, I'm going to eat black today! ]

Xiong Feiyu: […]
It was also the first time he heard that black eating black could be used in this place.

But don't guess Gu Shao's mind, you can't figure it out after guessing.

After Xiong Feiyu understood what Gu Qingran meant, he acted immediately.


(End of this chapter)

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