Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 144 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 144 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (2)

Lian Qiao suddenly stopped talking, and the atmosphere in the prison was a little dignified.

Ming Xiao felt that he might have hurt Lian Qiao, so he coughed lightly, "Don't be discouraged, I am a star, and you are also a star, how about we work together to dominate the mainland!"

Lian Qiao turned around lazily, and the sword body also turned around.

Ming Xiao: "..." He seemed to be despised by a sword.

Ming Xiao didn't give up, "As long as we join hands, the head of Wuliang Sect will become our defeat sooner or later!"

Lian Qiao: "..." The young man thought quite beautifully.

With a creak, the prison door was opened.

A servant dragged Ming Xiao out without saying a word.

Lian Qiao thought you were taking me with her, she had no choice but to follow behind the servant.

At the same time, an unprecedentedly grand spiritual power competition is going on in the Nalan family's spiritual cultivation gym.

It is said to be a spiritual power competition, but it is actually a "martial arts competition to recruit relatives" competition!

In the Noah Continent, the strong are respected, and only the strong can be qualified to become the son-in-law of Nalan He, the head of the Nalan family!
On the viewing platform of the Spiritual Martial Art Museum, Nalan He was wearing a black robe, exuding a majestic aura all over his body.

"Patriarch, Ming Xiu, the third young master of the Ming family, is currently leading the way. Master Xiu is now in the mid-six-star stage, not to mention my Qingluan country, even if you look at the entire continent, there are very few people who can reach six-star."

What the housekeeper said was right, even Nalan He only cultivated to the early six-star stage in his life, and the heads of several other families need not say more.

At the beginning of the six-star stage, it was a hurdle.

Nalan He stroked his beard, thoughtful. "With Mingxiu, it seems that the Ming family will have another hundred years of glory. By the way, who is No.2?"

"Patriarch, it's the second young master of the Song family, Song Bin, who is now at the peak of five stars. I believe breaking through to six stars is just around the corner."

Nalan He hummed, "Qinglian is at the beginning of the five-star stage, and she hasn't made progress for a long time. I think Song Bin is worthy of her."

After a while, the spiritual power contest ended.After the butler announced the result, Nalan Qingyao suddenly knelt in the center of the martial arts hall.

When Ming Xiao was brought into the martial arts gym by the servants, she happened to hear Nalan Qingyao's words. "Father, my daughter has committed herself to others, so I forgive her for not being able to marry Master Xiu!"

Lian Qiaobengdengdengdeng, just as soon as she reached Mingxiao's side, she saw the noble and glamorous heroine pointing at Mingxiao with her flamboyant jade: "My lord, my daughter Xinyue Xiao, please help me!"

Lian Qiao believes that the heroine has her own halo, and she will not easily burp with the useless hero.Unexpectedly, the next second, Nalan He was furious: "Come here, execute Ming Xiao on the spot! And the broken sword next to him, break it into [-] pieces and put it in the fire!"

Lian Qiao: "..." It was a mistake after all.

At this time, Nalan Qingyao directly pulled out a sword inlaid with gemstones and placed it in front of his neck. "If my lord father executes him, then let's collect the body for my daughter by the way!"

Ming Xiao swallowed, he didn't expect the beautiful sister to be so strong.

Lian Qiao is also very helpless, she is just a tattered sword, she really can't help much.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, exclamations suddenly came from around: "My God, it's the light of ice, this tattered sword can actually emit light of ice!"

"That's right, there are basically fire-type swords on Noah's Continent, and it's hard to find a water-type sword!"


Ming Xiao looked at Lian Qiao suspiciously, and secretly asked, "Are you still a good sword?"

Lian Qiao: "Bah, your whole family are good swordsmen."

At this time, someone asked again: "I just don't know if this sword that can emit icy light has recognized Ming Xiao's master? If so, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him."

 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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