Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 145 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 145 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (3)

What is a confession?

When Ming Xiao and Lian Qiao were both at a loss, the enthusiastic crowd wentssip: "The recognition of the master is human blood dripping onto the sword body. After fusion, it is like signing a blood contract. After the blood contract is concluded, it will take time to achieve the unity of human and sword." boundary."

Ming Xiao and Lian Qiao: "..."

I don't know why, but I always feel that the unity of man and sword is not a good word.

The two of them didn't know whether a blood contract had been signed, Ming Xiao scratched her head, and asked the most excited aunt: "Then how can I verify whether a blood contract has been signed?"

"It's simple, it just depends on whether the sword can listen to you, but the premise is that you can't use spiritual power, you must use your mind to control it!"

At this time, Nalan Qinglian, who was dressed in red, crossed her arms and looked at Ming Xiao coldly: "What is there to prove? How could Bingling Sword recognize the owner as a piece of trash? In my opinion, this sword is probably Ming Xiao's sword." Akatsuki must have stolen it!"

Mingxiu shook his head, "How could the Bingling sword be stolen?"

"Then what if it's a sword without a blood contract? If you don't sign a blood contract, you haven't awakened. It's not impossible for Ming Xiao to steal it without awakening!"

In Xiuling Martial Arts Hall, everyone's attention shifted from engagement to Bingling Sword.

The heads of several major families who were present at the scene also discussed together, and finally, the representative of Nalan He spoke: "The appearance of the Bing Ling Sword is a big event, this sword looks tattered, presumably because it has not awakened. We unanimously decided that the Bingling Sword should be handed over to several major families.

Ming Xiao, hand over the sword, we can spare your life! "

Hearing this decision, Ming Xiu frowned, Lian Qiao and Ming Xiao were both shocked.After the two secretly communicated, Ming Xiao really broke his mouth: "Who said we didn't sign a blood contract? I'll prove it to you!"

"Bingling, turn left three times!"

"Turn right three times!"

"Bingling, jump twice!"

Lian Qiao: "..." Life is not easy, Lian Qiao is a performer.

Seeing that this sword really listened to Ming Xiao, Nalan Qinglian snorted, "Maybe this sword will listen to everyone. Bingling, turn left!"

The whole place was silent.

The sword didn't respond, but Nalan Qinglian blushed.

Damn it, doesn't this mean that she is not as good as Ming Xiao, this good-for-nothing!
Many people in the martial arts hall laughed out loud, Nalan Qingyao walked up to Ming Xiao and stood shoulder to shoulder with him. "Father, since Brother Xiao can enter into a blood contract with Binglingjian, it means that no one can take away Binglingjian, and it also shows that Brother Xiao has a bright future! Father, please give him a chance, and give my daughter a chance too! My daughter has a very special life! He won't marry!"

It would be a lie to say that he was not moved, but on this continent where the strong respect the weak and the strong prey on the strong, there is actually a woman who does not despise him as a good-for-nothing!But apart from being moved, Ming Xiao was also a little worried.He and Lian Qiao... were just lying!

Nalan He was actually hesitant.

The value of the Bingling Sword is naturally needless to say, but Nalan He still has no way to convince himself to let his prostitute be with a good-for-nothing.And what is more important is that although Ming Xiao is an abandoned son who was kicked out of the house by the Ming family, his surname is Ming.

What Nalan He was worried about was that when his prostitute married him, and the Bingling sword fell into the hands of the Ming family, wouldn't he have nothing to lose?
Sure enough, Ming Wei, the Patriarch of the Ming family who was absent from this spiritual power competition, trotted into the martial arts gym after receiving the news: "Ming Xiao surprised me. The marriage of the two dolls is another story. Come back with me."

This is to make Ming Xiao return to Ming's house again!
Then the Bingling Sword also logically returned to the Ming family!

(End of this chapter)

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