Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 147 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 147 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (5)

Because of the huge disparity in strength after raising one level, there is also an unwritten rule in Noah Continent, that is, people with high star ratings cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately, and elders cannot crush younger generations with high star ratings.

Juniors fight with juniors, elders fight with elders, and everyone silently followed this law for thousands of years, so that Noah Continent continued to thrive.

So, what kind of existence is Li Wangchen?

In the late ten-star period, the sect master that everyone looks up to in the Noah continent.

Only one step away from becoming a god.

Invincible, lonely as snow.

After about a stick of incense, Lian Qiao saw a colorful carriage appearing in the sky.

"Pegasus driving, it really is the sect master!" Nalan He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, kneeling and leaning lower.

"Hey, are you tired?"

When Lian Qiao and Ming Xiao talked, no one else could hear them.Ming Xiao was afraid of being regarded as a fool talking to himself, so he could only communicate with her in his heart. "Please, try kneeling for so long? I feel like my legs are not mine anymore!"

"It's pretty miserable..."

But what does it have to do with her, she is just a sword.

After about a stick of incense, the carriage finally drove slowly in front of everyone.

"Welcome to the sect master!"

The people from the five major families shouted in unison, even Qiao was tired, and the lineup of male supporting roles was too great!

The next second, the carriage curtain was opened.

A man in a black brocade robe came down, he was wearing a mask with blue fangs, covering the upper half of his face, so Lian Qiao could only see his thin lips.

Li Wangchen only glanced at all the people kneeling on the ground, and raised his hand: "Get up, I am just passing by, so there is no need to be polite."

passing by?

Nalanhe got up slowly, thinking that I believed in your ghost.

Wuliangmen is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from Qingluan Kingdom, and besides, Li Wangchen never goes out when he has nothing to do, so why would he pass by.

I complained in my heart, but my face was still respectful.

At this time, Li Wangchen sat on his seat and said calmly: "Recently, do you have any good things to dedicate to me? If I please you, I don't know if I will give you one more place to enter Wuliangmen. "

As soon as the words came out, everyone was racking their brains to guess what he meant, but Lian Qiao couldn't help laughing.

I'm passing by to see what you guys have for me!

Such a terrible line.

"Who laughed?" Li Wangchen's tone was neither light nor serious but neither angry nor pretentious.

Immediately, a large group of people fell to their knees, Lian Qiao was shocked.

Couldn't it be that a sword's small mind can be guessed? ?
Nalan He swallowed, "Master, door master, no one is laughing!"

Who dares to laugh, the timid ones were scared to tears, okay?
"Okay, then you guys think about something you can give me, and I will go to rest for a while."

Everyone: "..." You go to sleep in the carriage, and leave a group of them standing here, isn't it sitting or sitting?

When Li Wangchen left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to worry again.

Mingwei: "What do you mean by door master? Does he want something?"

Nalan He: "Yes, what do you mean?"

The other three Patriarchs: "Don't pretend to be stupid, okay, isn't the Bingling Sword what the Patriarch wants?"

At that time, Nalan Qingyao and Ming Xiao were standing together. Hearing the words of several Patriarchs, Lian Qiao clearly felt that Nalan Qingyao was so happy.

Lian Qiao: "..." Isn't it right, heroine, you also eat the jealousy of a sword? ?


(End of this chapter)

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