Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 148 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 148 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (6)

Nalan Qingyao was indeed a little jealous, rationally told her that without the Bingling Sword, Mingxiao would have to be bullied, but emotionally she was a little jealous, after all, Mingxiao didn't make a decision right away!

Lian Qiao thought about it, and suddenly remembered that in real life, girls always ask boys whether the girlfriend is more important or the game is more important.Is this... a bit similar?

While the several patriarchs were still arguing over whether to dedicate the Bingling Sword to the sect master, a certain sword had already hopped and hopped to the carriage outside the Lingxiu Martial Arts Hall.

"You're here." The voice of the man in the carriage was still calm, like a pool of stagnant water without any ripples.

Lian Qiao didn't know how to speak, but Li Wangchen pulled her into the carriage with spiritual power.

The carriage was large and elegantly decorated inside.

"Do you want to cultivate a human form?" Li Wangchen asked.

Lian Qiao nodded: "Of course!"

"But there is nothing I can do about it."

Lian Qiao: "..." Then you can hold back your words.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Li Wangchen turned Lian Qiao into a kitten with spiritual power, and then stroked her on the back.

Lian Qiao shuddered, feeling inexplicably comfortable. "What does the sect master mean? The sect master knows me?"

what is happening?
"I naturally know you, Binglingjian."

Lian Qiaobai was very happy, she thought that Li Wangchen knew her, and for a long time he knew the sword.

At this time, Li Wangchen said again: "The difficulty for Qi Ling to cultivate human form is the same as that of human beings to cultivate to ten stars. If you want to cultivate human form, you still need to work hard."

"But for so many years in Noah Continent, only the sect master broke through the ten stars. It shows how difficult it is."

"It's not impossible, is it?"

Lian Qiao: "..." There are people who can be admitted to Tsinghua and Peking University, but she can't.

"Don't worry, I will help you as much as possible."

Lian Qiao: "For example?"

"The secret cannot be leaked."

Lian Qiao: "Why did the sect master help me?"

Li Wangchen smiled lightly, "Because you are the person I am waiting for."

Lian Qiao: "..." Is she a human, isn't she a sword?

Alas, I have been a sword for a long time, and I don't consider myself a human being.

At this time, Li Wangchen suddenly cut his finger with a dagger.At the same time, Lian Qiao turned into a sword from a kitten, and then drops of blood oozed out and dripped on the sword.

In the next second, the blade of Bingling Sword glowed with cold light again, as if reborn.

"This is the blood contract. In the future, you will only have one master."

Lian Qiao: "..."

Could it be that she traveled to this plane just to find a master!

Oh no!

She wants to cultivate into an adult, turn herself into a serf and become a master and a human being! !
In order to deceive others, Lian Qiao returned to her old tattered appearance.At this time, there are many mysteries in her heart, such as why Li Wangchen knew her, why he helped her, and what did Li Wangchen mean when she said she was the person he was waiting for.

Before I met the male supporting role, I felt that the male supporting role was out of reach.After seeing the male supporting role, I realized that this is far away, and it is clearly an emotional exchange across species.

[System, what kind of broken plane are you?It is said that the rich can rival the country, but how can a sword be as rich as the enemy? ]
The system was aggrieved: [Host, as Bingling Sword, you are invaluable!And according to the original setting, you should concentrate on your career with the hero, and then dominate the entire continent with one sword and one sword! ]
Lian Qiao: […]
Why is this setting the same as Ming Xiao's middle school two?
 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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