Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 180 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 180 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (38)

How should I put it, embarrassment is a bit embarrassing, but vanity has indeed been satisfied like never before.

At that time, there was a crowd in the conference hall, even Nalan Qingyao and Mingxiu were no exception.And Ming Xiao stood there alone.

How embarrassing.

Ming Xiao scratched her head, "Cough, cousin, that... I won't kneel..."

They all came from the same corner, how can I say this is also socialist brotherhood, isn’t it?

Lian Qiao held back her smile, and then said: "It's easy to talk about."

For some reason, Ming Xiao felt that her life had reached its peak.

From now on he has a ten-star brother, okay!
He can walk sideways in Noah's Continent!

After everyone saluted, Li Wangchen touched Lianqiao's head before turning and leaving.

In this battle with Ghost Lord, he is now sure to win.

On this day, none of the five major families left. They all gathered in the meeting hall of Nalan's house, leaning against each other in twos and threes, waiting for the disaster to pass and for the light to disperse the darkness together.

When a ray of light suddenly appeared in the sky, everyone was overjoyed.

After all, they were only a little short of death.

Survival after catastrophe is the most tearful word in the world.

When everyone was celebrating, Lian Qiao turned and went to the basement.

Ming Xiao originally wanted to go with her, but she refused righteously: "No, don't get too close to me, otherwise, what will Nalan Qingyao think? Even if we are brothers, we should maintain proper boundaries." Feel right?"

"It makes sense." When Ming Xiao thought that Nalan Qingyao might be jealous, she obediently didn't follow her.

In the basement, Lian Qiao went to see the old man.

In the past, he was willing to be trapped in the basement because of Nalan Kuo.And willingly entering the basement again a few months ago is also a kind of atonement.

When Lian Qiao saw the old man, she saw him clutching his head, thoughtful: "I seem to have forgotten something, but I can't remember what it is."

Lian Qiao smiled: "If you can't remember it, don't think about it. By the way, can you still remember who I am?"

The old man shook his head. "Don't remember that I knew you."

"I also helped you steal the sweet-scented osmanthus cake. I'm Binglingjian, remember?"

The old man slapped his head: "It's not that I can't remember, I just don't know what you look like in human form, Xiao Bingling, you look pretty good."

Lian Qiao scratched her head, and then smiled naively: "Don't talk about it, I'm sorry. By the way, do you have any plans for the future?"

You can't stay in the basement all the time.

Since the memory of the star-absorbing Dafa was erased, the others had no effect, but the old man forgot how the Xiao family disappeared, forgot why he was in the basement, and even forgot why he wanted to commit suicide before.

He frowned, "Your son is married?"

"Yes, I heard that she has a baby, and you will have a great-grandson or great-granddaughter in a few months."

A complex look flashed across the old man's eyes, "But I don't remember what happened in the past, can I go and see her?"

Lian Qiao nodded, "Of course."

Not long ago, in order to study the Dafa of Attracting Stars, the real identity of the old man has long been exposed.Nalan Rao did not show much resistance to her true life experience.

So it is not difficult for the old man to see Nalan Kuo.

Now everyone's memories of the Dafa of sucking stars are gone, and everything in the past seems to be over.Lian Qiao felt a little emotional, maybe... this is the best result.

 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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