Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 181 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 181 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (End)
A disaster was eliminated invisible, people only remember that the ghost king was defeated by the sect master when he wanted to break through the barrier, but they will never remember that there was a star-absorbing Dafa in this world.

When everyone was celebrating the rest of their lives, Mingxiu was the only one sitting under the eaves, looking a little dull into the distance.

"What happened? Did I forget something?" He tapped his head with his hand, frowning.

How could he remember that there were two contests to recruit relatives, the first contest to recruit relatives Nalan Qingyao married him!But why marry him, how could he win?

It seems that he still won the second martial arts competition, but after winning, Nalan Qingyao was still with Ming Xiao!And the former good-for-nothing, Ming Xiao, is already almost six stars, but he, the four-star, seems like a real good-for-nothing!
At this time, Mingxiu was standing under the eaves, and suddenly saw Mingxiao running over with Nalan Qingyao not far away.

"How did she become a star?"

Mingxiu couldn't figure it out no matter what he thought, so he squatted on the ground and held his head in thought.

At this time, Lian Qiao, who was standing not far from Mingxiu, sighed softly, and said to Li Wangchen: "Without the memory of Star Absorption Dafa, the old man and Mingxiu seem to have lost half of their lives."

Whether it is the old man or Mingxiu, they both had an inexplicable connection with the Dafa of absorbing stars.

"To be honest, Mingxiu is worse. After all, the old man still has a granddaughter, Nalan Rao. I heard that Na Lan Rao has taken him back to the Song family. Mrs. Yuan Yu is kind-hearted, Song Bin is simple and honest, and Nalan Rao is the granddaughter. Not to mention the granddaughter, the old man will have a good life in the future." Having said this, Lian Qiao suddenly fell silent.

But Mingxiu, he really has nothing now.

The spiritual power recovered to four stars, and Nalan Qingyao and Ming Xiao finally got married.

He pursued for two lifetimes, whether it was spiritual power or Nalan Qingyao, but he didn't get any of them in the end.

There is no one in the world who cares about him anymore, as if...he is a redundant person, a transparent person.

"Sometimes there must be something in fate, and there is always time in fate. Don't force it." Regarding Mingxiu, Li Wangchen only said this, and then changed the subject: "By the way, do you have anything to prepare? If not, you can do it immediately. You can follow me back to the Wuliangmen."

Go back to Wuliangmen first, and it won't be too late to go to Jiuchongtian after Lianqiao recovers.

Lian Qiao thought for a while, "Maybe we can say goodbye to Ming Xiaodao?"

After all, he is her good brother!
As a result, when Lian Qiao was standing at the door of the room, she was immediately embarrassed when she heard the shy voice coming from inside. "It seems that Mingxiao is busy..."

Li Wangchen nodded, "I'm busy, do you still have to wait for him?"

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly: "I can't..."

She still believed in Ming Xiao's strength!
So, two hours later, Ming Xiao got the note that Lian Qiao left for him from the servant: [Call me cousin on the wedding day, call me cousin when you are full moon wine, if you have any big things, call me cousin, cousin I will give you the money hahahaha. ]
Ming Xiao smiled before asking the servants: "The head of the door and his wife have already left, right?"

"Yes, but the door owner's wife also left you a jade tablet with a communication function, saying that you can find her if you need something."

Ming Xiao took the jade token, then turned and went back to the room.

A month later, Ming Xiao successfully reached the mid-six-star stage. Although Nalan Qingyao was one-star, under Ming Xiao's protection, no one dared to underestimate her.

Three months later, Li Wangchen officially resigned as the head of Wuliangmen, and together with Lianqiao ascended to the ninth heaven.

All kinds of past events are like a big dream, and when the curtain comes to an end, it is bustling...

 This plane is over here. It was the first time I tried the plot with a fantasy background, and I was still very nervous. At one point in the middle, I didn’t know how the plot would develop. Fortunately, it was over!
  As for the next plane... Anyway, I like it very much hehehe!

(End of this chapter)

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