Chapter 182
60 years are like a flick of a finger, but the time has not left any traces on Lian Qiao's face. On the contrary, it has become more and more beautiful under the nourishment of Tiangong Hot Spring.

Although 60 years have passed, there are still only two immortals in the Jiuzhongtian, Li Wangchen and Lianqiao.

Without the constraints of heaven's rules, eat whatever you want, play whatever you want, don't let Lian Qiao live too carefree in Jiuchongtian!

On this day, after the two of them had a storm, Lian Qiao leaned against Li Wangchen's arms, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat, and feeling his warmth.

The blush on Lian Qiao's face hadn't dissipated, she finally couldn't help asking: "It's been 60 years, husband, why am I not pregnant yet?"

If it weren't for the immortals who can keep youth forever, she would really worry about whether she would lose her reproductive function!
And Ming Xiao from the human world is already full of children and grandchildren, okay?

Li Wangchen was stunned for a moment, "Do you want a child?"

Lian Qiao curled her lips, "I'm just asking..."

"Madam, have you ever thought that the child you and I gave birth to is a fairy fetus, and gods cannot be with humans?"

Lian Qiao didn't expect this, "Doesn't that mean that the child born will be alone for many years?"

Li Wangchen nodded. "That's why I have been taking medicine."

Lian Qiao: "..."

How should I put it, poor child, I have wronged you.

Although in the past 60 years, there are only two gods, Li Wangchen and Lian Qiao, in the Nine Heavens, but there are many people in the human world who have broken through the Seven Stars.For example, Song Bin who reached the mid-seven-star stage, or Ming Xiao who was at the early-eight-star stage.

When Lian Qiao saw Ming Xiao again, it was at his little granddaughter's full moon wine.

The little girl was born fair and clean, and Lian Qiao fell in love with her when she saw her.

60 years have passed by, but Ming Xiao, who has reached the early eight-star stage, is still handsome and handsome.Practicing spiritual power does have the effect of prolonging life.

But Ming Xiao is like this, but the one-star Nalan Qingyao is not.

Lian Qiao handed a white porcelain bottle to Ming Xiao as usual, "This is the fine nectar and jade dew from the Nine Heavens. Li Wangchen added something, and the effect should be better than before."

All these years, Nalan Qingyao's appearance has been maintained by these fine nectar and jade dew.

At this time, Lian Qiao suddenly heard Nalan Qingyao's voice: "Cousin, don't bother."

When Lian Qiao turned her head, it was Nalan Qingyao looking at her with a smile on her face. "Life is a matter of life and death. I am already very satisfied with the youth I have stolen for so many years."

Nalan Qingyao held Lian Qiao's hand, her eyes were full of tenderness. "For so many years, brother Xiao has treated me very well, and I am very happy. Although I want to live like this forever, but I am a star, after all, I have to take the first step.

Cousin, Brother Xiao and I have already discussed it. He said that he loves my youthful appearance, and also loves my old age wrinkles.So I am not afraid of old age, nor of death.Besides, if I keep relying on these divine waters, wouldn't I be an old monster?When the time comes, it will be quite sad for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person. "

In short, let nature take its course, birth, old age, sickness and death are a very natural process.

Since this is the decision of their husband and wife, it's hard for Lian Qiao to say anything.

At this time, Ming Xiao suddenly held Nalan Qingyao's hand, and said affectionately: "Qingyao, the most romantic thing I can think of is growing old with you..."

Nalan Qingyao: "Brother Xiao, you are so talented!"

Lian Qiao: "..." How many lyrics did Ming Xiao use to coax his sister? ?
Decades later, Nalan Qingyao died, and Ming Xiao went with her with a glass of poisoned wine.

I would like to reincarnate with Nalan Qingyao, and I don't want to ascend to the Ninth Heaven to be a fairy.

In Ming Xiao's original words: What's so good about being a fairy?Do you eat Lianqiao's dog food every day?
Hmph, he doesn't want it!

(End of this chapter)

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