Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 185 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest

Chapter 185 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest (3)

As Qin Ke said, he is a young master spoiled by his family.

Lian Qiao sighed softly, feeling that the current baby is really difficult to take care of.

"Why do you wear a mask? Is it because you're ugly?" Xiao Liangcheng put his hands behind his back and looked at Lianqiao with big eyes.

This little male supporting role doesn't recognize life at all, not only does he not recognize life, but he is also fearless in making her ugly!
"I'm ugly? I'm much more handsome than you!" Lian Qiao walked up to Xiao Liangcheng and knelt down, then tilted her head slightly, "If you don't believe me, can you take off the mask and have a look?"

Yu·Bold·Liangcheng really stretched out her fleshy little hand to take off her mask.

Although the original owner is a daughter, it is not against harmony for a woman to disguise herself as a man.Her eyebrows were raised slightly, her neat short hair was dyed red, and she looked even more heroic in a haute couture suit.

Let's say she is calm in a suit, but this red hair is a bit flamboyant.

Let's say she is flamboyant, she is quite serious when she is not smiling.

"Uncle, you are so white." It was Meng Yushi who was hiding behind Meng Yunshuo who spoke.

Lian Qiao smiled, and there seemed to be stars twinkling in her eyes.She looked back at Yu Liangcheng again: "Boy, do you still think I'm ugly?"

Yu Liangcheng turned her head arrogantly: "Hmph, ugly!"

"Giant ugly!"

"Very ugly, super invincible explosion ugly!"

Lian Qiao: "...you are so childish."

Yu Liangcheng: "..."

Is he still a three-year-old baby?

Having just arrived in a new environment, Meng Yunshuo and Meng Yushi seem to be completely separated from the painful memories of the past.

There are beautiful bedrooms, delicious food, and everyone wears the same clothes except for the color. Every poor child in the Hongguoguo Orphanage seems to have been reborn.

Meng Yunshuo was a little older and quickly adapted to life in the orphanage.But Meng Yushi only cared about her elder brother, and she was not afraid of anything when he was around.

After going back and forth like this, in the end, Yu Liangcheng, who was only three years old, seemed out of place in the orphanage.

He doesn't eat other children's meals.

Other children sleep, but he does not sleep.

Not only did he not play games with other children, but he also wanted to sneak out all day long!
Qin Ke reported the recent situation to Lian Qiao, and Lian Qiao hurriedly returned from the blood clan two days later, and came to the orphanage without stopping.

When she came, Yu Liangcheng had already lost a lot of weight from hunger.The little body was lying on the bed, as pitiful as it could be.

Lian Qiao had to admit... her mother's love was overflowing.

Sighing lightly, Lian Qiao went to the bed and touched Yu Liangcheng's forehead. "The vice president said that you don't eat or sleep, how can this be okay?"

Yu Liangcheng whimpered and turned his back to Lian Qiao.

Lian Qiao: "..."

Children are disobedient, most of them owe...

Forget it, it's her male supporting role after all, so let's not fight.

So Lian Qiao lowered her voice again, coaxing: "I heard you want to go out? Why?"

After a while, Yu Liangcheng finally spoke, but his voice was extremely weak. "I don't want to be here."

"Why? Is it bad for you here?"

How many people want to enter Hongguoguo but still can't.

There used to be people who were jealous of Guoguo's educational resources, and sent their children as orphans, but it was a pity that Qin Ke found out immediately.

After a while, Lian Qiao didn't hear an answer, but heard a low sob.

Her heart skipped a beat.

What to do if the child cries, of course it's... Bah!Of course it's coaxing!
So Lian Qiao pulled back the small quilt and directly hugged Yu Liangcheng into her arms.

Xiao Liangcheng wanted to struggle, but he had no food and no strength, not to mention that the three-year-old's fist was like playing in front of Lian Qiao, a blood priest, and Lian Qiao immediately pressed him on his lap.


(End of this chapter)

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