Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 186 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest

Chapter 186 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest (4)

"Look, if you don't eat, you will have no strength, and if you have no strength, you will be bullied. Brat, do you want to eat next time?"

Xiao Liangcheng pouted, and immediately burst into tears.

Lian Qiao: "..."

In fact, Lian Qiao can probably understand Xiaoliangcheng's feelings.

Unlike Meng Yunshuo and Meng Yushi, Xiaoliangcheng had a happy family before.If it wasn't for the fact that both his parents died in a car accident, he would still be a young master loved by his mother and father.

Is there any good food and fun in the orphanage?
But it turned out that the Yu family also had them.

Orphanages have the best educational resources?

It is estimated that Yu's father and Yu's mother would rather Yu Liangcheng be a dude than let him receive the best education in an orphanage.

But these are all assumptions, after all, people cannot be resurrected after death, and the uncles in Yuliang City have already kicked him out of the house.

In the final analysis, Meng Yunshuo and Meng Yushi came to Hongguoguo as freshmen, but Xiaoliangcheng lost the most beautiful thing.No matter how good the orphanage is, it can't make up for the love of father and mother.

So Lian Qiao hugged Xiao Liangcheng in her arms, and patted his back gently with one hand. "Cry if you want to cry."

Even though the crying is over, Mom and Dad won't come back.

"Little Liangcheng, your parents are watching you in the sky. If you don't eat or sleep, they will be sad."

"Let's have dinner later, don't you want to go out, after dinner, I'll take you back to Yu's house, okay?"

Yu Liangcheng was sobbing, "I, I want to go back."

"Okay." Lian Qiao patted his head, then carried him to the restaurant of the orphanage.

It was noon at that time, and the children in the restaurant sat and ate lunch in the pre-arranged positions in a formal manner.

Why arrange seats?Because the children in Hongguoguo are only two or three years old, but the older ones are sixteen or seventeen years old.

Sixteen or seventeen-year-old children are currently under heavy academic pressure, so naturally they don't want to eat with a group of kids who can't take care of themselves.

Ever since, the restaurant is also divided into many areas according to age.

Lian Qiao carried Yu Liangcheng all the way to the restaurant, and the passing children greeted her one after another.

"Hello, Dean!"

Lian Qiao thought it was a child behind her who greeted her, but she turned around and found that it was a female teacher.

Lian Qiao froze for a moment, "You are..."

"Dean, I'm Yu Chengcheng, a teacher in the medical department. You just took office, and you basically don't come to the orphanage, so it's normal that you don't know me." Yu Chengcheng has a very delicate and well-behaved face, and her voice is soft and waxy Nuo, if a man sees her, he might be overwhelmed.

But Lian Qiao is: I don't know her, I'm not interested, I don't have any waves in my heart, and I even feel a little annoying. "Teacher Yu, what's the matter? The child hasn't eaten yet. It's important to eat."

The sky and the earth are not as big as her little man is supposed to eat.

Although Yu Chengcheng was stunned for a moment, she quickly realized: "Dean, you are a big man who can't take care of children. You see, he doesn't feel well when you hold the child. How about I come, I will accompany you to the restaurant .”

With that said, she went straight to snatch the child!

Lian Qiao looked disgusted, and turned sideways to hide.Then, treating Yu Chengcheng as air, he carried Yu Liangcheng in his arms and continued to walk forward, asking as he walked, "Xiao Liangcheng, what do you want to eat?"

Yu Liangcheng was so hungry that he had no strength, "Whatever."

Lian Qiao: "..."

After failing to snatch the child, Yu Chengcheng followed behind Lian Qiao lingeringly.

After arriving at the restaurant, seeing that she was still following, Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows: "You haven't left yet? It's just right, hold the tray for me."

Yu Chengcheng couldn't wish more, "Good dean!"


(End of this chapter)

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