Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 187 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest

Chapter 187 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest (5)

Lian Qiao ordered porridge that nourished the stomach, and then added some vegetables. Generally speaking, it was a combination of meat and vegetables, and it tended to be light and nutritious.

But who would have thought that Xiao Liangcheng glanced at the tray in Yu Chengcheng's hand, and shed tears of grievance: "I don't want porridge...I want meat!"

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly: "No, your stomach can't stand eating meat now."

"I want to eat meat!"

One big and one small bars were on the line, Yu Chengcheng smiled awkwardly, and then tried to persuade Lianqiao: "Dean, how about..."

"No." Lian Qiao flatly refused. "If you enter Hongguoguo, you have to listen to me. Brat, if you have the ability, eat well and grow up quickly. When you buy the entire orphanage, I will definitely listen to you!"

Yu Liangcheng: "..."

Yu Liangcheng compromised, if he can't win, he can't win.

Xiao Liangcheng, who had never been wronged like this before, sat on the small bench in the restaurant with aggrieved expression.

He wants to eat meat.

Just as Yu Chengcheng was about to reach out to feed him, the spoon fell into Lian Qiao's hand.

"Dean, it's inappropriate for you to feed yourself, let me do it!"

"No!" This time it was not Lian Qiao who refused, but Yu Liangcheng who was puffing out his cheeks and drinking porridge.

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, thinking that her little male partner is quite discerning, but in the next second, Yu Liangcheng said: "She is even uglier."

Yu Chengcheng: "..."

Lian Qiao: "..." Is this still a compliment?

In fact, Hongguoguo Orphanage is equipped with a special life teacher. After all, not all children of two, three, four or five years old are child prodigies and can take good care of themselves.

In the restaurant, Meng Yunshuo and Meng Yushi were actually opposite Yuliang City.

At that time Meng Yunshuo was feeding her younger sister who was two years younger, Lian Qiao softened her heart and said, "Yun Shuo, you can ask the life teacher to feed your younger sister."

But Meng Yunshuo shook his head: "If it were someone else, my sister would not eat it."

What a brother, Lian Qiao thought to herself.

At this time, Yu Liangcheng, who was eating porridge bite by bite, locked his eyes on the meat in Meng Yushi's bowl.

Lian Qiao couldn't laugh or cry.

This child, those who didn't know thought she abused the child!

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and Lian Qiao couldn't help complaining: "Yu Liangcheng! How dare you go on a hunger strike with your talent?"

Yu Liangcheng didn't pay attention to Lian Qiao at all, he looked at the meat in Meng Yushi's bowl, and at Meng Yunshuo who was feeding her.The small eyes were filled with envy: "I also want my brother..."

Lian Qiao: "..." Sorry, I can't do it.

Neither can your mother.

The meal was finally finished smoothly.

In the afternoon, Meng Yushi went to the Kindergarten Department to play with other children. Five-year-old Meng Yunshuo could have entered the Primary School to study, but she was worried that her younger sister would not get used to it, so she asked to go to the Kindergarten Department as well.

When it suddenly occurred to her that the male and female protagonists in this plane were Meng Yunshuo and Meng Yu, Lian Qiao thought that they had been together since childhood, and the system said that the two were not related by blood. bah.

[Host, it seems that I need to remind you that your male supporting role is the biggest obstacle for the male and female protagonists in the original plot! ]
Lian Qiao: […]
She was so scared that she immediately hugged Yu Liangcheng tightly in her arms.

Take the male supporting role away, we don't make an appointment.

Lian Qiao kept her word, and she really brought Yu Liangcheng to Yu's house.

Standing in front of Yu's villa, Lian Qiao obviously felt that Xiao Liangcheng in her arms was a little scared.

Touching his head, Lian Qiao's arms holding him slightly tightened.

In fact, whether it is an adult or a child, hugging is a way to make people feel reassured.


(End of this chapter)

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